Dream continued

She said it was called Hogan de Mende. I was running through the streets trying to get back to the hotel.

When I woke up, I looked up Hogan in the dictionary, for I never heard that before, it means an Indian hut f

acing east, and Mende means a peculiar language.

am very surprised at this dream for I have never
had this kind before.

Further found the people named Mende comprise of people in Sierra Leone.

What to make of this?

Found a new bit of info: Sierra Leone is notorious for kid napping children as young as 7 years and conscripting them for the army.

Still thinking about the dream where the name of the hotel was literally spelled out. I have experienced only one dream like it and it was relation to a famous philosopher I never even heard of talk to me. I forgot the name of the philosopher, but consequently, a lot of wisdom was revealed to me, in searches. I did not pursue it very much, and that goes forsearches in general, hoping that follow up references to the topic or the thinker may cross refer occasionally, enabling me to form in depth conclusions.

I think you came across it before somewhere in an awake state, you just need to really rack your brain memory, say from last few days to a week. I used to write down my dreams too, and analyzed the elements from my dreams, and I remember eventually starting to have recurring elements in my dream which I found puzzling. Two come to mind, a particular kind of owl, a small owl with big rounded eyes, and a particular kind of tropical yellow fish (lemon shaped fish). These were of a particular shape and size and kept showing up in my dreams but I couldn’t make sense of them. And they were really nagging me because they kept showing up and I couldn’t figure out why. And then one day, by a stroke of luck (or not!?) I found out. Every day on my way to work I had to pass though some office spaces and two of them had paintings on the wall that had exact same elements that were in my dream! Exactly-the-same! One was a painting of an owl sitting on a tree (in a semi-enclosed office space that served as a meeting room, into which I didn’t even bother to come, as I had no business there), and the other a poster of tropical fish, slightly below the line of sight, with my yellow fish being one of them. So my conclusion was that I actually did see them while walking past them, but only through my peripheral awareness (I didn’t actually recall seeing these paintings consciously, for all I knew, I saw these for the first time in my life, consciously that is). Nothing else could explain it. And so, our everyday awareness in waking life extends beyond the actual conscious awareness and the subconscious/near conscious actually picks on elements in our environment as well and incorporates these also into our dreams.

So, in my view, these elements came somewhere from your waking life. I don’t think there is a necessary reason why your subconscious picked on these elements over the others, but, in my case, I was studying animal symbolism in dreams at the time the dreams happened, so maybe the subconscious picked up on that and was actively looking for animals in my environment. So, it’s possible that if you’re studying X your subconscious will start to pick up on X elements in your environment, even without your awareness.

Here’s another suggestion that I have for you. While going about your daily life, focus on the elements from your dream, that is think about them, the harder the better. My guess is that eventually you will find the exact place (or time) in waking life where you picked up these elements. If the subconscious took them from waking life, it knows where from, and can lead you back to it. You can trace it back, from dream back to the world, to the source.

Thank You for the suggestion, for making aware of the possibility for that possibility, however what if, it is much more probable that I was never exposed to something which suddenly and without warning, comes up?

In the example given, the name of a hotel corresponded to the name given to a kind of Indian abode, and the meanings yet again substrate into amazingly remote areas of the planet.

On search meaning disperses, into more and more remote relevance, where limits of nonsense bar any further inquiry. In your example, there is connection to repeated exposure , whereas such possible exposure was minimized almost to the absurd limit of non-recognition.

In the example given, any kind of logic defies an explanation, for the near absolute chance of connecting with a prior exposure or recognition.

I don’t think it came out of nowhere.

It doesn’t have to be repeated. And it doesn’t have to be conscious. Maybe you saw something on a product label that resembled it. Maybe you glanced at a book cover in a book store window. Or a passing image on tv, or magazine, or poster, or sticker… It didn’t even have to be conscious, you only had to be exposed to it, in the immediate vicinity of it. It could have been something uncanny that noticed but dismissed. And it could have been just for a moment, a second or a couple of seconds. The subconscious is a lot more perceptive than we give it credit for, especially when it’s charged with a ‘task’.

But instead of looking for ‘it’ out there, just analyze your though process, your interests in your waking life and try to see if what you dream reflects it in some way.

Perhaps, but if You have noticed the name of the hotel, who would think such a name would be even noticed not less registered, unless one believes in the subconscious notation of most everything around without seeming significance.

I’ve also had many dreams of being in a hotel lobby, or passing through a hotel lobby (also college campus), without that being so in my real life. A hotel signifies a temporary life situation, a place you stay in for a while and then move on. Perhaps you were thinking about traveling to a certain place, or learning about it? Some kind of primitive place that you don’t know much about? You may have come across these words before but don’t remember them. Maybe your mind remembered only the context itself in which it encountered the words themselves, and accepted the words themselves like a tune, something that just goes with it.

So, maybe your subconscious was trying to fill a space in understanding of a concept from your waking life and had to dig in some obscure places in the mind (long forgotten) in order to find some kind of fit or correlation. And this is what it came up with. The word meaning may be meaningless to subconscious but what they were attached to had some connection. This would be my take on it. It’s about connections, except in the subconscious they are not as straightforward and defined as in the conscious.

Some years back I had the same thing by dreaming of repeated lyrics to the tune that kept saying ‘kyrie eleison’ and I had no idea what it meant, and had only a vague idea that I’ve heard the words before somewhere, I just didn’t know where. Only later I realized that it is a phrase that I heard when I was little (it’s from a prayer book), and somehow the subconscious brought it up, out of the blue, years later, just like that.

please refer to my ‘please help me interpret my dream’ blog to continue.

Just posted in the please help me interpret my dream forum, and though about a few other things:

The illogical separation of one from the other forum also has some bearing. Here, your suggestions of a contextual rather then a signifying-content implication, could mean a conscious, albeit unplanned severance of the logical, in this case contra logical sequences from their matter at hand. That I would not be able to remember the name of the hotel without going back to the dream indicates a very loose attachment to the signification, in that you are right. Perhaps it never was conscious in the first place. Is another possibility.ity, except right after awaking, where I had the opportunity to write it down.