Absolute Randomness

thats gold.

mental note to self… christmas is coming, go shopping for prezzies. (i always forget christmas and i have some very demandnig nephews.)

I’m not buying anyone anything this year. Call me Scrooge.

[size=150]Randomness is unprovable. because to prove randomness, you need to show it has an order. but if you can’t find an order, that does not proof randomness. but that you have failed to find order.[/size]

the real question here is why am I so smart?

Google ad appearing on left hand side…

:confused: [size=134]–ok, I’ll take 3.[/size]:stuck_out_tongue:

the lighter blue is a nice choice, obw.

Absolute Randomness

(not really absolute here)

“But they are all children.” she said, confused.

“Of course, everyone is a child in Heaven,” the angle gentley replied.

“But why?”

“Do you really think it would be possible for an adult to live in perfect bliss and happiness for all eternity?”

Having been very concerned the past few days I may have failed my math final (and subsequently failed the class - it was an exit exam), I checked my grades online just now to find I indeed passed with flying colors! WOO HOO!! :sunglasses:

This was a class I had already failed once, and is also a class that doesn’t even count for college credit - i.e. I have to pass this one and the next one in order to graduate. Had I failed, it would have meant I’d need to still take two math classes to graduate. Now, it’s down to one!

So only three more classes (one semester!!) to graduate!

I was just at the mall and well… desperate moms are friggin nuts.

ahhh, oh i respect your self restraint, simly ignoring POR. im sure had i been the following poster i would have … verbally wrung his neck.

people in dublin are sooo rude… yes, little, aussie possum has gone worldwide, and is nearly being trampled in the process. OG, beware of desperate irish mums… oooooooooooooh.


I’ve mainly bought media (books, movies) as presents this year. And some chocolate…

Never let a blind man drive your car, even in a dream.

I would have said something, but his comment above actually made me smile and think that it was almost approriate in a thread like this. :sunglasses:

Have you been letting me drive again?

In fact, yes. Everyone did.

I bought my dad a ceramic something resembling the Ten Commandments Tablets, with the Ten Commandments written on it. I thought it would make a nice present, especially because I had nothing else in mind.

When I unwrapped the ceramic thingy to look at it, I accidentally dropped it and it broke in two pieces. At first I was angry but immediately after, the image of Moses descending from Mount Sinai and bashing the Decalogue against the ground popped in my head and it made me feel better. It gave me a prophetic feeling…

Now I have to glue the tablets back with super-glue, considering that if I went back to the shop, they wouldn’t give a new one for free…


And everyone died didn’t they? Or something bad happened? I’m always the bringer of doom in dreams. :frowning:

It depends on what scene you look at. Either you hit another car, or you crashed intoa a house. We saw the scene where you hit the car, but only the aftermath of the crash into the house. There were mutual exclusive events and the second replaced the first.

almost, daybreak

Great, I’m a homewrecker!! :evilfun:

[size=150]Randomness is simply a failure to find order.[/size]

How is it a failure if it was never your goal to find order. This is mundane… this is not your thread. Be nice or get out.