Benzene Ring according to Galaxy Model for Atom
Here is how Benzene works.
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The Universe is a Fractal based on an
Atom/Galaxy iteration.

From my understanding, your proposition is:

Macrocosm follows Microcosm (Benzene C6H6 is a representative of a cosmological order).

You can assert the Συμπάθεια Sympatheia by congruent behaviors in physics, simultaneously on molecular and Astrophysical scales… a tangible interrelation exists… from the forces or quantum entanglement of some order, correct?

I am currently unawares of a cosmological model that remotely describes benzene by any scientist since the 19th Century Germany. That went out the window when Nietzsche passed… Ouroboros was used to first describe this molecule, but it is not a justified, scientifically sound representative of the universe.

Reason why Benzene is shaped as it is, is due to π bonding.

That is a picture of two Π Orbitals forming a Π Bond.

If you look at Benzene, this occurs across it.

If the universe was in motion, it would cease to look like Benzene due to π bonding. While this would explain stuff like Entropy in a limited, finite universe, it also depends on parallel bubble universes, which we only can propose, with next to no empirical data.

Ultimately, you can see the difficulty from the ellicptic images above… there is a Nodal Plane of observation… the behaviors on either side are coincidently parallel, but a observer in either elliptic wouldnt be able to observe or easily prove the opposite side. In such a model, where would we sit? In the nodal plane, on a elliptic? Would the forces of nature, especially ones presumed to be constant, be consistent, or would the strong and weak nuclear forces on a macroscale behave very bizarre, causing observational data to return gibberish returns, if judged by the physics of the scientist’ locale?

These are Philosophy of Size issues. All things may be relative, but in parts of the universe, the physics driven by Sympatheia may differ from one local to the next unexpectedly do to macrological ordering we simply can’t observe or notice. E = MC2 might not be the case at the extremes that the Cardinal Directions can take us… we remain doubtful and at prey of the Cartesian Demon that can change physics at will when we are looking at physics from only one locale, on one scale, presuming the rest follows suit. I have no reason to believe it does. I can assume what effects the ordering of Benzene is at play across much of nature… holds keys to it’s decipherments, but I don’t think it can be readily asserted large follows from small, or small from large, without testible data taken from differing points of observation. Our physics is still earthbound, and Stargate Universe is cancelled, so we’re more or less fucked for the moment, unless we learn to replicate the conditions of the universe far distant from here, and fiddle and, and classify it as geographical aspects. We are a very long way from doing this on a meaningful scale, Hadron Colliers can tell a lot, but can hardly will this off.

It is not Benzene dictating the order;
it is the DISC morphology of galaxies
AND atoms.
Atoms are discs that spin and precess,
just like galaxies: