I'm mad at James and wtf!

I solved the real numbers… Stop talking about uncountable infinities or orders of infinity!!!

Honestly folks !!

This is an inferential proof grid for all irrational numbers!

I would love work that pays…

5.) The Real Numbers…

…312111019876543 : 34567891011121…
…121110198765432 : 23456789101112…
…211101987654321 : 12345678910111…
…111019876543210 : 01234567891011…

…111019876543210 : 012345678910111
…211101987654321 : 123456789101112…
…121110198765432 : 234567891011121…
…312111019876543 : 345678910111213…

As my mirroring technique for counting the rational numbers expands, you interpolate it with this sequence for every digit (the grid above)…

You slowly spiral out from the middle of this infinite sequence grid! (one axis is negatives and the perpendicular axis is decimal points)

As you spiral out, you list 8 consecutive directionality’s, up, down, right, left and all the diagonals…

This sequence will count the reals.

Whenever dimensional flooding occurs, you have to add a new operator to render it in a single list… I’m using 6 operators here to count the reals.

You can use brute force to decrypt anything with the set of reals!!

I want massive math prizes for this!! I would love to support my family instead of them supporting me!!

Ask me any questions!!!

I want to add, to the math section, that you can also use an expanding pyramidization to count the infinite decimals in slow expansion. You start with 8 numbers, and then 16 numbers (2 each at this point) and keep expanding out). I depends on how you want to notate the reals as a matter of preference!

Even though at this point my social and spiritual theory doesn’t seem to garner the type of support I was hoping, I thought something like a concrete inferential proof of the real numbers would!

I object to you publishing my phone number!

I agree.

That topic about 0.9999 is getting old and boring.

Much like the members of ILP.

It’s all good to you. Pain, pleasure, and boredom, are all equal experiences to you. It’s the best moment of your life. That’s what you told me.

I didn’t say that all things are equal and so please stop lying.

Yeah you did.

“They are the best things that happened to us because there is no other things that happened to us”
If they are all the best, then they are all equal, by definition.

Your definition, and lack of understanding, does not equal my words, thoughts or feeling.

If all moments are the best, then they are all equal.

Try again.

Without moving the goal-post this time.

If you want to start a new thread on the topic then please do as this is not the thread for this discussion.

Eccy, How many real numbers are between 0 and 1?

5, no more no less.

This is based on Nature, 5 fingers and 5 toes, the Natural Truth.

That makes 10.

Nope, 21 if you look at it like that.

Nope, 25 if you look at it like that.

Triple dick hermaphrodites don’t count.

Okay, 26. 8-[

Math must be really hard for them if they don’t count.

Same as between




What’s your point…

If you use scattering you can number them all

Let me clarify this…

There are WELL ordered sets that are sequential…

And there are non well ordered sets which are scattered!

This is a non well ordered set