Basic set theory disproves omni-states

James, you do realize I actually solved the reals with that grid I posted don’t you??

Every possible number combination comes from the 8 point directionality for every place in that sequence …

Ask me about it!

I don’t even know what you mean by “solved the reals”. :confusion-scratchheadyellow:

Counted them!!!

Look at the grid and run the inferential proof !!

…312111019876543 : 34567891011121…
…121110198765432 : 23456789101112…
…211101987654321 : 12345678910111…
…111019876543210 : 01234567891011…

…111019876543210 : 012345678910111
…211101987654321 : 123456789101112…
…121110198765432 : 234567891011121…
…312111019876543 : 345678910111213…

Every digit has 8 point directionality in this infinite sequence (finite!), the staggered diagonals are eventually subsumed in the set!

James, I actually solved this shit!

Dare I ask what “8 point directionality” means?

Sure!!! Up down right left and the 4 diagonals!!!

I kid you not!! Check the sequence of the grid I gave you… Every digit (in this infinite sequence ) has 8 point directionality!

The sequence is well… Sequential !!!

The negatives are on the bottom…

I’m not seeing how the number 8, for example, has “8-point dimensionality”. I see the diagonals, but no right-left or up-down.

Oh my James … This is frightening!!

Every digit in that expanding grid (you can list it as a spiral) has 8 directions (duh!!)… As you list each expanding member, you list the 8 directions before moving to the next member…

The middle is 0,0, -0, -0

The spilt perpendicular to the positives and negatives is the decimal point!

Sorry, I just need either a better picture or better words describing it.

What does solved the reals mean again? Nobody can count all the reals cause they go to infinity.

Far as the grid goes, I don’t see any eight point directionality, I see 012,024,012,013, 001,002,001,013,etc.

Thing is, my problem right now, is I got a bag of ravioli, thing is its a hermetically sealed bag but the inside of it’s inflated, like a balloon. Thing is I’m wondering if I should eat it or toss it.

If you mean that it is moist ravioli and in a puffed bag, definitely toss it.

It aint moist and I can see no mold. However, the “use by” date says 2 months ago.

Do you mean the noodles, or the entire sauce and noodles?
If merely the noodles, it isn’t likely they are bad.
But in general unless you’re starving, when in doubt, toss it out.

It’s an infinite sequence Trixie !!!


It’s called a marching sequence actually!!

The sequence is the number expansion of the well ordered wholes, but you drop the front digit for every new line…

So basically you have …

0 ( then all 8 directions )
-0 ( then all 8 directions )
0.0 (then all 8 directions )
-0.0 ( then all 8 directions )

Those are the 4 zeroes in the middle of the grid…

Then you expand to the 1’s ( 8 directions for each )



No they werent dehydrated, just hermetically sealed. Has raw egg in it I believe.

My neck hurts, so my brain is on lazy mode for today.

Think of it like a train engine in the yard.

Well… It’s not the whole sequence anyways…

You have to interpolate it with my mirroring sequence …

Wikipedia says this

The wiki, as usual, is clear as mud, but I interpret it to mean as thus:
5,4,3,2,1 is well ordered set, because 5,4,3 (3 is the least in this same order) and 3,2,1 (1 is the least in the same order.)

Im looking at this with a clear mind,and I still don’t get what the point of the grid is.
It says 0.01234
and 3.234
I don’t get it.

Trixie, the grid expands infinitely in all 4 directions!!

Every number in every place that expands in 8 directions is infinite!

I’m looking at other threads here, and people clearly don’t understand my disproof!!!

Think of it this way …

You are seeing the sidewalk and plants at the same time !! This is akin to an omnistate, even "omni-creative / creation…

If you take the plants away and only see the sidewalk, that is not the same as seeing both at the same time; in fact, it is so mutually exclusive that they can’t exist together!! Now take away the sidewalk, and see the plants without the sidewalk! And it solves the same!

What this means, is that a being that superimposes everything in the “infinite now”, actually can’t see the infinite individuality!! It is infinitely ignorant !!

There is no omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omni-creation, it’s logically impossible because of actual states, not abstract hypotheticals!!!

Your own example disproves you.

If you see all states, it is simply seeing the grass, the sidewalk, as well as the doritos as well.