Do you see the power?

Do you see the power? Just look outside - you will see a bird fly. What makes the bird fly? Look up in the sky and you will see an airplane, you will see clouds. Outside the window, you can see flowers blooming, you will see a stream flowing, you can see your own eyes twinkling, your hands moving. What makes all this happen? There is a Power. Do you see the Power? We all see the power, but we do not acknowledge or recognize that power. We take it for granted. We don’t even think of it as something amazing because it seems so simple and it is everywhere. It is in the sun, the moon, the stars, the birds, the animals, the flowers. The power is in you, the power is in me. The power creates the beautiful sunrise. It creates a sunset just as it creates the seasons; it creates the rain just as it creates snowfall. Every time we see something, we can see the power if we look deeper. We notice a beautiful fish swimming, but we don’t see the power that makes the fish swim. We see a bird flying, but imagine if this bird had no power? It would drop dead. What if my Power suddenly disappeared? I would stop talking!

We see everything around us but do we see and appreciate the Power?


The Power is Life, which gives us the ability to appreciate Nature.


Soon I will see and feel the power!

What if the “power” is crippled in a diseased mind?

Even if the power is within a diseased mind or a diseased body, it doesn’t matter; the power does not get affected. Consider this
example: when electricity passes through a blue bulb or red bulb or when it passes through an air conditioner that works or doesn’t work, it doesn’t affect the electricity. We have to understand that the power behind our minds and our bodies is the power of creation. When it comes, we are alive; when it goes, we are dead. We should take time to stop and contemplate – what is the power that creates life everywhere, not just in animate, but also in inanimate things?


You are seeing subjective claims as objective certainty. I’ve experienced the power outage, the light that wouldn’t burn despite all the electricity in the world. Show some compassion. The power is not always readily accessible…