Mashiach and Redemption

Mashiach and Redemption / משיח וגאולה

According to the Jewish Scriptures the beginning of the Redemption had already begun from the day Adam and Hava (Eve) committed the first sin in this world. From that day on, the world has been in the preparatory stage for the beginning of the final Redemption. The beginnings of the geula (redemption) starts with the proclamation of G-d’s plan for Mashiach in this world (see Bereshit 3:15). According to Jewish tradition He is to come in two different stages, these are: Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach ben David, thus two types of Geula. This is to be understood as: Mashiach ben Yosef who will conquer the Esav force (the sin that separates us from G-d), as Yosef stood above negative physical desire (Remember also that Yosef started the beginning of such redemption at that time). But at the end Mashiach ben Yosef must sacrifice His life for the struggle, so that the final redemption will come through Emunah / belief in His work (See Yeshayahu 53).Â

משיח בן יוסף - Mashiach Ben Yosef: The forerunner and harbinger of the final deliverer, the Messiah from the house of David, this is Mashiach ben David. Belief in the appearance of the Mashiach ben Yosef is derived from Scripture and tradition, just as Mashiach ben David, who is descended from Judah (Melech HaMashiach).Â

משיח בן דוד - Mashiach Ben David: As for the second Geula, the Gaon of Vilna (1720-1797), along with other Jewish Teachers of the Bible, asserted that there will be great wars on both in the physical and metaphysical planes between the Jewish People and other nations, as well as internally between Israel and its inhabitants who are part of the Erev Rav (the “Mixed multitude”). Therefore Mashiach ben David, connected with the quality of Malchut (Royalty), will bring the final redemption, conquering the Lavan force (the Lavan force is that that tries to restrain the Kingdom of G-d, according to the Hagaddah, “Lavan wanted to uproot everything,” because he wanted to strike out at the mind, the seat of the soul). At the end Mashiach Ben David is less of a question, because He is the hero’s hero. Everyone can, and has conceived of Him.Â

At the end Mashiach ben Yosef is the one who prepares the world for the physical culmination of the Redemption (by Emunah in Mashiach), the Kingdom of G-d on earth. "Yosef recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him – This is one of the traits of Yosef not only in his own generation, but in every generation, i.e., that Mashiach ben Yosef recognizes his brothers, but they do not recognize him. This is the work of Satan, who hides the characteristics of Mashiach ben Yosef so that the footsteps of the Mashiach are not recognized and are even belittled because of our many sins. Otherwise, our troubles would already have ended. Were Israel to recognize Yosef, that is, the footsteps of ben Yosef the Mashiach which is the ingathering of the exiles etc., then we would already have been redeemed with a complete redemption. (Kol Hator, Chapter 2, Aspect #39 by Rabbi Hillel Shklover)"Â

In Jewish Theology Yosef is associated with the aspect of God known as Yesod (Foundation), Yesod follows Malchut (Kingdom). Indeed Mashiach Ben Yosef is the foundation of such end of the Geula (Redemption), which will bring the final redeemer who came once as Mashiach Ben Yosef, but now as Mashiach Ben David. Yeshua Melech HaMashiach, the Pierced one as per Zechariah 12:10.

Would you have Emuna in Him? Do you want Mashiach Now?   Â

What happens after redemtion? Do we still have freewill? Is the connection to god supposedly to be very close as back in the days of our prophets? Also since I’m ignorant what happens to the other nations? Do they in Jewish view become jewish? Do they now have to take on Jewish traditions?

Also I’d like to point out

In this view may Jesus have fit the role?