Can absence be made?

I believe that life’s goal is to replicate or create absence - a form of continuation that doesn’t replicate.
To me, life’s meaning is to create something that defies reality by existing but not replicating - everything in the universe is a duplicate. People. Thoughts. Objects. Places. Black holes. Gravity etc. They all replicate.

The only thing that can exist without replicating must be absence.

In general, from what little I’ve read of you today, you string together ideas and words that don’t connect properly and are not defined correctly.

Living organisms can or cannot replicate themselves; there are plenty who haven’t or have not been able to do. These have been removed by natural selection. It is not so much the purpose of life to replicate itself as it is simply the outcome that organisms which replicate themselves continue to do so throughout the generations.

It’s correct to say that that which does not replicate itself is absent, or will become absent, but absence is not a condition of existence. It’s just a negation.

If human existence needs uniformity, but life is difference, the issue is whether difference is wrong to need uniformity.