I want my Truth About The Nietzscheans thread returned


I quote this thread a lot, and used it recently in a real life discussion… it doesn’t show up, was unethically suppressed. I just need it somewhere, anyone is free to question the legitimacy of my source material, bit it is a essential thread for grasping a big part of my overall position.

If you look at the search engine on this site, it is 7 pages deep, but the thread itself is unfairly hidden. If Trixie can post pics of unicorns having gay BDSM sex, I should definitely be allowed to post common psychological and behavioral traits of a dozen or so (can’t recall how many I posted before it was shut down for absolutely bizarre reasons).

It should very much be visible. I would prefer it moved to the social science section or psychology section, it fully qualifies for either. It is not really any worst than any other thread on this site, absolutely bizarre it was hidden. I’m assuming because it threatened Only Humeans outlook on philosophy. That isn’t a valid reason to suppress an position though, especially a supported position.

Plus, I will just from now on hammer this point over and over and over until it returns. Someone Googling it should be brought directly to it, not see references to it and have to figure out how to do a forum search for it. It is a very legit thread, important for this site’s history too because it shows when the Nietzschean school started to loose it’s dominance on this site, was a major tipping point for anyone looking into this website’s history and competing schools of thought. A lot changed after that, and the Nietzscheans for the most part discovered they couldn’t assert their positions without attempting to further qualify them. You can see that in their reactions even in the thread itself… they took it for granted, now they got to explain their positions under a critical eye.

It is a very important thread for the history of this site. Shouldn’t get the banned in Boston treatment anymore. I say even put it in the archives with this as a footnote to it. Of all my posts, it seems to of had the most overall effect in shaking things up and getting people to take things less on faith, and think more critically. It was the shot of penicillin this site desperately needed, don’t hide it cause the needle hurt.

You are too full of yourself, Turd. You talk a lot about “sucking it up” but you show no signs of being able to do this consistently throughout your life.

Your utterly untintelligent wannabe-critique of Nietzschean philosophy is a tell.

An easy solution : have it in your sig which is as visible as it can be

Doesn’t work that way, it won’t be search able on the net.

Everybody knows banned or deleted threads on ILP never resurrect.

It will, even if I gotta stand over Carleas in 40 years on his deathbed and still demand it, I will. It is the right thing to do. As God as my witness, this thread will rise again.

I hope it’s gone forever just because you seem to really want the opposite.

That would be hilarious.