One big idea is missing in Physics.

One big idea is missing in Physics.
“ . . . . . at least one big idea is missing.
How do we find that missing idea? “
/ Book: “ The trouble with Physics” By Lee Smolin, page 308 /

What is “the big missing idea ” ?
The big missing idea in Physics is the endless infinite void – the Vacuum,
the Zero Vacuum: T=0K.

When the next revolution rocks physics,
chances are it will be about nothing—the vacuum,
that endless infinite void. … everything

“ The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t correctly
describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct description
of something more complex? “
/ Paul Dirac /

“Vacuum – the very name suggests emptiness and nothingness –
is actually a realm rife with potentiality, courtesy of the laws
of quantum electrodynamics (QED). According to QED,
additional, albeit virtual, particles can be created in the vacuum,
allowing light-light interactions.”

“The most fundamental question facing 21st century physics will be:
What is the vacuum? As quantum mechanics teaches us, with
its zero point energy this vacuum is not empty and the word
vacuum is a gross misnomer!”
/ Prof. Friedwardt Winterberg /

“Now we know that the vacuum can have all sorts of wonderful effects
over an enormous range of scales, from the microscopic to the cosmic,”
said Peter Milonni
from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

etc . . . . .

A vacuum is defined as the absence of matter though matter is not all that exists
An absolute vacuum is defined as the absence of every thing and not just matter
And absolute vacuums exist but they are quickly filled with matter / anti matter

Absolute vacuums, absolutely do not exist … ever.

Sorry, it seems that the “big idea” is not missing in Physics,
it has been banned from Physics.
‘ It is true . . . there is such a thing as absolute zero; we cannot
reach temperatures below absolute zero not because we are not
sufficiently clever but because temperatures below absolute zero
simple have no meaning.’
/ Book : ‘Dreams of a final theory’ . Page 138.
By Steven Weinberg. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1979 /


But . . . .
S. Weinberg wrote another book: “The First Three Minutes”
(A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe . . . after big bang)
So, he know very well that in 1973 the temperature of the Universe
as whole was 2,7K and in the time “X” it will come to absolute zero.
But if the “temperatures below absolute zero simple have no meaning”
then . . . “ Big Bang” also doesn’t have meaning.
Someone must decide: “Where is logic in our Alice’s Wonderland?”

Same as consciousness. It matters.

I would have thought the biggest question is ‘why’?

Why is there existence and not just that nothing, and why do patterns/math exist et al. Its like the whole thing has been thought through, so there are principles ‘out there’ which makes things work.

The strange thing is its as if the whole thing is resolved to incompletion, which is ‘why’ a space or volume cannot be divided into equal geometric proportions, and the ‘mess’ exists instead of a perfectly ordered universe or indeed an empty space.

If the Universe is a Fractal,
where atoms are galaxies,
any order within a galaxy,
like a Corvette Stingray, will be
just as likely to occur within
an atom or within an atom’s
“Structure” of Space will be the same
looking out from an atom as it is
looking out from a Galaxy: no vacuum.

it isn’t though, it is clearly visible that different levels of existence are different and not repetitions. then you get to the smallest heaviest thing, and it then breaks up into abstracts [superposition, infinities].

Things repeat.
Atom/galaxy is the iteration.
Cosmic Year- 225 to 225 million years
equals 10^15 seconds.
New measurements of the period
of an electron - 10^-16 seconds.
Difference- 10^31

Diameter of Milky Way- 10^22m
Diameter of a Carbon atom- 10^-09m
Difference- 10^31

If it were binary you’d have no difficulty is visualising the whole thing as patterns of that, just like upscaling or downscaling a bitmap image. Here the universe is doing the same thing, but the patterns aren’t binary, so you inject the idea of fractals when the repetition is actually by a different maths. Things in patterns tend towards repetition because all patterns are cyclic. It is clear that atomic, microscopic and macroscopic objects are observably different. So scale does not just repeat cycles endlessly [is fractalic], each scale denoted different behaviours and effects.

They’re brilliant for cleaning carpets, for a start.

Brief characteristic of Vacuum: T=0K.
It was, it is, it will be forever an infinite /eternal continuum T=0K.
The Material World began its existence and evolution from T=0K.
Today physicists think that the Universe as whole has temperature:
T= 2,7K. They know very well that parameter T=2,7K is not constant.
It is temporal and goes down and in the future it will come to T= 0K.
But they don’t know what to do with infinite T=0K and therefore
banned T=0K from logical thought.
T=0K is not empty / void infinite continuum.
The void/vacuum T=0K gives birth to an infinite numbers of
virtual particles (antiparticles, dark matter , dark energy and “zoo”
of elementary particles) and they exist in this Kingdom of Vacuum.
Which geometrical form can have virtual particles (antiparticles,
dark matter , dark energy and “zoo” of elementary particles)
in the absolute reference frame T= 0K ?

The answer is: “They must be flat particles.”
Because absolute endless infinite void - vacuum T=0K obeys the
laws of “Ideal Gas” and therefore . . . according to Charle’s law
(and the consequence of the third law of thermodynamics) as the
thermodynamic temperature of a system approaches absolute zero
the volume of particles approach zero too.
It means the particles at T=0K must have flat forms.
The most ideal flat geometrical form is form of circle: pi= c /d =3,14 . . . .
These circle –particles are without thickness. It means, we cannot reach
the T=0K and we cannot reach the density of these vacuum-particles.
We cannot observe vacuum - particles with tools, but thanks to
mathematics (physical-mathematical laws) we can understand their
real geometrical forms.

The “strings particles” is also flat particles and don’t have thickness.
But to be “string” is needed forces in two different sides.
Without forces the “string” will take form of circle.
And in circle all forces in all different directions are equal and
therefore the circle–particle is in an ideal equilibrium (potential) state.
Such equilibrium-potential state can be changed easily with a
thin/weak quantum force.
Once again.
Circle-particle says to string-particles: “I am, circle, the real quantum
particle and my existence is confirmed by physical-mathematical laws
and you, string, don’t have such laws, such confirmation. You are only
private invention of theoretical thought.”
When very small changes appear in absolute void of “Ideal Gas”
( T=0K ) something was happened. Pressures, densities,
temperatures were changed and can be observed.
(Casimir effect, vacuum polarization, Lamb shift, . . …etc.)
These “very small changes” are Quantum changes.
These very small Quantum changes ( h and h*bar) make great
difference in the Kingdom of Absolute Vacuum and Nature.
====. . .
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik. Socratus.
absolute zero.jpg

They suck.

I question this law. I don’t see a law, but a rough correlation…
The volume of particles tends to decrease due to law of averages…nothing more.
It is my belief that it is simply associated with the behavior, not linked. I think you need to go back to Square 1.
Heat is just because molecules vibrate. There is no flattening of any kind involved in super cool areas, simply due to larger volume of particles, they tend to bounce with each other more due to law of averages, and so retain their heat energy longer…eventually they start to leave and move to lower pressure zones…thus less hot molecules ricocheting within the bounds, and thus less heat. No pancaking needed.

someone by name NAMETA 9 has kind of interesting stuff about this theory.
where is that fellow now.

First of all there has to be the big question: Is there an “infinite void - the vaccuum”?

Oh come on folks…

We’ve already been through this!!!

The lack of all existents includes itself…

So it would be the lack of the lack of all existents …

That is why existence exists…

Basic set theory

One Sisyphus project in modern Physics.
Scientists try to unify four fundamental forces:
electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravity.
In 1979 the Nobel Prize was awarded to physicists who
merged electromagnetic and the weak nuclear forces in a single
framework: electroweak theory.
Uniting the strong force with the electroweak picture has not been easy.
However, many physicists believe that at very high energies, the
electroweak and the strong forces would behave as one.
That unification is known as the search for a “grand unified theory”
The theory that may finally include all four fundamental forces as one
(electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravity) is known as the search
for a “theory of everything”.
My opinion.
So, on a large macro cosmic scale scientists gathered all masses and
energies into “ singular point” and on a micro scale this picture repeat
itself when scientists try to merge all four forces at very high
energies as one.
I call this scientific plan to understand micro world as a “Sisyphus project”.
Because behavior of particles at very high energies was explained
by Paul Dirac in 1928. According to Dirac at a “sea of vacuum”
quantum particles (forces) will be changed into virtual particles
with negative energy / mass: -E= Mc^2. (!)
This “sea of vacuum” is infinite continuum and it is some kind of
infinite energy and it is full with infinite numbers of particles: –E=Mc^2.
From these Dirac’s negative particles the creation and evolution of
existence was started. From Dirac’s “sea of vacuum” and negative particles
of energy / mass -E= Mc^2 “the theory of everything” begins its way.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus.

You can test and understand scientific plan to unify all four forces
(electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravity) at very high energies
into one singular force in your home conditions:
a) take four eggs ,
b) break them,
c) make omelet with homogeneous structure,
d) try to understand, what chicken is.

Good appetite, and remember,
in our eggs – our forces (more than four).