Everybody stop having sex for a second and read this.

[size=200]- The woman’s birth system is mathematically connected to Pi.

- This is evidence created by some stranger out there I hope to meet someday.

- Them Proving That Math And Language Are Interconnected.

- The Seed’s Birth Structure.

- The Baby’s Birth Structure.

- The Ram’s Head.

- The Female’s Uterus.

- The Brain’s Design Is the Same Design As A Fetus - The Brain Is In A Fetal Position And Its Brain Stem Is Equated To A Baby’s Umbilical Cord.[/size]

You know, HMIE… I have no doubt that many things are interconnected and I too have seen patterns in many things, but I don’t take it for gospel, and I also think that there is a point where patterns break down and become random, and at that point nothing probably makes sense… what do you think?

I don’t know, ask: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=187299&p=2513117#p2513117




Most interesting.

May I try to slow you down a bit and get some context I can understand your position further? remember that you have a whole host of informations in your brain pertaining to this stuff that we don’t, and that denotes its subjective context. or in other words, you present something akin to a wall of text to the onlooker ~ especially casual ones.

I digress,
Can we make the classifications where; 1,2,4,8, is a different set or class to; 751. In the latter you have two number sets combined into a singular set e.g. 8x8=16=7, so is a combination where after the set of primary numbers say 1-9 a secondary set is arrived at [e.g. the 6 in 16]. This first set depends upon the base number, so the base 9 [or base 10 is perhaps how you see that] is our cyclical number here with an inherent binary structure of addition.

I see the universe as informational at base, and that information works in patterns even in wave particle duality and also in cycles e.g. Orbits and waves [being an expanded cycle]. These things are not fictional and i don’t know why everyone [i don’t just mean here] treats numerology this way. Ok so when numerologists start making seemingly spurious correlations, giving character shape and personality to numbers, i can see how one may question that. However, there are levels of numerology that are purely mathematical and for me pertain to infinite sets.

Now, if you agree that the universe is infinite, those infinite sets can help us define how existence is drawn or arrived at. Why wouldn’t that be manifest in the way things are built at the macroscopic level! Why wouldn’t a womb and rams head correlate to the same math composing the fundamental shapes of things. This is especially true when we consider how close the relationship between information and its holographic manifestations [existence] are. …if we consider QM.

The macroscopic could be seen as simply the secondary set or manifestation of mathematical patterns, just as waves on water correspond to wave patterns of light in QM experiments.


? There has not been a single moment in my life where I felt I could not understand anyone’s work.

This Universe is not infinite - it’s a finite system that comes from an infinite vacuum. Think of it this way, when you do not make choices you have infinite possibilities, but when you make a choice, suddenly you are finite. This Universe and everything in it is the finite “choice” made by the infinite vacuum.

edit, just replying to your reply…

For example;

DNA and numerology…

Can we extrapolate the number sequence and informational base to DNA e.g. Like this…

If we think of the four primary bases of DNA as like ‘polarities’, it soon becomes clear what pattern is being employed by ‘nature’. That is, if we take the four chemical bases: adenine (A) [‘1’], guanine (G) [‘2’], cytosine (C) [‘3’], and thymine (T) [‘4’], then classify that information by its representative universal cycle;

Downwards direction or flow of information:
1 or a position [positive]
2 or b position [negative]

Down. Across>>>>>>. up
1_______a b________2
2_______b a________1



Hence I used letters to denote the difference in flow, such to arrive at the first example.

Point being that nature does employ number meanings [numerology] or more literally, numbers in informational patterns. This is how those chemicals behave and will always be arrived at in nature, ~ where the conditions for those chemical bases are met.

I think we’ll find that atomic and sub-atomic structures work in a similar way i.e. As if composed of magnets lying in different directions respective to one another. A quick example would be quarks having 6 components [up/down, strange/charm, bottom/top] rather than the four in DNA, yet still employing the same pattern. however the 4 bases of DNA are at a higher level or number set [akin to 16 as the secondary set compared to 1-9 of your primary set], each one is a combination of polar parts where each flavours of quark are represented in the world individually.


We (the people that do all the work here) know the importance of “4” and “5” already, but tonight I am going to show you the true magic of “4” and “5”.

Based on:


5445/7 = 777.857142857

If these numbers were the degraded mental constructs people are always crying about, they would not have created three 7’s, let alone create those 7’s with the same numbers “we” already knew were the most important of them all.

This is 100% demonstrable evidence that the numbers we work with have some sort of already established intelligence in its design. Though the “God” we work with is not like any God you’ve heard of - this “God” is beyond any “God” fabricated by Man.

We’ll see :slight_smile:

I agree with your latter point concerning the interaction of infinities and the finite, and agree that you can begin with infinities and have finite results. This is clear if we consider an infinite set of orange planets against a set of blue ones.

However, the truth is that we can take that further and have an infinite base to reality. We must have that because we cannot denote exactly what a finite object is. Consider where in the double slit experiments, a single electron forms the exact same interference pattern as a multitude of any amount.

Physical objects are non-finite and only exist ‘singularly’ when a given single perspective is taken by one thing upon another thing [observation]. They equally exist as one and many waves as a universal set of patterns. Nobody can conceive what that is like as an entity, its impossible to do so.

If we cannot draw the finite i.e reality cannot and we equally cannot conceive it, what does that leave us?

An infinite base to the universe, with an ‘apparent’ finite expression. No?


I take it that you haven’t seen my “3.14” thread explaining the “why” instead of the “how”.

The Universe is no different than any portrait - behind the design there is white; black for the vacuum.

I don’t agree and here’s why;

1.There is no room for god in an infinite universe/reality. It is already all used up.
2.It doesn’t require anything else bar numbers and information pertaining to them + an infinite zero base to energy. Though in my mind it does require some manner of ‘creation engine’ propagating manifest perspectives [or points if you’d rather see it that way] in nature. For me this is entirely tied up in time and perspectives, or otherwise is time.

You only need nature! = Time + infinite energy + perspective [observing points]. intelligence is an illusion of pattern forming i.e. we think it is there because we are spatially located minds [consciousness] observing pattern forming in the world. there is no ‘it’ or thingness of intelligence, ergo is an illusion in that sense.

The system that is using it up is “God”, and it’s self-learning, self-healing, self-transcending and self-balancing.

Do not be an idiot. This entire world is mathematically structured to perfection by “something”, and that is the mathematical God.

Let’s call it Pi Pi The Celestial Man.

Perhaps a little effort and philosophical rigour is required here? This is not a confrontational remark as it must sound, as I would ask myself the same things when debating in my head, and you want to get to the truth don’t you? …and you feel you can understand any argument, and probably can. so surely the truer basis is what we should be trying to find here, after all I may be wrong, but I wont know that unless people make sufficient argument.

It would help if you answered my points ~ and without the ad-hom, :blush: rather than assuming god is behind it all without explaining how infinity = god. Surely at the base layer of reality the infinite is at its most simple, probably even ‘the simplest thing’.
Now if we add in ‘self-learning’, that involves multiple processes ergo complexity. What would an infinite being need to heal? Or transcend? [to what?]. Balance what ~ in an emptiness?

More importantly here, you are seeing numbers and intellect, whereas i am seeing that both of those things are layered above a deeper level of truth abstract to the case. Like what i said about the intellect being an illusion [and you didn’t say why that isn’t true!?], numbers are also illusory in that they only metaphorically represent information. In my diagram to me the directions and polarities were beneath the numbers rather than propagated by them!?


See these numbers? 5400257321953275017-3257-23570-2375-0325237-5723-0532532532 I made them up.

These numbers 3.141592…

Or 1.618… are connected to God’s Hierarchy which created: - One of the many examples of what numbers are doing in nature as its own self-existing mathematical hierarchy that can be found in our body, our planet and outer space.

I understand how the patterns are real and in nature, just not why they depend upon god or an intellect of any kind. Number patterns are just representations of how objects and concepts/info bump into one another. I admit it gets kinda freaky [the connections and correlations] the more you know about numbers, but does that mean there is a fabulous intellect out there whom actually worked all this stuff out prior to and beyond the infinite universe?

For me as a druid its a fundamental question; is reality open and magical or is it constructed and considered.

The ignorance and dissolution you see in today’s species exists because the Universe is experiencing that very dissolution, hence why its bacteria is still naive and transcending to this day.

This is not a Design.

This is “An Unfinished Design”.

We, as humans, are here as a reflection of the Universe’s desire to evolve and transcend. Therefore those ungrateful animals that abuse the tools they were given by this universe are simply the failures of life - mathematically deficient foreshadowing of the Universe’s blind spots.

But what do we mean by that? Is a mysterious universe so frightening and destructive? Would we evolve into something sloth-like if not for adversity, and cease to develop intellect without contrasts. Is not gritty reality composed of illusion, but made real by our experiencing of it?
In other words, would God - if existent, not create the world just as it is.

You need a history in order to be who you are, to develop from scratch rather than to be created as human in an instant. Imagine if you realised you had only just been created right now, so everything you thought you had achieved wouldn’t have been you. You’d feel cheated, no?

I still don’t know what a god ~ the being at the top end of the triangle [where quanta = the base and lower point] would be like; infinite in some other way which is opaque and not transparent? Or just very big whatever that means in a sizeless reality?


I do think the universe is unfinished though. which is also part of its magic [would be stale/static otherwise].

but also that info can be eternal in its reflection as well as ‘finite’, ergo we still have the otherworld/heaven/eliseum, its just a different level of reality. …still don’t need god in the equation.

The Universe is transcending because it’s the Subatomic God. It’s evolving, learning and becoming more than it was the day before. It did all of this WITHOUT KNOWING ITSELF.

Ok. That’s quite a statement! And i agree of course. Can we add Einstein’s ‘all-time’? So like us [spiritually] the ‘god’ is growing in time and has a wisdom side from the end of time.

Could we then make the assumption that like us, in some sense Divinity isn’t centred in the end [of time][or beyond] place. Perhaps intuition has hindsight at it’s base? How could it truly >be< intuition without that component.

I believe ‘inspiration’ derives there too. equally contemplation along with the artistic/alchemical poetic process must also either have {informational} hindsight or be fictional.

I think your maths shows there are connections!


Holy moly. :open_mouth: