Our world is fake.

We live in a fake, virtual world.

I cannot explain this to you with facts, for the facts are all around, staring at you in the eye!

We live amongst robots, programs, fake cardboard people.

You are living in a delusion, the ego delusion. Once you succumb you are no longer the masterofyourowndomain, but a slave of love and attachment.

You cannot come to the understanding that this world was infact created, and is a computer simulation, without first evolving. I cannot explain or prove to you how it is, it is simply something you must come to understand on your own. Once you evolve to that point, you will see why I don’t care whether or not you believe me or not, as you most likely part of the simulation yourself.

The Matrix wasn’t just a political allusion with a double meaning, it was being quite literal about it.

Science will confirm this, mark my words, they are already saying there is a 60% probability we live in a virtual world.