
Yeah, I see everybody with these neat individual profile titles on each post.

I want mine to read: Sacrilegious Human Abomination

I appreciate this being done for me. I know that one of you outstanding and genius intellectuals within the moderator or administrative staff can do this for me. Thanks.

Done. It took a lot of concentration, and I kept having to take breaks to let the headaches subside and wipe the drool of my keyboard. But it was worth it. Enjoy.

Have you looked into Valium? I hear that it’s good shit and that it helps with the headaches and drooling.

I just Think it’s great you’re not just a human abomination. You have a role.
I find most human abominations just part of the clutter.

I like to think of my role as that of predation.

I’m like a vulture scavenging for its next meal.

Vultures are barely predators. As you say, they scavenge mostly the dead.

Predators and scavengers. Probably should of used a better example. Way to go in spoiling my fun Moreno. Gosh! :slight_smile:

Well, I helped you refine your spiel.
Further, when you speak fast, sometimes it is more who you really are, or who you really Think you are.
Good to have these layers mirrored back.

You know I Think you present, at least here, a distorted image of yourself, doing you harm, and perhaps others in the long run, should you ever get some Power.

Vultures serve their purpose, they are outsiderlike, biding their time, generally.

What would I do without you Moreno? :sunglasses:

I do not wish for too much power. I hate responsibility especially with others. No, I just want to become an invisible middle man.

I want to become that guy with some satisfactory mild forms of power but without all the responsibility stuff.

I don’t want the entire pie. I am not that selfish or egotistical. I just want my own little piece of it.

Middle men survive longer in the end. The top is always being overthrown by the bottom and the bottom is always getting the shit oppressed out of it from the top.

The middle man just sits there quietly in the shadows watching the other two constantly fight it out with one another often enough in amusement.

Sometimes the middle man makes a profit for himself at the other two’s expense. I want to become that guy.

Vultures are very intelligent and clever. They’re a very patient breed of animal kinda like myself.

They’re always hovering around and circling those creatures.