Best argument for Free will

Now I think free will is stupid and rubbish but it provides an interesting thought experiment.

Say you are going through evolution…And our quale does not coincide with our bodies…
Say whenever we hurt our bodies…it made us feel good…
We would have not evolved to this day…

But still, at the primordial stage…we would have existed with this unfit inversion…
Then never existed in the future…
So it seems the future has already decided our existence.

But in the original scenario…we have free will because our brain’s neurons tell us not harm our bodies…yet our misalignment gives us pleasure quale so we choose to disobey our neurons…

other scenario, real life, our neurons give us pleasure for fulfilling objectives…we are stuck to our neurons…but yet…the question remains…why does sticking to our neurons give us spiritual pleasure…when it just as easily couldn’t :confusion-seeingstars:

i am so confused.

If you are confused, your OP will be confusing. You appear to negate free will without exploring the choices we are actually able to make despite our heritage of genes and memes.

An AI algorithm can make choices, don’t mean it got free will.

something [a brain] which can draw from many thousands/millions of algorithms, has free will. because there are many influences and not a single stream, so there has to be a function of choice making causal influences into something more akin to disposition.

So if I make an Ai that can choose from thousands of algorithms, based on the weather, a controlling algorithm+a random factor…that means it has free will, huh?

Yes but you have to get that function first! …and that’s the part we know virtually nothing of [in terms of what it is]. We observe don’t we? Ergo inside the brain the observer is observing the sensory data in the macroscopic [as that’s all that’s relevant to it], when it does that there is an exchange/interaction of info. This ‘focusing’ concentrates info upon the object/s of said focus, [so the guys making the experiments will see >that< info], therefore it is ‘where we cast our gaze’ that changes the destination of focus, and therefore determines the information stream.

If you can get an AI to observe, and ‘the weather’ + ‘randomness’[?] i.e. the focus to be determined by its observer, then it will have free will.

If they make an AI/robot which makes utility of the same informations, or otherwise acts like humans, that will still be a mimic – no question. You have to have an observer to have free will.

Possibly Incorrect.

“where we cast our gaze’ that changes the destination of focus”

The destination of focus that changes ‘where we cast our gaze’.

that’s a very good point. …but we are both seeing it one way or the other, when we are speaking about exchanges of vast amounts of info so there would seem to be a two and fro about the whole thing. we would also be stating that the observer doesn’t have the ability to change its observational perspective. surely that would be part and parcel of the function to observe? not to mention that the act of observing in physics does have effect.

They can’t measure the effect a conscious observer has on it’s brain.

and the thing you are talking about is a quantum gimmick-easily disproven.
The Heisenberg property simply states that if you measure something at a small scale, you must steal its photon or move it around in order to measure it and so by doing so you alter it because it is so small. There is no special quantum magic involved as you try to imply.

They are looking at the info and there is no observer tech yet. but they can see its movements in colour changes on the screen, they just don’t know what it is doing. my guess would be that it is constantly scanning for info, and at some point is using light to do that with i.e. in terms of collecting info.

There are many factors the main one being a matter of the measure and instigated changes to momentum [see link].
from link
In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, is any of a variety of mathematical inequalities asserting a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties of a particle, known as complementary variables

if you think the mind or spirit-orb is in metaposition or otherwise separate, distinct, then how can can that interact unless it is exchanging info? You would know nothing if it didn’t do that.

Anything can make a “choice” (a cat, a banana, a chair) depending on how you define a “choice”.

So youre saying they can see consciousness as colors on a screen.

I already know Heisenberg’s principle and I forgot what you said metaposition is.

Maybe the brain emits tachyons or somethin. The tachyons never return.
Or, they just flow through the consciousness, and consciousness slows it down so small it’s impossible to detect.