Can God make a double of anything/everything?

Can God make a double of anything/everything?

If so then even if we are entirely physical beings, even the experiencer, then when we die another you will pop up the the spirit world.

If God/spirit > physics make no difference et al.

what I mean is that physics don’t prove atheism is right.

What I’ve come to learn is The lodestone of atheism is evolution. Without evolution, atheism has no credence, since entities could just spontaneously come about. If you blow up evolution, its like blowing up the deathstar of atheism. However, proving evolution does not disprove God though, because God could use evolution to make men (Anne Rice.)

I agree. it could be the means, but that would not be the same as a creation that made the world. it would make creation into an ongoing thing.

Physics and atheism got nothing to do with each other as one is an acknowledged
branch of science and the other is the non acceptance of a particular truth claim

They have nothing to do with each other either

One can accept evolution and still believe in God so you wrong too

Claps hands. Try harder at this.

Are you even trying to read anything I say.

But spontaneity already exists in the natural world and the reason why is known so wrong again

I do not take everything that you say seriously

Half the time you are serious and half the time you are
not and sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference

It helps when you read at a third grade level and have enough energy to read about 3 or 4 lines of text. If you can do that, you can begin to take things seriously and post responses that aren’t annoying and tedious.

Such as, posting a response such as
“One can accept evolution and still believe in God so you wrong too”

right after i said


like, its really braindead and tedious and makes me want to choke something.

But, you probably wont even read or comprehend the post I said above, so I will just post this helpful video.


Alls good in the neighborhood.

I posted that response without reading the full quote so I will not argue the point though
the subject matter of this thread is not one I find particularly interesting if truth be told