What's Wrog With ILP?

I’ve experincing breakdowns when posting, when this shit happens, I lost my whole fu’ing post. Can someone do something about this?

connection was rejected by the host!!!

i got like 5.34 in paypal $, how’s about some amazon.com $$$ ???

You looking at this ben?



I just lost another flamming post!

I’ve found i have to be careful using this site. If I have a lengthy post that doesn’t seem to post, i go back one to the writing to be submitted and copy it to a file outside ILP, then I am free to try to post it again. A lot of times, i’m like “what can i do now not to lose this post!” But there’s usually a remedy to be used. Not getting an immediate connection is not that bad…Just try it again or come back later – internet might be busy.

Do people have a harder time posting from overseas? – whatever “overseas” is to the server?

When finished typing up your post, hit CTRL + A, then hit CTRL + C. If it breaks, go back to a fresh post and hit CTRL + V.

No problem! :slight_smile:

The problem is: time is wasted. Isn’t that a problem?

Doing what I posted, Uniquor, will take you no more than 2.5 seconds and will prevent what you are complaining about from happening. It’s a quick fix. Or, continue to get frustrated by something you have no control over. :slight_smile:

No, I have no control ove, and that’s exactly why I’m asking ben to get this shit sorted.

Whenever I post shit I like to quickly “copy” it with my mouse. Its come in handy a few times.