Why do bad things happen when God exists?

When people abuse the net of neutrality and do not remain neutral is when things become either bad or good in the views of others. There becomes a right way and a wrong way to go about things based on how people respond to such things. Enslavement and being whipped and forced to work for the glory of just one being, for example, many would view to be bad for it violates neutrality, overlooks our equality since we are not obviously equal to one another at times. Good becomes that which is more acceptable to many, more freedom, more luxury, even working to a degree because it is necessary and there is a want in us to work for things worth working for that we can enjoy the fruits of our labors in one way or another whether it be food for our bellies in hard times or entertainment which is food for our minds and souls or food for our minds in reasoning and philosophy which in turn feeds our spirits and our bodies through gratification. What would be bad is what would impede that, stop our fulfillment of self in an appropriate manner, ‘appropriate’ being deemed by many based on the infringements of neutrality. One can not remain neutral for long when considering all of this and even to return to neutrality is only to state that we do need each other and one mindset in that regard is bad and faulty in comparison to the other that accepts this fact and seeks not to abuse it.

If you say so, it must be true. I separate is as the reality of the mind and the reality in front of our faces. You say that it is just a construct of man, but I disagree. It is the construct of many more species and life forms and even spiritual entities than just man. Each reality feeds off the other to some degree and feeds into the other and all realities, all things effect and affect the other to some degree.

Maybe they do.

I think they might dream more of snail sex and snail food and some times weird shit that they have no ability to place within the constraint of their own lives.

RF, what “spiritual entities” are you aware of?

How many are there?


I’m wondering the same. What entities RF?

There are the spirits of the dead, then there are those who have gained power and become what we know of demons, devils, angels and Gods. Then, there’s the paranormal, the supernatural, alternate realities that have died or are still living (even the living are spiritual entities even though cased in flesh as they are, or cased in matter as that may be whether visible or invisible as the wind seems to be that is still matter that can be felt.) cells, atoms, molecules, rocks, etcetera, table, chairs, houses (anything can contain energy becomes its own entity based on the mixture of energies from all things inhabiting its sphere; neighborhoods, communities, towns and cities), beasts and monstrous things in appearance, our fears and nightmares, brilliant day dreams and fantasies and all creatures of mythology made manifest. The list probably goes on and on and each of these can be felt to some degree or another as actual presences. But to expect them to present themselves to you upon demand would be foolish.

You have shown me nothing that is not due to human imaginings. While I’m tempted to believe such “entities” exist, I am aware that they are products of my mind. Maybe mind is not so restricted as I would have it be. Who knows? I see no evidence to believe otherwise.

that’s because of the accepted perception that it is just imagination instead of reality; the accepted psychology. It is all real and is not just due to human imaginings, but I can not prove that to you. furthermore, I don’t want to if you’re going to take that stance. It’s trite and redundant and symbolical of humanities fears and oppression and repression of so many things that do exist. As if they can just believe it out of existence. Since it can not physically manifest in the way that they desire proof in, they are content to accept the coincidental nature as just coincidental and find ‘logical’ ways to explain it all.

Are you saying that your mind out-thinks you and comes up with stuff that is not your own imagining and that you’re claiming it to be your own imagining while it happens to so many others as well? That some portion of your own self is working against you in such a manner as to torture and frighten you? Is that what you’re saying? That you are insane? Then everyone is insane and denying it. And those who do not deny and speak of the reality of are the insane? That is what I have trouble accepting.

Is there evidence of such things in your own life or are you reporting the opinions of others? If you actually came in personal contact with these entities, I might take your word for it.

Then you would be a rarity to me; someone who would accept the personal testimony of another. I have had the supernatural and paranormal prove itself to me; have had the God consciousness prove itself to me; have caused other things to be trapped through anger, arrogance, cockiness, sure of my own stupidity, one thing or another, to prove the existence of so many things. I have experienced true psychic experiences, true moments of foretelling the future, though it didn’t happen exactly as I foresaw. I have experienced shared imaginative processes, have felt the touch of other things entering my body and controlling me; have seen the subtle and the not so subtle machinations of it all. It was what I was ready to face. I was ready to believe in it all when it came to me. I had made up my mind through so much of my own suffering, to face the possible worst of it all just to have the possible good of it. Many would have the bad without the good or the good without the bad and some are more realistic, though not always in conjunction with believing the things that I do and say that they must take the good with the bad or the bad with the good.

I was willing to see God at its worst just see it at its best. I have been willing to go to Hell, if it exists, in punishment for whatever sins and failings I might have and even if I am not to go there and have earned Heaven, I have accepted the reality that just because I deserve better does not always mean that I will get better. Current reality reconfirms that for me daily. And what exactly is Heaven with so many peoples differing perceptions of what it should be? How could we stand each others company there if we can not even stand each others company here? And what if Hell was vastly misunderstood and was more in line in the afterlife with what we know in life through such statements as ‘going through Hell’, ‘Hell behind the eyes’, and what if the Heaven believed in was the modern age perceived faultily by their ability to perceive at the time and seeing only that the grass appeared greener and more luxurious failed to notice the worst that was still there?

And if I am worthy of Heaven or Hell and stand alone, why should I go to those places on my own? Such would be pointless, an empty existence. Beyond those things, I have found through my travels from WA to FL to be lead to where I need to be, to experience something my own self and even walking miles out of my way only to walk miles back to get back on track, I have learned not to get frustrated or pissed off or deterred by this because it has often been taking me to some place or person I needed to be or to meet. And, through positive perspective instead of embracing the negative, I’ve been able to see and ascertain this. It has not always been a place where I have wanted to be or a place that I needed to be more myself, but to handle situations that arise to be there because others needed me whether the people that I met or others merely watching the scene.

I have felt changes of perception and perspective that have not been my own will, have met chaos in its many forms, have met with childish entities and spirits; have fought constantly against so many things that are not my own thought processes and through noticing this have caused them to prove it through aggravating them, having them break in, being carried to a place that was not my normal frame of mind. And through the gaining of confidence, through overcoming my own insecurities and fears and doubts and worries as I saw them, these things I came to notice.

Good and bad are mental evaluations of what happens to one. These evaluations are projected onto society and from there to what is expected of a deity. Show me another source of these concepts.

Also what happens to many. Why would the inflicting of pain be seen as a good thing other than the perceived expectation, however faulty, that such breeds wisdom which not many truly want.

What do you mean, show you another source of these concepts? They are everywhere in our culture, everywhere in existence. The only way you can not see is because you refuse to really look. The only way you can not hear is because you refuse to listen. The only way you can not believe in the existence of truth is because you would rather believe the lies. You are looking for me to convince you with so many other things beyond myself, beyond what I have already done. What more can I do? What more should I do or should want to do if you yourself are unwilling to do the same for others or for yourself.

RF, I have had experiences similar to what you describe above. My question is that they are part of situations that appear to be paranormal simply because we are fairly ignorant of what mind is capable of doing?
“If the doors of perception were cleansed;
We’d see everything as it is–Infinite”. Blake
Also, the rain doesn’t care if it depresses me. Nature is neutral! You’re evoking the super-natural.

with the way coincidences stack, they are both a part of the paranormal at the same time as not. There is always a logical explanation for it that people can attribute to it, until the coincidences stack in such a way as to make that impossible except for the logical conclusion being that the paranormal does exist and in most instances can be explained in such terms of logic as accepted by the majority who are largely ignorant one way or the other. Some people enjoy the rain, but not always. Some people enjoy the sun, but not always.

God has given us the intellect to either question or accept – it is up to us to decide. If we believe and trust, then we will accept in divine surrender, or we can continue questioning till our breath ceases to exist.


So after all the work to get us to a level of knowledge we are supposed to stop learning.

I tend to think that questioning leads to intercourse with the divine. Divine surrender is death.

Of course, it’s not a black and white, mutually exclusive situation as you portray it. There is always a mix of questioning and acceptance.

What if you have the type of mind that questions much and accepts, without questioning, very little?
We know so little about what minds are capable of doing that we use the word paranormal as if those events so designated have existence outside of minds. I’ve had experiences with prophetic dreams and “ghosts” and can only suggest that these phenomena stem from places in the mind, of which we are not yet able to realize in “objective/subjective” mental analysis.
Back to the OP–good and bad are subjective evaluations. There exists no objective good or bad.