The Black Death revisted

How long can you live without air, water and sunshine? Answer - Not even one second. So, where is the “fairy tale” ? By ‘fairy tale’ I assume that you mean outright lie, right?

Your presumption that viruses are brought into the body is incorrect. The body creates viruses as a means of fixing the imbalance of toxins or vitamin deficiency. Germs are the result of a disease, not the cause of it. (Antoine Bechamp).

Out of context statement. Ebola is a consequence of pesticide poisoning and lack of refrigeration.

Eating healthy and using natural herbs is a preventative measure which modern medicine doesn’t want to know about. All they want is for people to eat unhealthy and get sick so that the pharmacy companies and doctors can make huge profits.

Cholera is a digestive bacteria which belongs in the lower bowel. If you eat shit, you get sick. So what? Malaria is a small parasite and is not a disease as such. Bubonic plague is just bad water management, vitamin deficiency and pollution.

If the body is over-loaded with garbage, then, it is ejected through the skin. Refer to - … nside-out/

Alterations in the DNA is the final result of other causes. These may include - lack of oxygen, lack of vitamins, radiation, toxins and old age. Viruses are also an end product of these initial causes. Thus, viruses do not cause cancer, they are the result of disease, not the cause of it. Antoine Bechamp - again!

That is what you have been preaching but so far, you have provided no confirming evidence, seriously deficient reasoning, and very serious ignorance of biochemistry. Your opponents have a massive amount of evidence against you.

It takes a whole lot more than a bunch of uninformed wishful speculations to persuade against such extremely substantiated understanding.

But can you prove that it isn’t true? Those things that you observe time and time again in the lab, isn’t your explanation just one of a number of possible explanations? Are you able to prove, not only that your explanation is true, but that all other possible explanations are false?

If you mean a logical proof (100% certainty), as I stated earlier, the medical world isn’t my specialty and no I can’t logically prove hardly anything associated with it. Physics, metaphysics, psychology, sociology, economics, and logic puzzles are another matter.

so you can provide logical proves on those subjects?

I don’t know much about biology either, but I am a master of synthesis and logic. Germ theory is illogical, it isn’t supported by facts and its history is shrouded in deception and money grabbing pharmaceutical companies who need germ theory to be right in order to deceive people into buying their products. Suggested reading - Animal Pharm by Mark Purdey

Certainly … within limits.

I seriously doubt that.

Society has no need to totally invent such problems in order to get rich from them. They typically just find a subtle issue and then greatly exaggerate it and keep it mostly out of sight so that no one can tell how small of a problem that it really was (ie terrorism). They almost never totally invent a problem from scratch because such deceptions are too easily illuminated. They require a degree of plausible deniability. They all require a degree of truth to be mixed into the deception.

Even Relativity and Quantum Physics are not total deceptions.

You never know until you look. If you haven’t bothered to look, then how can you be so sure?

Did you see the video by Mark Purdey? Is everything he says a load of nonsense?

Germs are easy to make up, because nobody can see them with the naked eye. Thus, the medical system can easily hold the community to ransom by claiming that germs cause disease. The cold virus is a good test case because it occurs regularly on an annual basis. Thus, the medical system has to make an exception for flu viruses because it keeps returning no matter how many antibiotics, flu shots and medications that you take which have no effect what-so-ever at either slowing down or eradicating it. This is because flu viruses are made by the human body itself and don’t come from external sources. Thus, people who live in remote areas will come down with the flu virus without any contact with infected individuals.

The pharmaceutical industry which financed Adolf Hitler, has no moral basis and is essentially an amoral organization. It is totally ruthless in its profit making ventures and will pay off politicians, universities and newspapers to keep quiet on these matters.

I am just being modest, I know more about biology than you! That’s the important thing! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Take the presumption out of your own eye, then perhaps you can’t consider trying to take it out of mine.

Don’t hide behind Jesus quotes. You know that he never really existed and that the Christian morality is really a kind of slave morality which the ruling classes have imposed on us.

Here is the video again, watch it, then comment; no more Jesus quotes thanks -

And don’t hide behind Purdy quotes. You know that he is very obviously a duffus farm boy. Learn something, then comment, no more dumbass Mark Purdy videos thanks.

Farm boy with university education. … iterature/

I know some very serious idiots with a university “education”, even PhDs. A university doesn’t make anyone more intelligent, merely more conformed, which might or might not make them any smarter. If Purdy didn’t accept the education that he was given, then he didn’t even accomplish conformity, which left him with almost nothing more than he had back on the farm.

No, I know more biology than you, also my dad can beat up your dad.

Let’s face it. You have no interest in uncovering the deceptions of the ruling classes and therefore are just part of the problem. I have shown you what these deceptions are, yet, you choose to ignore the reality. Purdey didn’t accept the deceptions that the university provided courtesy of the pharmaceutical companies generosity of donations and blackmailing ways. If you have chosen to swallow the deceptions of the university/pharmaceutical system then you will have to pay the price of living in a constant state of unwellness of which the modern world was designed to provide. You will refuse to accept that the system is corrupt because humans are essentially conforming herd creatures who fear isolation and exclusion. You would prefer to be a constantly unwell slave to the system than a healthy and independent individual.

So, you are a school yard bully. I am so scared that your daddy can beat up my daddy, little boy! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Oh yeah, that’s me … just another of the sheeple … :icon-rolleyes:


Yeah, your a typical David Icke sheeple! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: