The true way to look at Energy.

I was thinking about how to create a free energy device and then I realised what fuel and energy really is.

I couldn’t figure out a way to harness gravitational energy despite it being an infinite source. The only way to harness it is through waterfalls, but the system effects the outersystem due to Heisenberg mutations in the environment.

Really to construct a free energy device using Gravity you need to harness it to a spawn pool where objects appear and fall down. Perhaps this is the key to magnetic energy free energy device, by some how manipulating it so that particles teleport using some kind of spooky action.

The key to energy is variance and push. Magnetic systems fail because they are closed systems and do not effect anything outside the system. They only push themselves. Or the systems fall into harmony, rather than entropy, and collapse into oneness, thus not generating energy.

You must realise that the universe is a closed system. Any energy you get from it is simply harnessed from something else, like solar energy. When a car moves it a causal reaction chains, a push.

You must look at energy in a new way. All energy is is part of the causal chain. Energy is just the environment bending itself. All energy is is simply taking a ride on the rollercoaster of life. Getting a car to run, is simply modifying the appearance of the energy to look a new way. But still the energy flows and pushes itself. Like the illusion of freewill, the car is not really powered by its fuel. Both the car and freewill are simply manifestations and structures pushed via the universe’s natural inertia. The universe is a perpetual motion machine, its energy is actually pushed by something outside of itself, which is TIme. Also, there is a seperate form of energy, called Gravity, which is likely outside of the universe’s natural energy causal chain. Also, the universes expansion seems to be outside of the universal rollercoaster of life. However, car energy, nuclear power and solar power are simply entangled manifestation of the same innate inertia of the universe, which man-made robots (mankind) naturally warp and alter to appear in different ways, for the net goal of making their lives more comfortable (thus the parts of metal are forged, and gasoline moved, to form the essence of a car, which alters the aesthetics felt by consciousness, and consciousness’s feeling is harmonious with its programmed sense of aesthetics, ie. when the human body feels pain, the metaphysical soul also feels pain, thus the organism creates a positive/negative heirarchy based on the percieved outcome of lorem impsum derived pleasures extrapolated onto organisms.)