
hang on … wasn’t this post about wanking? where did the whole philosophy thing come in?

:laughing: LOL :laughing:

I feel like i’m living in a bad 1920’s government warning video.


MASTURBATION IS HEALTHY, OK, GREAT, THE MOST FUN YOU CAN HAVE ON YOUR OWN!!! Long gone are the days where the myths of going blind, growing hairy hands were batted around the changing rooms.


Get with the program, by not masturbating you are denying your body stress relief and if you don’t do it, your body will, in the form of wet dreams. Kinda makes you think it’s probably a good and healthy thing to do. Seriously, I can’t believe what I’m hearing here.

Now repeat after me:


  • ben

what a question. jesus christ guys, you really do have too much time on your hands…

oh, and ben’s right by the way

And how do you know? Through personal experience perchance? I don’t want to get personal, but let’s try and clear a few things up. we all know that the vast majority of men masturbate, but what are the statistics for women. We’ve all read these problem pages and such, telling us that almost everyone masturbates, and that it is a healthy thing to do, but what do the women on the board think about this. Do you masturbate? Do the majority of your friends masturbate. Is it more of a taboo subject for females, and, if so, do you believe that most of your friends do but are afraid to admit it. Personally, I don’t discuss masturbation with my friends, although I’m sure most of the males do it. But does this go for women. Do women really masturbate as much as men, only they are more coy about it, or has the research not been done. Where does this idea that men masturbate more than women come from. While i’m willing to accept that this might be the case, I think it could equally be the case that women are more embarrased to admit it, or that the surveys simply haven’t been carried out properly. What do you all think?

we established in one of our drunken late-night post-club discussions in the kitchen that everyone does it.

stop everything - it’s illegal

I find masterbating a lie. Why deceive yourselves like that? Go get a bitch, if the need is so great, and you can’t help it.

this is a forum about jackin off why are we delving into the fact that good and evil are a human concept. talkin about you monkey spankers is much more amusing…

yes every time i need a wank i just step out my door find the nearest person at hand and go for a good fuck to calm my urge. I think american pie hit the nail… " masterbating is like hitting a ball against a wall, its good fun but sometimes its fun to have a partner to return the ball

I see nothing wrong with it, but this is a conversation that is as old as time in my books. To me, the best thing is dual masterbation. You and a female pleasing yourselves while looking at each other. It is great!!

But then again I’m a nympho and I agree with what Magius said earlier, but you have to do it sometime.

And Ben, I screamed your chant out loud at work. People looked at me weird.

It might have something do to with it being 2003 and ben’s chant proclaiming “welcome to the year 2002”.

naw, I think it’s because I said I like to jerk off with whip cream, and I’m proud of it.

this line was hilarious…
anyway masturbating isnt limited to the male sex. :wink:

Anything in excess has the possibility of being detrimental to other areas of your life. If you were a wanking addict surely other things would suffer? Wouldnt it make you build up a tolerance to sexual pleasure, eventually affecting actual sex?

It could be good or bad. Good in the sense that you build that tolerence, you also learn how to control your ejaculation making you last longer in the bed. But that is if you masterbate the right way. You just can’t wank off like a school boy that is about to get caught by his parents, and try to go speedy gonzalez on yourself. That is the bad way. By conditioning yourself to ejaculate faster so you could relieve yourself, the second your penis touches a vagina ------ it’ll be 'forrest gump all over again.

Women should do it too. I think it makes them more keen to reach an orgasm when a male is with them.

A good masterbaiter needs to be familar with the water he is fishing and the fish he hopes to catch. For example, if I am fishing in a shallow moving stream I wouldn’t want to use an open hook lure. If I were fishing for trout who’s common food source was the “cricket,” I would want to use a lure that was somewhat similiar to the cricket. Likewise, fishing in a pond where there were open waters and no chance of hooking debree, I could use an exposed hook lure. Also, in such a lake there might be a variety of foods which the fish might eat, ranging from insects, amphibians, reptiles, or bread balls throw in the water by spectators, I would have a broader range of options for what I might use as a successful lure.

One doesn’t become a good masterbaiter over night. It takes time and experience to really know what you are doing.

I can vouch for that. There is an art to masturbation. I must say though, that i am in agreement with magius’ and other’s comments about it being a solitary sport. You guys ought to read Foucault’s history of sexuality.

As ben once said “Repeat after me…”


…due recent advancements in posting insights on the matter, maybe we can change our hail to…


What’s your take?