What is Intelligence, exactly?

Better than Buddhism?

Having that goal will tend to put you at odds with yourself, goals versus goals. It’s a specfic form of a common problem.

Solutions and answers are necessarily “Ideal” states, opposed to,
Problems and questions are necessarily “Real” states.

Most people approach reality as something imperfect, flawed, and “to be corrected”. This is the definition of Adaptation, of Evolution.

It’s rarer that an individual truly wants things to “remain as they are”, as such a position necessarily conveys privilege, security, and comfort.

My goals are MIJOT, DnA machine, Brain serum, finding out consciousness, and some inventions, and some secret things.

Thing is, I lost my motivation to do these things due to Buddhism. Also, i lose my motivation because of people who don’t hold up their end of a bargain, like this junkie guy was supposed to add me to part of his corporations but I’ve been not getting emails back. People always let me down. If people did exactly what I want, I would have already accomplished my goals. For example, when I mention my DNA to random people I meet, noone has any interest. Now I will admit, the technology is absurd, but they cannot even see why the machine would even be needed. They just think, humans are good, humans are great, sapiens, wonderful, mediocrity, perfect, no need for evolving, humanism, humans are good, no reason to change DNA, no such thing as life threatening diseases, no such thing as retards, no such things as degenerative conditions or suffering in the world, humanity, humanism, all good, we are all equal and happy, life is good, mediocrity is good, humanism.

Yes. Buddhism lacks momentum, thus it was challenged by Taoism (although Taoism isn’t what I was referring to).

OK. I was surprised to find you citing Buddhism in the way you did, since I did not think you were Buddhist (nor Taoist for that matter).

Well, there is at least a third option which is not having a goal, which seemed to be your first idea. To keep things are they are is a goal, and one that obviously puts one in conflict both internally and externally.

To have not goals as a goal, puts one in internal conflict.

It reduces the number to a minimum, like trying to not try (“depression”).

Yes, it does. I would not try to talk someone out of it, though when younger I might have involved myself in such foolishness. For me it is a poor goal, a kind of nihilism or anti-vitalism in a core way.

In real Buddhism, it isn’t a point that you are to stay at. You seek the point of having zero desire. But as you get very close to that point, your mind clears such that you can see precisely what you actually can and cannot do. When you can truly see that you can do something, it takes nearly zero desire to cause it to happen. Desire can only be felt when it is being resisted (most often by the confusion of desires running wild within - much like trying to get a bill passed in Congress). Like gravity or any force upon you, if you flow with the force (such as any desire), you don’t feel pressured at all. To you, there is no desire/wanting, merely flow. Passing bills in Congress is easy when everyone else isn’t trying to pass their own bills.

By that point you do not know you. You have been at war with you, one part of you deciding it is the part that knows in a permanent holistic way what the whole organism should do, despite having lost contact with all that is suppresses in the full organism. The uninformed small part certainly can be very perceptive at a sensory level, but it has cast out vast important portions of itself that give information and recognize patterns in ways that little piece tends to try to reach for in linear fashions sifting through details and missing forests. Apart from the energy used in maintaining the split, this is a loss on many sides. Yes, passing bills in Congress becomes easy when the fascist or communist takes over the reigns, but there is a false dilemma in this which sets up a permanent imbalance. Allowing the members of congress in oneself, to fully express over time, with consciousness present, and accepted their existence and participation if not often their precise action plans can work in us as individuals in ways that looking at an external Congress might falsely dissuade one from trying.

But since you are not a Buddhist, it might not be a good discussion focus to have you using Buddhism and me responding to that.

I walk into a room full of Buddhists or sit down with even the Masters and I see that black cloud coming out of their asses. You can feel their hatred, if you have not cut off from your own emotional centers, and how easily their distaste and judgment arise. Why does their compassion never feel like love, I mean the real love that occurs between people who can actually accept their own full selves and that of others?

Buddhists will agree with you about anger for example. That emotion, in the advanced adherents, will not be expressed, most of the time at least. But in its place there is this distaste and hatred vibe. I am sure they come very close to 100% at disidentifying with those reactions on their part, so they cannot feel them, but this matter little for others who happen to come into the sphere of all that judgment and distaste for life. They do not notie the hatred in their pity or in their smugness or in their distaste. Feelings of superiority can often seem to be void of anger, the hatred being more like the architecture of, say, an aqueduct rather than the water rushing through it.

You make me wonder what kind of Buddhists you have been talking to. Of course these days, the world is pretty seriously conflated and complex, so no telling what you have run across. :laughing:

Well, it’s over a few decades and includes people in the US and a few Asian countries - members of a few different paths. I get along best with Asians who are also theists of some kind, especially the more animistic ones, who think they are Buddhists but actually are not. They are not Buddhists NOT because they are theists or animists, but because they do not full understand the principles and, how shall I put this, have their social and emotional feet on the ground. I am also basing my reactions to what the various techniques are doing and intended to do.

If one doesn’t know what intelligence is, then one simply… isn’t

Rubbish statement that adds nothing to the discussion.

…and I am disappointed in your answer - I was expecting hi-brow rhetoric and a witty reply. Ah well… I guess I expect too much.

Its a tired statement and I have already done my duty commenting on statements like these throughout my internet career.

Its a stupid blanket statement, nothing more. The topic was about examining the core tenants of intelligence, exactly, a detailed analysis, and you ignore the “What is intelligence, exactly” part to take it to mean some base thing like as in we are unable to discern or sense what intelligence is at all, and you imply that this is a stupid topic and we are all stupid for making and commenting in this topic, even though it is about higher things.

You got that from my reply? :-k Perhaps see my first post on my thoughts, rather than ignoring it, and rather than accusing me of the very thing you do.

I will have to reply fully tomorrow, as NYE festivities beckon and I must start getting ready.

Your post was rubbish, I said it was rubbish, and it was rubbish, bottom line. You posted it for unconscious reasons, unknown to you, and now you are desperately trying to save yourself, trying to claim it was not what it implies. It was a stupid post, that added nothing to the discussion, and you posted it to derail the thread and cause inflammatory response. Why else did you egg me on and invite me to respond to you? You are nothing more than a bully, playing a game, making inflammatory, stupid comments and then claiming that you are innocent.

Here is your post for all to see.

Your are a practical joker, hoping to get away with it due to your manipulative politics. You can try to twist it to make it look like it an innocent post, but it wasn’t. You can try to twist it like it was an intelligent post which added to the discussion, but it wasn’t.

Your other post, is irrelevant to the discussion, since we were not discussing it. It should take you a day to think of some more political bullshit to help cover your tracks.

Happy new year Trixy.