Does anyone feel different?

They were just examples. I have different taste in everything and ideas people don`t understand.


Does anyone else feel like this??

So you feel like you are misunderstood?

Thats a sign of greatness!

I feel that I think way to much compared to my friends. They seem for the most part: care free, childish and ordinary. Yet that is how they appear, and apperance is not everything as we know…

everyone has a philosophy on life and yours is different. Your ideas are different. Im not hear to preach or whatever but being different is normal.

I believe I know what you feel. Instead of explaining to you my own experiences and how they probably relate to yours, I am going to suggest that you are looking for someone who sympathizes with you so that you no longer feel so alone. To know that someone else is like you or is atleast experiencing the same things as you is a great comfort to many. I also wish to suggest you not look for anyone, in order to find yourself through yourself and not through another. This will make you stronger and it will help you to understand yourself, and more importantly it will help you to love yourself (not in the conceided sense). My theory is that one cannot come to love another without loving themselves first. Just as you cannot come to understand another until you come to understand yourself.
So this feeling of loneliness is for your own good, just make sure to not let the things you do different get to your head and make you believe that you are somehow better or above everyone else - I know some people that had exactly this happen to them. I’m not saying you will, I’m just cautioning.
Thrive, explore, and adapt to this feeling. It’s source and reason will reveal itself to you in good time. Remember patients is a virtue that takes a life time to learn. So you better try to get as good a grasp on patients as possible.

Good luck, God Speed, and I wish you well.
~ Magius

Youngman - I suppose all of us here in this site are somewhat different, because we think more and things. But also, I agree with you that appearances can be deceptive. I also feel like you that my freinds are more carefree, but I`m not sure about more childish. Sometimes I feel more childish.

Magius - Thanks for your encouragment\advice :slight_smile:
Thinking about it now its not so much loneliness, but rather the feeling that others are missing out that bothers me. Like I feel that - I know this sounds wrong - other people, or most others are less er, sensitive, less perceptive perhaps, or less apreciative of things than me - simpler…

However Im pretty sure that a lot of this is an illusion. Its only because I cant read other peoples minds that I think like this.


Perhaps people feel embarassed to admit to feeling\thinking like me and that`s why they frown and\or laugh when I explain things about things.

Magius - again, I will try and be patient :wink:

Yeah. I know how you feel. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to find someone out there who even thought remotely the same way that I do. And after all these years, I’ve found no one. I’ve got 2 levels of loneliness. 1 can be cured by the presence of people, and the other just never goes away. I can be in a room of 20 people and feel like I’m the only one there.

I agree with magius. It’ll have to be dealt with by yourself. I’ve given up on finding like minded people.

Don`t give up if I were you.

Perhaps you just don`t know enough intelligent people…

Let the likeness of the minds find themselves instead of you finding them. If you go around anticipating one or another has a mind like your own you will bias yours views and opinions as well as theirs. This very bias will drive you away from like minded individuals. You must put this notion aside and just be yourself, at which point your mind will be most open to itself and the world around it which will also mean that your contemplation and conceptualization will be at it’s best, therefore, your attempt at finding a like minded person will increase by a hundred. The same goes for love. Ever noticed that when you are looking for someone to love you can’t find anyone or atleast anything resembling your interest? But the minute you stop to be yourself and have fun, in walks a gorgeous like minded gal who brings you into her world of fun.

What’s your take?

I don’t really think that giving up on looking for like minded people is all that bad. What I really want is someone to bounce ideas off and gain their input into all the troubles of mind which I come across. But it seems I’ll never find someone who can be even say 60% similar to my way of thinking. I find heaps of people who share 10%, so I guess instead of looking for one person, I’ll just get inspiration from many '10%'s" out there. Plus everyday life experience may give me some insight.

Magius - I can find girls I like but they don`t find me :smiley:

Nomen Nescio - Don`t worry about stuff. It might not be true.

This reminds me of two things I’ve been thinking about. If we believe that people are so different and that we can’t find someone even relatively close to us then how alike are we really? Are we all like this or are there actually a select few that are truely superior to the rest of the world. I mean there’s always the factor that we aren’t seeing things the same way. So does that mean they have a better grasp on reality than we do no matter how outrageous it sounds to us or does that mean that they are just stupid?

The other was why are people socially so to themselves? I’ve never had a conversation with anyone in person about anything that I thought mattered. It’s always been conversations about other people or making jokes. I wonder if people are afraid to express what they are thinking or if they are just not thinking anything.

Yes, but I would argue that that’s a good thing. If everyone thought the same way you do, how would you ever be able to be advised by them? You may as well just be asking yourself for advice. If you cannot resolve a problem you face in your own life, it’s because - due to the way we think - that the cause of the problem or the solution eludes us. Asking someone else for advice is often the best way to illuminate parts of our lives that we may otherwise overlook. Afterall, it’s often easy - thinking like philosophers as we often do - to overlook the simple explanation in favour of the more complex one, which can often lead us down the path of confusion when all we need is some simple guidance.

Also, we have to be careful not to think ourselves as ubermen, or anything resembling that. We may know a bit about philosophy, but that doesn’t place us above the large percentage of humanity that hasn’t read anything by Nietzsche, Kant or Satre. Be careful not to dismiss ideas or perspectives because they haven’t been formed by those who are more philosophically inclined, because often I find - due to the fact that they aren’t searching for complex solutions - that these are the most useful.

And if you are seeking a more philosophical answer to your problems, take the advice and examine it, then use it to form your own views. Just be careful not to consider yourself above anyone because you can take O type syllogistic arguments and determine whether the conclusion suitably follows from the premises.

Anyway, I’ve had a couple of glasses of red wine, so I apologize if this post sounds (i.e. reads) a bit messy.

Thus spoke Zarathustra. :wink:

Jon4th4n stated:

You can’t know if girls you like haven’t found you. Maybe they have found you, but they haven’t told you. Moreover, maybe your morality is high (which is good) and you are looking for someone who is close to perfection (for you), this means that you are looking for a rarity - given that you just need to be patient and enjoy life. I think you enjoyment of life will attract the right girl to you. I will also attempt to say that the girls you find are girls you ‘think’ you like, but when you really get to know them, you don’t like them anymore. Maybe you need to re-evaluate your perception of girls that you want to date. This could also mean that girls that have wanted you, but you didn’t want them, meant you really did want them but only judged on the first impression and have lost those girls that would be good for you.

Just a thought…

i only skip-read this discussion, so i may be repeating others. i apologise if thats the case.

i do agree with nicky that it would be so boring if everyone else felt the same way as you. on the other hand, it makes everything somewhat more daunting that nobody will ever feel exactly the same way as you about anything ever.

at the moment i’m feeling very passionless, which may be similar to what you’re experiencing, j0n4th4n. i’m simply not interesting in anything. i’m also going through a minor appearance dilemma, which is always troubling. i know the reason for this though…its the holidays. i always get so bored that i develop a minor form of depression during the holidays. does anyone else?

the point of the previous post was meant to be that mild depression can make you feel very separated from people. i don’t think that was made clear.

I realize that everyone is different and that I can’t find exact copies of myself out there. But, what I’m looking for is similar. An analogy to explain: I’m a christian who has studied theology, gnosticism, history of past christian saints, whatever else etc… Now I’m having a problem understanding something like, ‘fate and free will’. So I start asking around for people’s ideas but I’m surrounded by pagans, muslims, whatever etc. Now every once in a while I’ll come across a christian and they’ll give me some view point on my topic of contemplation. But that christian isn’t familiar with gnosticism, so not everything I’ll speak about is understandable. Then I’ll find another person who understands a lot about past christian saints, and they’ll give me a viewpoint but, they may not understand christian theology. All these topics modify the way a person thinks, and complement each other… Well I don’t know if I’m making sense, I think I need some sleep

I think there are a lot of people this way. What sometimes frustrates me is when I think I’m making a good connection with someone, in a sort of “Yes, someone understands what I’m talking about, finally!” type of way, and then later there is something that we totally disagree on. Disagreement isn’t bad, but I mean the kind of disagreement where in your mind it shows you how ignorant the other person was. And then I think, if I could relate to them, maybe I’m ignorant about a great many things. And I know I am but, now I’m getting off track.

If you have strong convictions about a few things, it makes it harder to connect with other individuals. Most people don’t have strong opinions about much, and when they do, it seems like it’s about something they don’t understand very well. It also probably also changes your taste in many things because your perspective is different.

Until I found this site, I didn’t know that many people with as keen an interest in philosophy as myself (meaning they had actually read philisophical stuff), and I haven’t even read that much on it (compared to a lot of people on this site)… yet (I’m still young).

I did one of those fun internet personality tests and it says that I come under INTP. Heres the test I did -

If you are going to do an online personality test though, I recommend you read this first -

I often feel different to everybody else (in the real world), but I figure thats just me. But the Internet is a big place and I am pretty good at locating sites (like this one) and people which interest me, and have made a few net buddies. Though until I found like-minded people, I had a semi-lonliness. Although I am usually quite content by myself, everyone needs to find a few people they can connect with.

Find people with the same interests - look at their profiles (if they have anything in their profile) - and PM them. After a while you will find if they are simliar to you and you will have yourself a net buddy.

Hi there,

I’m from the Netherlands, and I felt quite different. But during the last few months I discovered where it was coming from.

I was becoming an einzelganger who liked to lock himself up in his room, thinking, reading and writing about my ideas, trying to understand myself en my fellow humans. Outwarded I was friendly and sympathetic, but inside very insecure. I didn’t know if was smart or stupid.

I was scoring quite high on IQ test, but till shortly, I failed to make something out of it. My boss let me go a few months go, so it gave me loads of time to satisfy my hunger for information.

Surfing the internet, I stumbled on a high IQ organisation (no, no not Mensa). And on that site there was a long list of characteristics of high intelligent people. Few of those are, people dont seem to understand you, or understand your jokes. You seem to be ahead of other people, making mind-jumps etc. (I can’t enter that website now, but if interested I could translate some characteristics mentioned)

I also went to some meetings of HIQ people, and the way we could connect was astounding. 2% of the people seem to have IQ’s above 130. But what happens if you score high on those tests is unclear. But it’s clear to me that those people think differently als normal people. And because more people are normal, high intelligent people don’t feel normal or accepted. But if you’re HIQ and the people around you are also (aware of it), you can have great chitchats, as were you normal people!

That’s my version of being different. Maybe some of you will recognize it.

Maybe this gives a clue;
Strong sense of justice, and what’s wrong or right
You like to work alone
Other people don’t understand your jokes
Quickly seeing solutions for problems
Very sensitive
Other people often can’t follow your thoughts
You’re a loyal person
You’re often bored on parties
You have high standards, especially on yourself
You can’t stand repeatings of what’s been just told
At school you’re a bit of an outsider
When working on a project you can work for hours and forget the time
Things you have to say are often neglected or misunderstood
Often you hear the comments like; don’t think to deep, are you serious about that?
You’re non-conformistic
You don’t like being in groups
You’re an idealist
feeling you are more able to do, then you do
problems with organizing your life
tend to postpone things
problems to get started with things, but got many ‘little’projects running
problems with pushing trough and finishing
a tendency to addictions
quickly bored
quickly agitated
creative (for example music and writing)
low selfesteem, and moody
Translated from
It could be a dutch thing, but I think (high) intelligent people have more similarities as they could have thought. I thought I was different and alone, till I stumbled on this list. But I’m being personal, while the tone on this forum is quite objective. So I keep it with this, unless people want to react.

I’m sure there are lots of people out there who have those characteristics. Go to and have a look at some of the personality types.