
“the angel of death that hovers over the planet invisible yet dark making people sick, taking lives at will and moving ever closer to my little circle of family and friends.”

Lol that’s like the sphere in fifth element.


:smiley: A mandala symbol without a doubt. The sphere always represents wholeness. In this case it is wholeness in the annihilating aspect. In the movie the sphere “the great evil” becomes a catalyst for transformation. The coronavirus is that. The union of the taxi driving hero and the alien hottie in love represents the conjunction of opposites necessary for a creative response to the shadow.

Much like physics, there is nothing symbolic about whats at the heart of astrology. Symbols carry its truths into our mind, like all language (math in case of physics). Life is not at heart a symbolic process merely because we use symbols to address it, though Lacan might beg to differ.

Astonishingly to me, a raised atheist and scientist, everything I predict comes true with uncanny accuracy. All chart readings I ever did were met with surprised ‘whoa, thats weirdly accurate’ - all except one, namely a guy here, world war III angry, but he was so pissed off a me at the time that he may just have been pretending, though what I really figure is, my reading didn’t allow him to hold on to his victim mentality. I showed him that what he has is more than what most have, and he didn’t like that.

To me, Felix you gotta understand, someone who doesn’t take astrology literally is what, to Newton were the people who didn’t believe in such regularities as he had proven to exist. It is a form of ignorance of natural law which takes on a certain pride, it doesn’t want to be replaced with knowledge. Prometheans psyche is rigidly kneaded in terms of such reluctance. It is understandable. A friend of mine, when I showed him his progressions, said “this is way too accurate, I don’t like it”. He felt it infringed on his free will.

Knowledge - you have to actually have a passion for it. I see that you do, and I dont think you would zealously hold on to your ignorance if confronted with your own natal chart - then again, most people who dislike astrology simply refuse to put it (and thereby themselves) to the test, just as in general “the best boatsmen stand ashore”, as we say here.

The age of Aquarius, or Horus, wont be a paradisiacal age so much as an age of extreme intelligence. Ive long ago called it “the age of the immediate mind”. It will be immensely tough but far less hypocritical than the age of Pisces.

“Millionaires don’t use astrology. Billionaires do” - JP Morgan

fixed said, -among other things

:"all except one, namely a guy here, world war III angry, but he was so pissed off a me at the time that he may just have been pretending, though what I really figure is, my reading didn’t allow him to hold on to his victim mentality. "

I too wondered about him, he is usually , lately, so tight lipped and. his expressions like summaries.
Would be interesting for him to delve further?
I suppose, but then one who speaks in fragments, I should not press.

yes he is a proud man.

Hey, Felix, Meno, and all and any wondering, what the hell is astrology, how much is it worth, etc, -
I beckon you to read this with an open mind and, if possible, an open heart.


Here you see an astrologer discuss the two widely disparate systems of astrology that this world knows, and the battle of contention between. You will learn how a money earning astrologer thinks.

Ok fix, will do read it then give You my opinion. I am an overassertive lion .

(the) All haileth the Lion.

According to my birth certificate, I was born on December 1st, 1949 at 3:50 PM EST in Michigan.

If I make a billion, I promise to use it for the good of all living beings on the planet.

Here the Shadow takes on theological significance according to the principle of enantiodromia “a thing psychically transmogrifies into its shadow opposite, in the repression of psychic forces that are thereby cathected into something powerful and threatening.” This principle was explicitly understood and discussed in in Taoism and yin-yang and by Heraclitus. Yang becomes yin when it reaches its extreme, and vice versa.

henrycorbinproject.blogspot.com/ … l.html?m=1

Accessing the imaginal in personal experience is critical to progress in unitive consciousness.

Felix you seem ruthless. From your chart.

What Im speaking to is tightly conjunct Mars and Saturn in the fifth house and tightly conjunct Venus and Vesta on the MC.
You seem to go in hard for pleasures and relaxation, probably very hard for you to relax into simple joy, go into games with extreme force and seriousness. That is, if youre anywhere near Ingham which is what Ive used for the charts place. Could be it falls in your 6th house, then you are just a ruthless worker.

Jupiter is on 0 degrees Aquarius, just past your Venus-Vesta (Hitler, Escobar, Mandela, Lincoln, Edward Norton, Bach have that) which is being activated this year and ones around it by this very Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn conjunction Ive been speaking of so much. They’re all hovering over that degree. Until 2024, you will be going through very transformative processes and you will find how fucking though you are with your values more and more. Around the coming winter solstice Jupiter will conjunct your natal Jupiter. “Jupiter return”. Celebrate, honour ZEUS/EL, you wont regret.

Im just telling you the two most remarkable aspects, not gonna go into Sun, Moon, Ascendant, all that stuff you can get free from engines. These things tend to bore me. I am mostly in it for aspects, which are the most objective elements in astrology. [E.g. “Full Moon” is the aspect of “Sun opposite Moon” - we have known the reality of aspects since we were walking on 4 feet]

More stuff you wont find: Your Dragons Head is in the 12th house (I can feel some jokes bubbling in the nihilists) along with Moon and Dark Moon Lilith - meaning you haven’t been aware of your emotions mostly in life because they’ve been forbidden and they already were unconscious even before they were forbidden - and only gradually discovering how awesome they are and that they ae a path.

So - people have probably foolishly fucked with you and you probably took it out on yourself and your environment - with a conflicted nature before sex, games, children, creative drives, that forcefulness could be quite puritanical mixed with the MC connection -
ok the moon brings it into focus more -
your Moon by the way is on the Chiron (look that one up) of both Jung and myself on 27 degrees Aries - it will ben good for you to read ad much of Jung and myself (seems to be the case) as you can get your hands on.

This discovery of Moon-Lilith in the world of the warrior-shaman will keep releasing hard patterns and releasing, finally, fruits of your very hard struggle. These fruits are shamanic, mystical, godly.
The work you forge out of what you are going through these years will be seen.

PS Anyone else can come to me for readings for hard dollars, have to set a price.

Jupiter is deeply philanthropic and friendly in 0 Aquarius and optimistic as hell. Normally such a thing would be quite dominant in a chart. But with two tight very explosive conjunctions, I would estimate it fall to the background somewhat and obsessions become possible, -
in any case the spiritual compass is sound, Jupiter is auspiciously placed, also partaking in the square to moon by Venus-Vesta,
your war for values awakens you to your moon - quite elementary, Jung would have enjoyed you as a patient, as things have the power to develop fruitfully over a prolonged course -

Mars-Saturn in V can be seen as the plough, I presume.

Thank you fixed cross. So much there to unpack and assimilate. And although the subject matter is relevant to the pursuit of wholeness, given the personal nature of the subject matter, I will contact you privately if I need further clarification. Again, I appreciate your generosity in providing this info.

Kenaz rune - Bozhinova.jpg

You’re welcome Felix.

Ah the torch bearer! The bringer of insight-- gnosis–knowledge that transforms and heals. Insight that brings reunion with one’s own soul. Cognitive, sexual and mystical union at once. Union through separation. In order to look at a thing it must be at a distance. Cognitive distance is the presupposition of cognitive union. Otherwise the whole is undifferentiated. Such is the unconscious–the unknown.

It is the image that brings gnosis. It is the recognition of the image for what it is that brings wisdom. The knower observes the autonomy of the spontaneous images of his own mind. Thereby he recognizes them for what they are—for who they are. Thus he can become released from their possession to walk among them as among the trees in the garden of the soul. They and he are all expressions of the One–the Self as the figures in a dream are expressions of the dreamer.

Fixed Cross is anything but THE torch bearer!

Gnosis, astrology and tarot are the jokes of slaves.

Be will, pure will!

When you are, you’ll laugh at the slaves of determinism (for a moment) and then you’ll sober up and realize how tragic they are. And then it’s not funny at all.

Fixed Cross has an extremely primitive mind, we are all pattern seeking animals! Fuck that! Forge your own future! That’s freedom.

Well damn! And here I thought I was getting somewhere. :frowning:

Crowley is that you?


The rabbit hole of mystics does have an end.

The rabbit holes (Alice in Wonderland) don’t go on forever!

You’ll eventually realize that the stars are jokes to laugh at!

Kek. Why do I always have such dirtbags among my groupies?
Im glad Im gradually educating this unwashed one here in the principles of will though, making him abandon his pathetic (and psychopathic) consent violation ontology.
How many such men have I healed? I lost count. This age provides us with a lot of such cases, seemingly lost until they perceive the Philosopher.

No one other the me has this effect on men, making them obsessed, transforming them through sheer depth of thought, which before they saw me in action they did not suspect could exist.
They are at once grateful and envious, but as they are unwashed, their envy is stronger. Envy is the most powerful of the seven sins. Ive been attacked by the envious ever since I can remember.

It is called “the evil eye”.

One might say the shadow of an influential spirit extends beyond himself - my own shadow includes the struggle toward the light of such patients as ecmandu and satyr.

The central challenge for them is to come into a proper awareness of Value: moving from envy (valuing my gifts but not being able to accept that, for example because I am just a man and not God) to gratitude; valuing my gifts and dealing with the fact that they owe something - if not to me, to the cosmos which brought them to me.

If they understand that they owe something, they are going to be driven to give something to this cosmos, to create, to love.

I think a good part of why I have been able to learn so much of value s because I have no problem revering my teachers. I don’t feel I should be rebellious to someone who gives me a power. Most men are too small-hearted to receive gifts in the awareness of receiving a gift. But, as has been demonstrated here earlier, not all men I teach are small-hearted.

However, it is quite obviously going to be better for me and my students and patients if I cease giving away my teachings for free. It is said by a Shaman I admire that, to ask money for services, keeps out the ego - people are better able to receive their gifts because they paid for it.