Title change request.

As Carleas seems to be on extended vacation, is there anyone else who can process title change requests?

What about Laurence?

I can do it

Great. My request is to kindly change “Lampertian Nietzschean” to “Philosophical Supremacist”.

This could serve as a delightfully serious and funny, very short epistolary novel.

Yes it could, good call

'tis done


Could you please change mine to ‘Meat Sack’ ?

If so, thanks in advance.



Just out of curiosity, what is the difference between a “Lampertian Nietzschean” and a “Philosophical Supremacist”?

With respect to, say, well, you choose the example. Only the less abstract the better.

The former is implicit, the latter explicit. Lampertian—and Straussian—Nietzscheanism is, in my reading, Philosophical Supremacism. Very simply put, Philosophical Supremacism is to philosophers as White Supremacism is to whites. Note though that “philosophers” here means “genuine philosophers”, in the Nietzschean sense:

[size=95]“Genuine philosophers […] are commanders and lawgivers: they say ‘thus it shall be!’, they determine the Wherefore? and Whither? of man and possess for this task the preliminary work of all the philosophical labourers [e.g., Kant and Hegel], of all those who have subdued the past,—they reach for the future with creative hand, and everything that is or has been becomes for them a means, an instrument, a hammer. Their ‘knowing’ is creating, their creating is a law‑giving, their will to truth is—will to power.” (Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, aphorism 211.)

“Not only is philosophy the supreme undertaking as inquiry into the truth about nature and humanity, that inquiry, carried far enough, invests the inquirer with responsibilities that can only be called imperial. His ambitions and his achievement make Bacon a ‘genuine philosopher’ in Nietzsche’s sense, a ‘commander and legislator’ who has determined ‘the Whither and For What of humanity’ (BGE 211).” (Lampert, Nietzsche and Modern Times, page 18.)

Commanders and legislators must be understood here in its full Platonic pedigree as philosophical rulers who legislate for a whole age, the philosophical ruler as understood and embodied by Platonic philosophers of the rank of Alfarabi or Bacon[.]” (Lampert, Nietzsche’s Task, page 199.)

“Law-giving moralities are the principal means of fashioning man according to the pleasure of a creative and profound will, provided that such an artist’s will of the first rank has the power in its hands and can make its creative will prevail through long periods of time, in the form of laws, religions, and customs. Such men of great creativity [are] the really great men according to my understanding[.]” (Nietzsche, The Will to Power, Kaufmann edition, section 957.)[/size]

Let me put that differently. Nietzscheism—i.e., Nietzschean political (or religious!) philosophy—, as I’ve come to understand it with the help of Lampert and Strauss, is Philosophical Supremacism. Nay more, political philosophy—whether it be Nietzschean, Platonic, Homeric, or Machiavellian—, as I’ve come to understand it, is Philosophical Supremacism.—