Is our debt what we want to leave to our children as their i

I prefer to listen to known experts to get the real picture. … gAu1i6aChs


Debt isn’t all bad. If I own a million dollar house on which I still owe $200k, leaving that house and that debt to my children is a net gain for them. If I own a business that produces millions in profits but also has millions in debt, that’s still a net positive inheritance for my children.

Similarly if a nation or society borrows to pay for infrastructure, research, defense, they may produce a net surplus inheritance for the next generation.

Plenty of very wealthy people carry debt. Plenty of very wealthy people take on debt to buy stock and other investment assets. It’s often a financially sound decision, and leaves them (and their descendants) better off.

The attitude of the poor towards debt is understandable, given that they often don’t have access to the kind of borrowing that will yield positive returns. They also often borrow not to invest, but to make ends meet, which is virtually guaranteed to leave you less well off. But that’s just misusing debt, it’s not a problem inherent to debt.

If you can see something good in leaving a debt, in terms of a dying ecosystem to your children then good for you.

A half paid house debt is good, but not when the house is build on quicksand.


You would agree that leaving more value to your descendants is better, right? My point is that there are situations where the way to maximize the value you will leave to your children is to also leave them debt. If that’s so, if there are cases where you must take on debt and leave that debt to your children in order to do the right thing by your children, then debt can’t be inherently bad.

Sure, if we aren’t getting anything for it then debt is bad, but that’s an implausible scenario. Most debt is produced in exchange for valuable goods or services. Most houses aren’t on quicksand.

You seem to be missing the point. The fact that gain might require the acceptance of necessary evil does not mean that it alone isn’t evil. The total is acceptable because the good outweighs the evil. But the evil portion is still the evil portion. One would have been better off if the evil was not there and yet the good still was. And in this example, “debt” versus gain, is the “evil”.

Let me put it another way, to more directly address what seems to be the claim of this thread: inherited debt is not prima facie evidence of a wrong to subsequent generations. In many cases the best way to generate value is to take on debt, so the existence of debt can also be evidence of value creation. Indeed, the absence of debt will often be a sign of bad management and under-performance.

The suggestion in this thread is that e.g. the existence of the national debt is evidence that one generation is leaving less to subsequent generations than it might have. But that ignores the fact that debt is generated in exchange for something else, and that something else will often be worth more and generate more value than the debt generates in liabilities.

It all depends upon the goal or purpose. If your purpose is to enslave the entire populations, especially the upcoming youth, then certainly, debt is a wonderful, “god-given” blessing to enrichment and glory.

He is talking about usury and its enslaving residue. Usury is teasing with the notion of personal temporary progress while, with the unseen hand, robbing the future of any hope. It is largely the foundation of modern day Judaism and the old Christian “Devil” - teasing nations into eventual poverty, enslavement, and destitution.

If you owe 200k on a 1mil house mortgage then you don’t own the house, the bank does.

James, caricature is a weak form of argument, and even if it succeeds rhetorically, it does not help to discover truth.

That depends on the state, but even where the bank is held to own it, they can only force a sale for market price and have to give you what’s left over after they take what they’re owed. In any jurisdiction, you’re $800k in the black.

Not nearly as much as the fear of accepting the truth.

Each generation has a choice:

  1. They can avoid passing debt on to the next generation, but that will mean having less cash to invest.
  2. They can pass debt to the next generation, and invest the cash.

If the interest on the debt is less than the expected return on the investment, choosing option 1 will mean choosing to give the next generation less. True?

I understand what you are saying.

It does not apply to the hardship we are passing up to our children.

The house with a mortgage you are giving your children has so much damage that needs repair that they will have the debt you give them plus they will have to get another mortgage for the repairs to bring it to a livable or marketable condition. That places the house out of the market and they will have just a debt without a house when they sell it.


They have control of the sale, but if they sell it, you get 800k and they get 200k, so it can be said that the bank only owns 1/5 while the other party owns 4/5. Right?


Oops. I said the same basic thing above before seeing your reply.

Great minds etc.


James S Saint

We usually disagree but I think you see what I meant here with Carleas.


This makes no sense at all but I will see how you respond to what I gave you above.


I don’t mean to say that it’s not possible to rack up debt with nothing to show for it, but rather that debt itself is not evidence that that’s what’s happened, and it’s not the debt that makes those cases bad.

If I have $100k, and someone offers to sell me magic beans for $100k, it doesn’t matter whether I buy those beans outright or whether I take out a $100k loan to buy those beans: buying the beans is a stupid use of $100k.

The US national debt has been generated for a lot reasons, some better than others. But if we wanted the government to do everything it does without generating debt, that would mean much higher taxes, which would reduce output. On the other hand, we can point to programs that should be cut, but the argument for cutting them isn’t that we shouldn’t be borrowing to pay for them, it’s that we shouldn’t be paying for them at all, they’re magic beans and they’re a foolish use of money, borrowed or otherwise.

But there are other things the government spends money on that are good investments, and a good investment is worth borrowing for if we can borrow cheaply (which we can). What’s the ROI on infrastructure, a legal system, a powerful military, government-funded research, etc? For many of those things, return is positive, so we should borrow when it costs us less than that expected ROI.


The bottom line.

Be it government, business or a household, to borrow when you do not have to is not the way to go even if borrowing is cheap.

In terms of the O.P., if I have a farm and will it to my child when only 1o% of the fields are workable, and it would bankrupt the child to bring the rest to usefulness or if he has to pay tax on the 90% that exceeds the return from the 10%, then I am leaving a debt that will negate any gain.

That is what we are doing to our ecology. Shame on us.


But why? If I can borrow and pay interest at 2%, and I can invest the money and expect a return of 7%, then borrowing will produce a net return, and I should borrow just about as much as I can, until my credit runs out or the return on the marginal dollar falls.

All this shows is that it’s possible to come up with situations where bad investments and debt combine to produce a bad outcome. Again, I don’t deny that. But you seem to deny that debt and good investment will produce a good outcome.

Extending debt as a metaphor to the environment is not the clearest way to think about environmental degradation. Destruction of the environment is the depletion of a finite resource. It can’t be paid back, it regenerates slowly and if we “use” it at a rate faster than it can regenerate it will just collapse. That’s not how a loan works.

Moreover, since loans are actually useful and value-generating, comparing environmental degradation to debt tends to encourage reckless use: if it’s a loan, we can borrow now and pay it back when the loan comes due.

You show why you should not borrow in your own grammar. — “and expect a return of 7%,”

The investment you expect to pay off is an expectation/gamble, and not a certainty.

We expect that our children will be able to clean up the corrupted environment we are leaving them.

We are not certain how many will die needlessly before or even if they can clean it up.

We, as you suggest we should in y9our analogy, should not gamble away their lives.
