Why do we have a leap year? Let's find out.

365.|25|63|63|00|4| = the Earth’s mathematically structured cycle of revolving.

That is |763634|.

That is |763637|.


7.63 x 1.618 = |12.34534|. 12345? Is that really a 12345?

7.36 x 1.618 = |11.90848|.

90848 is |9848|.

9 + 8 = |17|.

8 + 4 = |12|.

17 + 12 = |29|.

3.1415 = Pi.

14 + 15 = |29|.


1 + 4 + 4 = |9|.

2 + 9 = 11.

116 converts itself to |666|. 6 x 6 + 6 = |42|.

1 + 8 = |9|.



This contains:

[size=200]|144| (“1” away from 145 degrees of a Right Triangle)

|42| (Life)

|618|. (Golden Ratio = 1.618)[/size]

11688311688311 x 2468868 = |[size=200]2.8856899e+19[/size]|.

That is |[size=200]2.8888899[/size]|.

11688311688311 x 481216161216 = |[size=200]5.6246045e+24[/size]|.

That is [size=200]624/645[/size].

6.24 x 1.618 = |[size=200]10.09632[/size]|.

7.24 x 1.618 = |[size=200]11.71432[/size]|. This contains |432|. This is 24/7 instead of 24/6.

7.63 x 1.618 = |12.34534|. Remember that?

12.34534 - 11.71432 =

|[size=200]0.63102[/size]|. This is the difference between the mathematical model that governs our planet’s time frames and the mathematical model that governs the fundamentals thereof.

|0.63102| is |6312| x 2 = |[size=200]12624[/size]|.

12624 x 1.618 = |[size=200]20425.632[/size]|.

The numbers converge to: |[size=200]2425[/size] & [size=200]247[/size].

24 + 25 = |49|. 4/9 of Pi.

132 = |42|.

432 = |72|.

|632| = |92|.

42 + 72 + 92 = |[size=200]How many bones we have in our body after they’re done growing.[/size]|

4 + 2 = |6|. 4 x 2 = |8|. 14… {9} away from 23.

7 + 2 = |9|. 7 x 2 = |14|. 23… {6} away from 29.

9 + 2 = |11|. 9 x 2 = |18|. 29…

8 > 16 > 24 > 32 > 40 > 48 > |56|

14 > 28 > 42 > |56|

18 > 36 > |54| <---------------------------------- This is why we have Leap Year.

54 > 108 > 162 > 216 (27)

56 > 112 > 168 > 214 (25)

27 > 54 > 81 > 108

25 > 50 > 75 > 100

Our planet’s fundamental mathematical structure is connected to Fibonacci’s sequence in a 4/Year Cycle. Therefore, 8 x 4 = |32|. 32 x 4 = |128|. 128 x 4 = |512|. 128 x 4 again = |512|. 512 + 512 = |1024|.

Take a look at the number |32| once more.

42 > 72 > 92 in space count is 30 & 20. That is |32|.


The numbers 132, 432 & 632 have |32| within themselves.

132 is 1 x 32 = |132|. {8}

432 is 4 x 32 = |128|. {24}

632 is 6 x 32 = |192|. {16}

8 + 24 = |32|.

32 + 16 = |48|.

32 + 48 = |[size=200]88[/size]|. We have 88 constellations and our biological system as well as our planet exist on “8 hertz”, which together makes “88”.

This Universe’s entire design’s maximum output is |88|.

8 x 8 = |64|, which brings us back to |32| x 2 = |64|. 64 x 2 = |128|.