The biggest mistake I ever made

You have yet to produce a single coherent statement that pertains to philosophy. You are aware of this.
Religion is definitely a stronger point. But given the dogmatism, this too is a terrain where faltering is more akin to you than producing clarity.
Random information is your strong suit, along with emotionalism.

But no matter how much random information you spout, it will be unlikely to do the monkey-typewriter thing. I mean as a monkey at a typewriter, you should not have great expectations of yourself.

Seriously, it’s more interesting to me to find out that you also have some human, cognitive aspects, and not just all this weird shit in your tummy.

You really need to do something about those tantrums of yours.

So you didn’t leave it on the line?

I think they brought out a “find my soul” app for iphone.

Don’t worry if you can’t. I’ll do it for you.

Please stop running backward with your pants down. And get some cleaning products.

I’ve no doubt that this is a very sharp and witty remark. I just wish I knew what it meant so I could appreciate it.

Along with a lot of grateful dead, i wish we could have the groovy ,naive tripping long hairs around, who let it all down.They were sadly defeated by the drug: reality. They were ever so much less up tight.

I saw the grateful dead once.

…big mistake huh? :laughing:

My mistake? I dated.

The crowd was quite strange. Pretty much everyone there was on some kind of hallucinogenic drugs. I was about 15 years old at the time and had never heard their music, but they’re like one of those iconic bands that’s been around since the 60s so I went to see them in a van full of hippies. Decent overall experience, but definitely a smelly dirty crowd and the music wasn’t that good.

I was in a band playing the saxophone. When I was a kid. Then I sold the sax to buy ([{…¿¿¿}]) and now I am in a rap ensemble. Istill do a tubular cif solo.

Man everyone has a mixtape now. They’re just handing them out on the sidewalks.

I have been told I need to smile and laugh more (generally by people who are unhappy).

Horrible shit people make, too.

In any case I cant shake my addiction to the music.

What you say about innocence interests me. To me, believing oneself to be innocent is similar to being unable to feel guilt, or to not feeling any guilt/remorse and having no memory of feeling it. A person who feels no guilt and has no memory of feeling it is one of three things: a narcissist, a true saint, or a child. If we’re talking about someone over say the age of 13, who is a normal human being (not a saint) then such a person who had no experience with guilt would seem almost necessarily to be a narcissist. I think narcissism is a phase the free thinker goes through, s kind of self-cleansing. I’ve gone through it, which is why I don’t trust others who haven’t made it through that yet (e.g. Trump) because I know what it’s like still being inside of that limit.

Not being innocent is a philosophical state of being, a common experience for essentially all human beings; feeling guilt or remorse is simply associating the pain of another with oneself due to the phenomenological linkage between oneself and that other person on account of the fact that oneself was causal to the pain in question. This is a kind of deepening of the connections of existential being. In self-valuing terms we extend our values-sphere to incorporate another value-sphere by way of some shared valuations; I don’t like narcissists because they don’t trust other self-valuings that are marginally different from their own, which means they cannot rely on their own self-valuing as an anchor and ground for valuing differences, which means they don’t really value themselves. And not valuing oneself, being constitutionally and logically unable to value oneself, is the root of all “evil”.

Guilt is really a debt. And debt is karmic. After all who ever not heard a spoiled child tell his accusative parents that he or shr didn’t ask to be born? How an a genetically so called burdened family, on perpetual welfare beget so many kids, in some cases only to increase the size of their dole?

Reasonable: only desperate people went to see the Dead rather then the Stones, not because of the music, but of the intriguing ambiguity between death and being grateful.

As an adult, maintaining hope inspired innocence keeps corruption at bay regarding one’s intent. O:)

Very interesting.


Still waiting for you to tell me how you created your own soul; now that would be very interesting.

By living.

Souls are created from within, and reflect from with-out… they eventually become inherent over millennia, but they need to become first.

Living is the continuation of a soul in a human form, not the actual creation of it. Living is exercise for a soul; that’s all. My soul was not created by me; it was gifted to the idea of my becoming. Now how I choose to exercise it is up to me. I can become healthier or not.


How did you become first?