Does an afterlife "currently" exist?

If the afterlife is true, is it a powerful thought that its existence is this very moment? You could be watching a sports game, or walking to some routine destination - or you could be in a queue at a train station, or perhaps reading a book.

I consider the afterlife as an aspect of reality.
But it is in many ways beyond human conception.

The implication of afterlife is the state of being timeless: therefore this makes me wonder if the afterlife is meant to be referenced indiscriminately.

In my experience yes. You can astral project into it, not to mention at death. it wouldn’t be an after+life if it didn’t run concurrent with the earthly plain. if it were timeless then it would be out[side] of time, and thus as close to any point in time as it is far. it would perhaps ‘currently’ exist, in the sense of being adjacent to existence. there’s got to be a stream or movement between timelessness and time, as opposed to two separate places.

If the afterlife weren’t parallel to the universe, I don’t think an afterlife would be possible: it being parallel or concurrent is required for it to be separate, or is it? When you say concurrent, do you mean parallel?

Nt really, I mean attached or joined, perhaps something more akin to stratospheres. Instead of that being layers of sky, it would be layers of reality I.e. we take the observers eye, from the macroscopic through the atomic to the quantum, then out the other side. At no time are we actually leaving [this] reality ~ even with the body dead and the light gone into superposition, the observers eye has simply continued along the path through existence, into metaposition [where one obtains a meta-body [spirit/orb]]. The observers journey ‘ends’ where all things end – where everything is put into a blender and made one [see my other thread], then the blender turns into a device which manifests existences [inverts] and we become existent once more.

It may be so that along that line there is another eternal reality [to become existent in] of course.

It can only “currently” exist for those who are dead experiencing it.
Even there, “currently” wouldn’t have any meaning, would it considering that there is no time for those experiencing the afterlife. lol

It seems to me that the expression “parallel universe” might work better for what you’re speaking about but I may be wrong. It’s just my intuition.

If there is such a thing as a parallel universe, then yes, it would have to exist at this very moment but in a different place, different plane. That would interest me far more than an afterlife. Go figure.

The quantum level is not the observer, is what you’re saying? Therefore the point is that the life force experiences the reverse of itself (the quantum being the furthest point from it); if the quantum is the ability of the life force, what’s the ability that’s allowing the deceased living force to observe its creator, if that’s a correct way of interpreting events?

Unbounded infinity is a misnomer. Bonded infinite universes is more likely, providing a probability to infinite worlds, some proximatelly parallel, some not
And the permutations of personality are far far less -quantitavely- ,not to afford many many reps of each ‘individual’ existence.

You would make a wonderful companion on a long bus journey.

Observation is inherent in all things at all levels. I assume the meta-being/body would be a quantum mirror, something akin to polarity but where its tao is the manifest/un-manifest instead of negative/positive, matter/antimatter or what have you. If the liquidised version of reality is God, it would be the eye you can take through anything and into any scale of existence. I’d say observing is pretty close to a universal as one could get. That with behaviours and qualities appear to be the basics things at root imho. All of which are facets of the same thing.

The observing you speak of is post? Not an eternal reality? What baffles me is the very concept of time and the afterlife. If the observation that you referenced is the essence of existence, but is dependent, that by itself means there has to be more to existence than just the fact of observation.
What always concerns me is why? Why this or that principle?
I don’t believe in an afterlife myself, just that existence is a work-in-progress.

My latest data on reality is that the point is power possessing itself; the source wants to be able to use itself, yet needs to experience reality in order to achieve that state, otherwise all the source is left with is the problem of difference fighting with the state of being both applier and appliance.
Would you agree with that premise: that reality is the means to the sources’ ability to use itself, and that because of this perfection is perhaps reality itself being the intent, just not relative to the source?

I shall not want…?

…so no distinction between being alive and being dead? I doubt it.


Cannot a universal observer see also the book of all histories [Einstein’s all-time]? So yes, i’d say its an eternal reality.

Of course, the observer is not dependent though, sorry if I am not explaining that very well. You observe another person and they you, and so there are observers and things observing. I wonder if the act of observing is what makes an observer ~ as I am the observed in your eye, and you mine.

That is a big issue. We only know that there is stuff, my thoughts are that there can’t be nothing, and so reality has to do something else other than that. If it were just emptiness, that would by virtue of there being nothing else, be infinite. So now it is something! …and it hasn’t had to do or change anything for that. Then once you got the infinite, its equal and opposite is going to happen in response and you got the infinitesimal, then what’s inbetween them etc etc.

Well we could say that shape automatically confers utility. So perhaps it doesn’t require the ‘need’ as it just is the said occurrence happening. ‘power’ is what?

I think that a more powerful thought would be in realizing that there is no afterlife (if that be true).

If shellytrokan believes in an afterlife, in what way does that influence his/her life NOW to make that knowledge more powerful than the belief in no afterlife?

What sort of afterlife are we discussing here? Heaven or hell? Reincarnation? Conservation of Energy? Oblivion?

All of them probablyI. I think this universe is so vast and time being only a figment of our imagination, that all that we think we know about our mortality may be
totally wrong. In fact the most obvious guess would be, do we exist at all, and birth and death are only transitory markers, between coming and going to vast resevoirs of energy. These are the heavens and hells eternity’s storing houses.

Some of the options I gave above are mutually exclusive. So how could all be possible?

That’s just it,. In the afterlife, there is no mutual exclusivity.