Did the universe just appear or is there a Creator?

Is there a Creator?

Did the universe just appear or is there a Creator? What do you think?

You are reading this message either on a smart phone or a computer or perhaps, a printout. Who made each one of these? Did the gadget, the paper, the pen, the computer appear on its own or is somebody responsible to create what you are reading? This message has come to you but who sent you this message? Did it come by chance or did somebody send you this message? Obviously, there is somebody, some power that is creating, sustaining, managing the universe. We don’t know who, we don’t know where, we don’t know what, but there is a power – a power that creates. We are unable to comprehend this power because this power is beyond our understanding, but to deny the power is wrong. We must accept that we don’t know who the power is, where the power is and what the power is, but to say that there is no power and to say that all this is a coincidence or all this is just energy or by claiming that all this is just natural, what are we trying to say? Are we attributing this amazing creation of the universe to nothing or are we attributing this amazing creation of the universe to some power? Can we say that everything just appeared or is it not right to say that there must be a cause for this effect, because there is something in this universe, due to which you and I have come into existence?


Yes, there is a power that creates and preserves all that exists. This power was, is and always will be. It can be universal and personal.

The question whether the universe just appeared or was made by a creator is very similar to the question whether nature is because of itself or because of god. This leads to the question whether “god” is what we call “nature” or “nature” is what we call “god”? The subject is called “pantheism” with all its various modes.

God ensures that the universe that has always been, will always be.

God is the Energy involved in its own conservation.

God is perfectly anentropic. :sunglasses:

Please define anentropic. It is not listed in my standard etymological dictionary.

Not entropic due to being the perfect balance between entropic and anti-entropic. Everything that is being lost is being replaced just as fast.

Thanks. Conservation of energy?

Everything is Mind and holographic… as much as our thoughts create our 3D reality

Man’s Act of Creation mirrors that the purpose of materialism is to allow the Cosmic Mind to reveal Itself. Our Physical Reality does exist to interpret and manifest the Cosmic Mind mirroring Itself back to us. Pantheism explains all this more or less though

this was already well understood 4000+ years ago… indeed why did it go so wrong then?

In the universe as a whole, yes.

A subatomic particle is anentropic for billions of years (at least) until it crosses the path of an extreme event capable of annihilating it entirely (such as a black hole). Given consciousness and a degree of mobility control (life), it could even avoid those events and be effectively immortal.

Plenitude=fullness=a whole comprised of an ultimate variety of parts. This is an adequate description of the Creator.

I believe that the universe is God, as a means for God to justify itself.

So God is in need of justification?

Did the universe just appear or is there a Creator?

Yes, I am the Creator.

But who or what created Me? A time loop caused by causality itself? Essentially, I created Myself?

I think that a goal is to be accomplished, and it involves the absence of cause.

The Universe is here, isn’t that all we need to know? What does it matter whether it just appeared or it was created? It’s not our problem. Honestly, some people must have nothing else to worry about.

It is the Ultimate thing to care about…because our lives are short, we die, and we need to understand the universe or else we have no control of the path of our immortal destiny.

Well I’m afraid I’ve got more pressing matters than how the universe came about to concern myself with. Perhaps you could just let me know the outcome, when it’s been decided.

Accidental chaotic randomness… :sunglasses: