Jesus Christ

What does momentum mean here? Is it just motion or force, or are you using it in a different way?

Behavior as in morality? Respect, etc?

Energy and influence I already understand, I was always using the two to describe cycles of nature, that is the method in which I use to describe after one dies. I don’t think energy ceases to exist when one dies, merely transmutates.

Physical momentum is the tenacity with which something keeps progressing and is measured by velocity and mass (speed and amount). Socially (or “spiritually”) “momentum” means the same thing regarding people’s beliefs and behaviors, their “spirit”, and involves the tenacity with which the behavior is upheld by the “masses” as well as how quickly it propagates to others - “velocity and mass”.

Whatever behavior. “Spirit” is merely an ancient or scriptural word for behavior/activity/energy/influence, whether good, bad, or indifferent.

The behavior that one instills in a society (or the universe) by his own behavior is his “life after death”. Your life IS your behavior in the universe. The decimation of your body is not necessarily the end of your behavior and influence.

Nothing can die until it fails to try. And nothing is dying until if is no longer trying.


If you survive your duel with Steven and aren’t party fouled out by HHH, we may need to do some wrestling linguistically except Harbal has to decide the victor (He’s drawn to me for some reason, so why the Hell not). I think he likes my writing style, so I have a leg up on this one.

Regarding on-topic thoughts: Jesus Christ, what’s going on around here? Spirit thieves will not rise once their bodies decay!

I have a motto: ‘You can not rush genius. You can try and put the whip to it, but if you try to force it, it will lose the quality that makes it genius.’

Similarly, you can not plan life. Therefore, if there is to be linguistic wrestling, it will have to be impromptu, improvisational and on a day when it happens naturally.


You’re an absolute control freak. #-o How magnanimous of a gutter snipe to allow his prey to stumble into his not her au naturale environment. :laughing: Aw, forget about it! :confusion-shrug:

control freak? Who said I was just speaking for myself? Also, life comes at you whether you’re ready or not. How typical of a human to misconstrue so many things in a given statement.



I did not propose linguistic wrestling with anyone else and you addressed my request to you and responded as you without claiming to be anyone else. Now you are assuming that I am human?

Are you assuming that I care if you are or not human?


Oh, you care.

Actually, while I care about a lot of things, I care very little about your casing of flesh, if you indeed do have a casing of flesh. For all I know, you could be an AI, an alien that is not human; perhaps a sentient being that is entirely earth-grown that isn’t human but humanoid enough. You could be many things other than human and I would not care at that point because at the same time as remaining different on that level, you still reason, conjecture and feel the same as humans. And, that is enough for me.

The difference between necromancy and true, full, resurrection is just one step in the right direction.

For just speaking his mind freely.

he was the original freedom fighter; the ultimate rebel. He may have been a little shit in his youth; who knows, they cover it up, and, who isn’t?; but certainly he saw things a little differently than the rest. Died for our sins? No, he died for our freedom from debauchery, from devil-worship, from enslavement, mental, physical, spiritual; for a departure from depravity; a depravity he knew and understood because it affects us all and he was in the midst of it. But, die for our sins? No. No man can die for the sins of another; that is scape-goatism; that is ‘taking one for the team’, and is bad practice; sets bad precedent and enables people to keep doing the horrible things they’re doing as long as someone else will take the punishment and blame for them and they can call that loyalty.

I love how people relate fear to wisdom. Let’s just pretend that this thing does not exist and hope it goes away.

Reminds me of karma kind of.

And, I am saying; here I am. In the midst of your ‘partying’; not partying as in drinking and listening to music, but partying in debauchery, in chaos, in the demeaning of all that is Good and Right; in the destruction of community; in the command of raiders and villains; Here I Am.

I have begun my war on the nations of the world. I have already toppled politics and proven the philosophies of many to be shallow understandings, not fully fleshed. I have gone beyond religion and knocked down its walls to show the beauty of the word written in every corner of existence with every bit of life to learn from; I have exposed lies and hypocrisies, I have fought against those who have waged war against me and I have triumphed, I have won. Many here are my witnesses.

Dostoyevsky predicted a repeat crucifixion as if saying that nihilism would bring out the worst in people, out of vengeance of not asserting will and through power. It’s the way the mind human mind works, and. O miracle can change it.

No true miracle is affected without hard work. Humans and their Gods that were once human as well demand blood sacrifice. They even tried to say of The God, in the bible, that he demanded blood sacrifice. You notice that people misinterpret things all the time in life, that they misconstrue, that they can fall for just about any lie and addictions are hard to break. Jesus Christ was a blood sacrifice and it is easier to shut up one person such as jesus christ than to actually deal with the multitude that they have spoiled and let do whatever they want to the point where it has reached nihilism. Rather than put the hard work in to right the sinking ship, they would rather destroy the hard work of every thing in existence and destroy something just to destroy it, just because they didn’t want to do things right. It’s only the way the human mind works because it’s what has been set in place before we were even here; it is what we were taught. That does not make it right and I am not relying on a miracle to change it, but hard work.

And, I fully expect nihilism to win. It would be most likely. I fully intend to go out fighting a fight I knowingly can not win. And, if I happen to win it, will it be worth it? Will it be worth rebuilding our dreams from whatever rubble is left in the aftermath, when such things still lay in wait for us to lower our guard and come at us any time they will it and claim that to be the natural order.

God does his best work in impossible situations.

Luke 1:5-25