Quantum entanglement and its metaphysical consequences

This is where the talk will get interesting (for me at least) as I’m interested in the applications of phenomena in industry, but what also caught my interest is the idea that ‘the future might sometimes influence the present’ which would explain a few experiences I’ve had over the years, and I had been thinking about it in terms of a Quantum aspect in particular.

Quantum Entanglement sounds beautiful, but it also seems to have validity to it too - has anyone come across the application of QE in industry? as mentioned above.

It is merely a magic show to enhance the new secular world religion called “Science”.

It is a word game being played on the unsuspecting audience and has nothing at all to do with physical reality. Anyone should be embarrassed when they discover how they have been duped.

Brian Cox’s argument on QE was based on the Pauli Exclusion Principle… well worth checking out.


The same way that theorists have been duping the enlightened public with made up theories for centuries now? and don’t forget religion in that lot!

Except for two things:

  1. these days there is no excuse for it.
  2. it isn’t an accident this time.

You have no idea how much I am looking forward to this talk - I will swat up on expert opinions on the matter, but I already have my own opinions on the matter… in light of my own personal experiences that verify the theory for me.

From your video:
• “It’s not quite right what he said, no. But the spirit of what he said is okay.”
• “He didn’t say anything controversial. He was just pointing out … other people are drawing the implications.”
• “One group of people infer that, that means that all people are connected…”
• “Because we change the energy levels in one group, that immediately changes the energy levels of the other group” (a direct lie)
• “Because no two fermions (“electrons”) can be at the exact same quantum state (or energy state) then when one changes, all electrons throughout the entire universe instantly change.” (another lie)
• “It doesn’t mean that you can send any signal faster than light. That is not possible.”
• “Brian greatly over simplified but it got people interested in what he’s talking about and that is why he is on BBC and I’m not.”
• “What he would like to have said would never have been shown on BBC.”

And the narrator seems so girlishly delighted that people are so confused.

Brian Cox is just another propaganda face similar to Michio Kaku (admitted liar) and Carl Sagan … both public con men and frauds for the new religion. They are trying, successfully, to create mysticism out of math.

They lie so as to provoke interest which feeds blind worship of liars. And absolutely nothing comes of what they propose other than more money to fund whatever other lies they get inspired to preach.

Mysticism out of math?

What? Do you even know what mysticism is?

The term you’re looking for is Magick.

Just because you are stupid, doesn’t mean the whole world is stupid.

Nikola Tesla was showing the magick in numbers with the “3 6 9” and its magnificence that was connected to the molecular evolution of numbers in 1 / 49.

Nikola Tesla created an entire tower that was mathematically designed and perfectly aligned with mathematical properties of our DNA.

I will post the exchanges leading up to the event later this week… it’s going to be a good un;)

Quantum physics is fake and I don’t appreciate threads that are filling my head with gooble de gook nonsense.

You will say it can’t be done, that I can’t disprove Quantum gobblegook, but you said I couldn’t disprove Michelson and Morley and look where that got you. I took me less than 24 hours to defeat them. I have defeated all of your titans, every single one you throw at me I will defeat, it is like cake.

Hell, I am smarter than Edison, Einstein, hell, I might even be smarter than Tesla. As a matter of fact, I don’t even like Edison, he electrocuted people and animals for money.

Einstein’s theories were wack, but he had enough sense to oppose quantum gook. For that reason, I respect the man.

I will finish the job, I will take up Einstein’s sword, and put quantum theory back to the dirt from where it began.

He did not accept quantum mechanics as he found it to be too counter intuitive but he was wrong
His peers like Bohr and Heisenberg and Schrodinger and Dirac were far more open minded about it

Einstein may have been a whacko nutter but I respect him for taking a stand against the quantum leap.

Surrep, I have a job for you, and it involves genius forums.

Not really.
Einstein intuitively believed in a necessary reality, “locality”. He properly disbelieved in “spooky action at a distance”. He was necessarily right due simply to ontological logic (unknown to science types at that time it seems).

And despite current rhetoric, Schrodinger was actually mocking the idea of quantum physics as he explained the absurdity of the cat being both alive and dead at the same time.

Although relativity isn’t quite right and useless in certain situations, as on ontology, quantum physics is entirely wrong to the point of being a fairy tale. Only the purely quantum mechanics parts of quantum physics ever work, the statistics. Concepts like entanglement are used to mystify the ignorant masses in the same way as metaphors in the Bible. And establishing a religious following is the exact reason such things are promoted.

Quantum Physics is a religion, not a science. It is built literally of what is known as “superstition”, the superimposing of mental stitching in order to try to make sense out of former theories. They fill obvious gaps in reasoning with superstitious nonsense in the effort to preserve their egocentric religion.

Is it not possible to study the sub atomic from a scientific perspective

Im not sure if it is. If they formed a whole belief system from the Michelson Morley experiment, that’s 90 years of junk science, junk equations just from one belief system. Can we even bother to waste mental resources in memorizing those equations if 90 percent of them may be junk? Since photons dont bounce off electrons, we must must use junk equations to guess the state of electrons…how can we get good science when 90 years of science has been corrupted with junk? that’s like builing a sandwich with shit and expecting to get a souffle’ out of it. The fall of luminiferous aether marked the fall of rational society.

It is possible to study it from a definitional logic perspective. And then use the scientific method to verify the logic, along with continued open logic debates (“Resolution Debating”).

I know this to be true because I have done it very extensively. I went to the trouble of having a computer test my logic. I have no need to speculate what is happening within atoms or open space. I can tell you exactly what is happening and why it must be happening. I am always open to debate, but I can’t imagine anyone being able to find any flaw.