Will the Great Pacific Garbage Patch Achieve Self-Awareness?

foxnews.com/science/2016/10/ … ought.html

Is the patch growing through Butlarian Evolution, as described in Samuel Butler’s 19th Century book “Erewhon”, where complex systems such as train networks evolved over time independence and free will, self awareness, to a point that like Skynet from the Terminator movies, will become aware it is alive and that we are a threat to it, and start attacking our ships, swimmers, and coastal cities?

Or will it look upon us like a child, since we are the hand that feeds it, and look towards us to teach it about life and philosophy, how to properly live and make sense of a world in flux?

Can the Great Pacific Garbage Patch become our friend, or are we doomed yo fight it, lobbing nukes at it? Why do things always have to result in bloodshed and war? Is it possible we’ve advanced far enough as a civilization to have peaceful coexistence?

Even if 99.99 percent of the world was totally peaceful, it would only be that 0.001 percent that wasn’t peaceful the Media would throw in your face. And thus you could only image a world with such violence guiding its every move and condition.

When your perception is rigged, how can you possibly ever accurately image “what would happen if….”?

Turd forgot to log into his Shelley Trokan account I see with this thread. Oops… :sunglasses: