
meah - as a follow up to my post awhile ago, i have quit now. i havnt beat the meat in over 2 weeks and i really dont have any urge to.

I don’t jerk off while in the dorms. Too many people to make it a private act and I don’t want to be one of “those” weirdos.

I have gone a few months w/o an orgasm, and I can say, masturbating increases one’s libido. When you stop for a while, you just don’t care anymore.


Mean between the extremes? Moderation is a healthy concept if taken in moderation. All i’m saying is that you can do it too much, and it starts to run your life, like drugs, drink, gambling. shopping, working or anything else you wish to name. It is only within the framework of a healthy well-balanced person that any of these things start to attain meaning for the individual.

What are you ‘pahing’ about Metavoid?

was your last post in response to me?

I think it probably applies more to metavoid, but i only mean’t it in a general way.

Who doesnt like to take a break for a good wacking!?! Sometimes it can be the highlight of one persons day. Also it can be great for people who have no chance at sex at all.

   Im 16 years old and I have made out with a girl once :blush: , but i have been "offered" many times. Why do i refeuse to go have mad sex with a girl at school like she wants me to?? Thanks mostly to masterbation. Once I spill my seed its like i have no desiare to have sex at all for another 20 min. It makes fun casual sex pointless which at this age is great i guess.

you shameless little boy.

Ben said:

I second that.

oh my god!! metavoid’s logged on under a different name!!!

It’s only a problem if you think it is. My girlfriend, being an Italian catholic raised gal, had never written a letter on the gusset typewriter until recently, but has subsequently almost completed her first novel. So to speak. I always find it relaxing to biff the pudger before I go to bed, I’m normally straight out sparko if I do that. Saying wanking is wrong is like saying you shouldn’t scratch itches. :stuck_out_tongue:

What the fuck, speak real English.

I gotta say, I wish 'Merican was half as colourful as the King’s Engrish.

I’m going to call it “biff the pudger” from now on so that my friends can be all like WTF and I’d be like STFU, RTFM, KMA! Oh em gee.

American idioms include but are not limited to: Spanking the monkey, whipping the bird.

I can’t remember where I heard it or who said it but I thought it was funny to call it: “the five knuckle shuffle with your piss pump”…anyone care to think of an alternative of the above for women?

Here’s my attempt: “the two finger thumper with your iddy bitty bumper”…drum roll

What’s your take?

Gadfly, I disagree.

For me, masterbation actually frees me from being used easily.
(Besides, to love, you must first love yourself. :slight_smile:

EXAMPLE: I was out playing pool with 2 friends, when we picked up a girl for a double match. We hit it off, and she was somewhat sultry and flirty, and wanted me to take her home. Unfortunatly, I was informally dating someone, and figured I’d better not. Not indulging was very difficult, but I found it easier to control my hormones by masterbating.

SHould be an Aesop’s fable. The fox who quit being a sugar daddy

damn, sorry Gadfly, spoke too early.

But yes, masterbation is best in public. (that is what this thread is about right? RIGHT?)

I have been dating Palmella Handerson now for about…oh, twenty years. Even during relationships with real women, I still left time for Palmella. She has never let me down.

Sexual gratification for a male should be fairly simple:

Insert somewhere warm, preferably moist, thrust, repeat.

Now, if only I could just turn her(girlfriend) off when I’m done, I’d have no problem with the conventional method previously explained. Since I can’t do that, I’m stuck with the aftermath of pillow talk and sweet whispers.

Palmella never bothered me about such things.

Yes, I declare, I am a proud and successful masturbator.

Rosey palma and her five sisters have never let me down…

Chalk the cue! Polish the helmet! Drain the snake., no, thats having a weewee. About two years ago in my sexual prime (17-18), i got that horny i had wanks everywhere: work, the back of bus’s, furnisher shops, toilets, college (owe i needed a wank then) but mostly at home by the computer.

Theres nothing worst then having a wank when someone is in the next room.

Kesh is that you? or Are you now cynic?

52% of married men wank in front of their wives.