how many vegan's or vegetarians are here, and why do it?

I think you’re referring to fruitarianism (mentioned in Notting Hill) and yes, they don’t eat root vegetables among other things.

"A Fruitarian eats lots of fruit, with some nuts and grains or the products thereof. No animals, birds, fishes, insects or humans. No cabbages, lettuce leaves or bean sprouts, no celery or root vegetables. But tomatoes and avocadoes because they’re fruits. And of course mangoes and papayas, oranges and lemons, bananas… all the wonderful fruits which the trees and bushes offer us freely so that we can distribute their seeds. "

How exactly is a vegetable any different from a piece of fruit? Sounds like a bunch of kerazzy people to me.

No more Kerrazy than believing that bread changes into human flesh; believing that some animals are clean, and some aren’t; believing in hundreds of gods, believing that aliens have come to assure the salvation of our species, believing that wrapping a piece of cloth round your head is holy, or believing that everything is made up of teeny tiny little particles.

fruit has seeds

There clearly is no line!
As to beliefs- they are individual choice, but how do you define ‘normal’ and how do you define ‘kerrazy’?

ooooo well im a bit different… im a vegetarian, and i dont care about any of the health or welfare issues that are usually behind converting to vegetarianism.

i have been since the age of 2. obviously this wasn’t my own choice… there was apparently some kind of a food scare going on in australia (where i was living then) at the time so my parents decided to go veggie.

as for now… 20 years later i am still a vegetarian and have no desire whatsoever to eat meat. the reason? cuz i never have. for me the idea of biting into animal muscle tissue is… well, gross. no different to taking a chunk out of my own arm.

i’m a vegetarian…

i do it because of all the torture and pain we put the animals through.
plus, what gives us the right to eat them? if you say “we have a higher intelligence” then i say “a higher intellegence should give us the wisdom to not kill the harmless animals.” if you say “we’re on top of the food chain” then i say “screw the food chain! it was a stupid idea anyway.” if you say “you’re an idiot” then i say “you’re the idiot! go hide in a phone booth you moron!!”

BTW, i am an arrogant, egotistical, atheistic, open-minded, sane, fool.

Well surprise surprise its the pretty much the same for me, except I being 4 years younger than ang master here, I have been a vegetarian all my life, so yeah I have no need or desire for eating meat, so why start? I guess I differ slightly that I’m not particularly repulsed by the idea of eating meat, I just see no need for me to do it on an individual basis.

I am a vegetarian. Gave up meat-eating about 6 years ago.
Because of health and environmental reasons.

Infected/spoilt meat is likely to cause much more harm to us than infected/spoilt plant stuff. Because of genetic relatedness.

Rearing animals for food causes a lot more harm to the environment than rearing plants for food.

  • Sivakami.

In a recent study by Peter Singer, it was found that the amount of land needed to feed a hundred people is ten times less if people were vegetarians than if they ate meat. Much more crops can be grown per person on an acre of land than meat on an acre of land. With the over-population and deforesting we are experiencing, becoming vegetarians is becoming an ethical choice, and maybe even law. Moreover, the costs of growing vegetables is about a hundred times less than the cost of producing meat. Remember, you have to take care of the animals, give them shelter, FOOD ($$$), fences, etc. I too eat meat quite often, and I am fond of it since I was brought up on it, but if it became law to only eat vegetables I wouldn’t have too hard a time adapting.

What’s your take?

I am a vegetarian and I am generally a happy person. I think there is a definite link between eating right and mood, but I used to be an unhealthy vegetarian and I was still happy. So I think its just about eating certain things in moderation regardless of whether your a vegan, vegetarian or carnivore.

A recent article I came across made some interesting points that I think are worth sharing. Did you know that the protein found in animals who are, carnivores or herbivores, got their protein from plants?

The article went further to say that all protein originates from plants. The highest concentrations of which come from specifically green plants. Herbivores eat the plants and get protein from the plants into their systems. Carnivores then eat the herbivores, getting the protein into their systems. Presently, many believe that vegetarians are weak and sick and slowly more information is found suggesting exactly the opposite. Vegetarians are stronger, healthier, happier, and live longer.

Curious what everyone thinks…


I’m a vegetarian. I’ve been a vegetarian almost my entire life.

Yes, there are health benefits from avoiding hormone-riddled meat and it does prevent millions of animals from being slaughtered but, to be truthful, I’m a veggie because I love the delicious flavour of self-righteousness and moral superiority that comes with being a vegetarian. Delicious.


Gross? This is a typical vegetarian enjoying a typical vegetarian meal.

Was vegetarian for 3 years, then tried veganism for a year, from the age of 14 to 17… I feel healthier when consuming meat.

A health warning was recently issued, alerting vegans to an alarming rise in malnutrition amongst their numbers, and to consume some meat every once in a while. Most vegans are temporary ones, then revert back to omnivores once they have slimmed down… or so they say.

Vegetarians are superior, meat-eaters and vegans are inferior.

Some say going soy will turn you into a pacifist, I am not a PACIFIST I am the one who laws down the law, my own law, I am the one who knocks so SAY MY NAME


I’m a veg simply because I can’t enjoy eating meat knowing the animal suffered in the process.

It’s not a complex ethical issue for me. Do animals suffer in the process? If yes, I refuse to support it.

The health benefits of abstaining from eating animals that have been force-fed unnatural food, shot up with artificial growth hormones and injected with multiple mercury-laden vaccines is just a beneficial side effect.

Yes, you need to make sure you’re getting a balanced diet (or taking vitamin pills) but you should be doing that if you eat meat, too. Meat eaters tend to lack vitamins that come from greens, for instance.

The bottom line is this: If someone put a cooked dog in front of a westerner, most would be horrified. If they’ve seen the torture the animals go through in the process then arguments about the benefits of eating dog meat wouldn’t change your mind. I don’t see any significant difference between eating a pig, a cat, a dog or a cow.

Having said that, I think people should come to their own ethical conclusions in their own time. It’s healthier if people become vegetarian from their love of animals rather than out of guilt, shame or virtue signalling. Consuming poisons doesn’t just come from consuming meat.

(Re health, I had a checkup two weeks ago and the doc said: “Keep doing what you’re doing because you don’t get healthier than what you are.” Health is more than refraining from meat, of course, but being vegetarian works for me.)


fake news

I would eat a dog if it was seasoned right and smelled good.