Do logic and reason say that God is our servant?

Your god is inferior to nature and human morals.

Nature creates for the best possible end while your god crates for the worst end and his being infanticidal shows that clearly.
That is anti-natural.

The fact that his morals are inferior to yours is shown by you not being infanticidal or genocidal.

Do not worship what is beneath you.


GIA, I don’t understand what God you are railing against. It’s certainly not mine who operates through nature via embedded creative evolution. Your God is the fantasy, being inexplicable by the laws of science and nature, which is where we live.

I rail against all supernatural gods as they are all fiction.

Who is your god?

If Yahweh, explain why you follow a genocidal and satanic god.


Greatest I Am,

There was a time when I was a practicing Catholic/Christian that I felt the same way though I failed often enough. I wanted to serve Christ since for me he was the Son of God and I loved him. Christ supposedly wanted to serve humanity as that was His mission. Boy, have things changed since then. How could I ever have known? ILP has changed me. lol

When Christ uttered those words, could they have also not in part been a teaching of some sort, for humanity to follow His example and to also serve others? Also, He must have been quite a humble kind of guy, no? I do not mean a wimp or one who has little self-esteem but one who knows who he is and what he is about.

Would it be unreasonable to think/feel that someone who wanted to serve others could be the kind of person who one would also want to serve, especially if they felt that that person was Divine?

lol I just love the way in which you express yourself.
Honestly, I have no idea how to respond to the above. I will have to give it some thought.
I suppose you can call that a Catch 22 maybe.
Do you know all the words of Christ? How often does He use those words in the NT?
Is it possible that many of his words were conflicting in nature?
I think that your question requires some reflection because honestly in these moments I have no idea how to respond. Things are not so cut and dry, so black and white.

If I was a goddess, I might just want to conceal my very nature. But since I am not, how can I answer that? What would I be a goddess of, by the way? All of the universe, all of nature, et cetera?

Regards to you, too

Greatest I am

This is true. We cannot know this.

When the brain stops functioning, when it is kaput, we are dead. We are no more. We are simply shells.
What change are you speaking about? Dust? Dirt?
That is not us. We are gone.

If one is to think someone divine, and that divinity says he wants to serve you, if you respect that divinity, one would do as bid wouldn’t one? Or would one put their desire to serve ahead of the divinities desires to not be served?

What service can one do for a god who has by nature, no wants or needs?

Especially when scriptures say that we have no free will to change any ones mind as that change is controlled by god.


We change from a sentient creature to dust and dirt, sure, but that does not tell us if our consciousness continues.

The religious con men posit an afterlife and that is their immoral hook for the gullible.


Greatest I Am,

Hmmm :-k That may be a difficult question to answer. I think that it might have to do with the kind of person who is listening to that divine one. That person would be the kind of person who respects the needs of others even though he/she might be uncomfortable in allowing his/her self to be served.

You could see that as a form of service in itself - allowing the divine to serve you.

Speaking for myself, I would say to be grateful for everything which one holds as having beauty and meaning in one’s life.

Another answer might be to leave that God alone, give it some breathing room.

Well, this is all I have to say about that ~~ who could even want to worship such a puppeteer as that?
But where does scripture say that, GIA?
We need to learn to think for ourselves!

Greatest I Am,

Do you see all religious or those who preach religion as con men?
There is such a thing as an honest belief, is there not? We all see things differently.

Regards to you too.


How can you be sure that is how God works? That is only your thinking.

Did God ordain that the world Become or was it some kind of an accident? Was there another world (universe) before this one?

Why are we so sure that we know who or what God is and the workings of this entity?

No one should wish to worship anyone, let alone a vile god like Yahweh.

I agree that we should all think for ourselves, after studying the issues.

As to our lack of a free will in Christianity. Please see this old O.P.


Are non-believers doomed by Divine Design?

Scriptures say that God decides if a person will be a believer or non-believer. Those scriptures are shown in this link.

Those quotes seems to really screw up the free will notion that Christians say God gives us.

The free will that God offers is kind of a joke anyway given the number of people whose free will to live is ignored in the billions of adults, children and babies that God is shown to torture and murder in scriptures.

If the bible and Yahweh are to be believed, and as a non-believer, I, of course, cannot believe it, thanks to God, by God’s design and will against me, then why did God deny me belief or faith?

Even more important to believers, might be to answer the question of; did God make you a believer in things that you can only hope exists and can never confirm?

Are you happy with God ignoring or negating your free will to think as you please?

I have assumed that God’s work of creating both believers and non-believers is working. If that is so, and you believers must think it so, just as I as a non-believer cannot think it is working, — and Jesus said that those with faith could do all he did and more, — then the is is not even one believer or person of faith that has ever existed.

Either the bible and Christianity is all a lie, or there must be some who can do what Jesus did.

What is your choice of those two options?

Is the bible and Christianity a lie, or is God just not creating any people with faith, — which would make all Christians who say they have faith, — liars.

I mean no insult here but someone is definitely lying, if we read what is written and look at reality and listen to Christians.

What do you think is the truth?

Is it just for God to create people doomed to hell even if they wanted to believe?


All who speak of a supernatural god are liars as none can provide evidence or proof of their claim.
It is all and has always been lies and to transmit a lie is lying.

I do not mind the religions that are human based and not supernaturally based. They tend to put man above god. Those would include some Buddhist sects, Gnostic Christians and some Jewish sects. I also include the more esoteric and mystical teachings of Jesus.


Greatest I Am,

A lie is an untruthful assertion. The speaker intends to cause belief in the truth of a statement that the speaker believes to be false. Hence, a lie involves an intention to deceive. The speaker also implicitly assures or promises the hearer that the statement that is made is true.

Is there anything which you believe in that you are incapable of proving? If the answer to that is Yes, then do you consider yourself to be lying, to be a liar, or are you simply basing your belief on what you consider to be knowledge ~~~ and faith, because of the things which you can supposedly see and know, on right intentions?

That is not to say that there are not some out there who really do not believe in God. Their intention is to deceive for whatever reason. They are liars.

How do we learn anything or discover the truth if all that we see is black or white and we see no distinctions between things?

How about the below statement of yours:

That is a really strong and bold statement to make. But is it a proven, irrevocable fact, a statement based on evidence, Greatest I Am? All it is is your own subjective thinking (which can be biased) based on how you view the bible and peoples’ interpretation of it.
I am not really saying that you do not honestly think in this way but does saying this make YOU a liar since it is not really something which can be proven and yet you extend it to us as if it were truth?

Does that make you a liar? If people who honestly believe in God and say that God exists are liars by your standard than you Greatest I Am are also a liar by that same standard.

I would say even though I am an agnostic that there can be more proof seen in the workings of the Universe for a creator God even though we still cannot prove that this supposed God IS or is like how we see this entity than there is in your calling Yahweh a vile God.

Right intentions and honest belief do not make one a liar at least not in my book.

Not in mine either.

Now if the liars would just stick to facts and not lies.

As to you and agnostics. You missed that they are supposed to be on the fence while you seem to have fallen off to the supernatural thinking side.

I offer my sympathy.

But of course the universe seems designed. It was. By nature. If it dis not look that way, it likely could not be understood.




Greatest I Am,

Supposed to be? I see no strings attached to me. As opposed to you, my sweet, who would bury your self deep within that box instead of coming up to see if anything has changed.
Is it a good thing to be able to hold two contrary thoughts within your mind at the same time in order to think on them?
Let us say that you are literally on a fence. Now, if a ball rolled over under you, what would you do? Would you simply stay on that fence, fixed to it, afraid to jump down or would you get into the swim of things, jump down and engage the ball, sending it in whatever direction you felt you wanted it to go?

What is it that the human mind needs to do? Stay fixed to one’s own perspective which has been sadly written in stone or ought it to sometimes allow that mind to creep out onto a shaky limb and see what occurs or to see how something might look different from a different vantage point?

In theory, agnosticism is compatible with all but the most dogmatic of religious faiths, but in practice most agnostics are perceived as godless. Agnostics believe that while there is insufficient evidence to prove that there is a god, believing that there is not a god also requires a leap of faith (similar to any religious conviction) that lacks sufficient evidence. Simply put, agnosticism merely asserts that we lack the knowledge to determine whether or not God exists — in a sense, it differs from more explicit atheism by being a position based on a lack of knowledge, rather than a lack of belief. True agnostics would actually not fit on a hypothetical scale between theism and atheism as they would say the argument is unanswerable and could result in anything, almost like Schrödinger’s cat but where the box can never be opened.

Most agnostics, however, can additionally be categorised depending on how their beliefs work out in practice, whether they’re more atheistic or theistic. Agnostics may live and act as if there is no God and that no religion is correct, but shy away from the title “atheist” because of the expression of certainty implied. On the other hand, someone may consider themselves spiritual but not religious, or perhaps even nominally follow a religion, but identify as an agnostic in order to convey an honest doubt about the reality of it all.

You will find me in the above.

I do not need your sympathy but if I ever do I will let you know. Actually, I find myself to be in a far better place this way than I have ever been even though giving up the old ways of thinking can require quite some sacrifice to the human. :evilfun:

Yes, seems would appear to be a very good word to use in regard to philosophy and many other things…a reminder that things are not always what they appear to be.

How are using the word “nature” here? How does it apply to the Universe’s origin?

Now I do realize how very much you like and admire me but three times the Regards? I am only kidding here. :evilfun:

Bonne journée

One who doubts the supernatural cannot at the same time believe in it.

If there is a supernatural world to you, you are as gullible as the average Christian.


So average Christians are gullible?
What percent of the world is christian?
That many people are all gullible?

Greatest I Am,

When you say at the same time, are you only speaking here of the exact moment when one experiences belief or doubt? Otherwise…

Why are you always so cut and dry about things? I do not see or intuit your statement as having any truth to it. I might suggest that that could depend on just where one is on that journey. The human mind is complex and there are also emotions involved. I think that people are capable of believing and questioning their beliefs at the same time. Belief and doubt swim in the same waters. It does not matter what waters they are. Perhaps it is a question of conflicted interests. The child within wants to continue believing because it is comfortable and oh so familiar. It is highly uncomfortable to “give up the ghost” so to speak. The adult within begins to question and doubt at some point on their journey. It is like a war being waged. Some battles are won and some are lost. Some eventually become agnostics and some atheists.

Is this the “universal” You or are you addressing me with the above?
Go outside some night and look up at that beautiful, awesome starry sky. Ask yourself: Why can I not understand in any way possible how some might believe that a designing creator God began all of this?
Is it such an irrational thing to believe this? Now, I myself am not saying that I believe this but I can understand how others can since at one time I did. But even if I had not believed it then, how can a rational mind at least not question it ~~ if only for a minute or two?

You need to take care. Carl Jung said "You always become the thing you fight the most. :evilfun:
What is it that you are “actually” fighting?

Yes. All who believe in the supernatural are gullible.

Having a mental itch that there is more to reality is good and natural.

To think that itch is leading to a genocidal prick of a god is just plain immoral and stupid.

Yes there are many stupid people. Unfortunately.



"Why are you always so cut and dry about things? "

I like to stick to the truth of things.

"Some battles are won and some are lost. Some eventually become agnostics and some atheists. "

True, so why do you dislike that I seek to save those who choose religions that are quite immoral?

Do you not feel sorry for them?

I have no problem with people choosing to believe in a god.

I have a problem with people who chooses a prick of a god while calling that evil prick good.
