It's All Done With Mirrors

We have been told that solid objects, when traced down smaller than atoms, disappear into energy. No material. Nothing is solid. How can this be? Well, let’s see.

We have also been told that light reflected from an object energizes the nerves in the retina of the eye, setting up electrochemical reactions which “travel” up the optic nerve and into the brain. It is only at this time that we “see.”

Differing pressure of air moves the ear drum, which moves the anvil and stirrup bones of the inner ear, eventually energizing electrochemical reactions on into the brain and only then do we “hear.”

The same type of behavior occurs with touch, smell, taste - all the so-called “senses.” All of them occur in the brain - not at the point of origin.

The whole physical universe - everything we can sense, is “sensed” only in the brain. The whole physical universe is contained completely in our brain.

Whether there is anything “out there” at all can never be known. Because the only way we could tell if anything is out there is to sense it. But what we sense will not be “out there.” It will be “in here” - in the brain.

The evidence seems to suggest however, that there IS no “out there” out there. It’s all an illusion.

No wonder we cannot find the largest thing nor the smallest. That’s what illusions are - limitless. No wonder what seems solid is not. It’s all illusion.

What is happening then?

It seems to be that we are dreaming our physical world. Is this possible? Can Mind dream a world of time and space and lakes and people and automobiles? Of course it can. It dreams it up every time we fall asleep. Mind dreams. That’s its only job. That’s what it does.

Then ponder this:

The eye sees reflected light The brain sees form and color. We see a yellow pencil.

The ear senses differing air pressure. The brain detects sound. We hear music.

The nerves in our fingers detect heat and texture. The brain detects flesh. We touch a loved one.