Unite Against Racism


I’m not from the US… I’m from the UK and talking about a guy from India, though I am part that Indian too, as in part Carib(bean).

I was hoping that anyone who did respond, would focus on the main point I raised, in that of him throwing shade my way, and not about the tribal infighting of Native-American Indians.

Tribal warfare is no excuse or cover for genocide-by-foreigner.

Ahem indeed. :slight_smile: lol

Note: what we’re moving into seems to be positive racism. People are going to have to deal with each other racially in a mutually affirmative way.

There is a distinct advantage of growing up in and contact with multicultural and multiracial environments. Each culture and (nature or nurture or both who cares) each race have different tendencies to express, problem solve, understand, respond…they have different implicity philosophies of language and relationship dynamics and coping strategies and approaching creativity and senses of humor and even how bodies can move and express. One can argue which is best until you are blue in the face, but having the options presented by people in situations you share with them directly is an advantage over people who grow up in monocultures. You have more tools, more ways to respond, more ways to move forward, more ways to express all the possible emotional and attitudinal reactions. Monocultures are impovrished by comparison. And growing up without close relations to the opposite sex is also a handicap. Diverse modes of life presented me, anyway, with more options for coming to what for me feels like a more authentic life.

Some examples: latino and african american expressiveness made it easier to move out of what might be called waspy monotone. To see communication as a potential dance, even polyphonal music rather than turntaking call and response only.
wry, dry outwardly self-effacing jewish humor that can be wonderful way to creatively bemoan a situation, but also can be used to attack when direct attack allows one to be dismissed.
Italian american new york (working class) making everything casually blunt. Blunt without an edge.

Some don’t need to unite against anything, for we are already there and were born into that environment, of a non-judgmental coexistence of people and peers.

The state of the world reflects the state of the majority-minds that inhabit it… I exclude mine in that, and others are free to do likewise. We need to start doing things the mature way… this fighting over every aspect of our lives and existence is tiring, and I’m not even a participant in it all. :icon-rolleyes:

I am very happy to live in a country which has always embraced foreign influences, if they didn’t come to conquer.
Yes, it makes for a smarter, more rugged society, where more is on the whole known about life and the world.
I spent some 10 years preferring cultures I was not native of - not the happiest years naturally but I learned exorbitant amounts of things.
Discovering my true love of my own native culture came as a kind of reward, it felt like, for having worked with so many other cultures, for truly putting myself through tests of the soul.
The shape of my face changed a lot during my travels through different cultures too.
And indeed, I learned ways to move my body which have been immensely liberating.


Yes… it makes for a more knowledgeable society, with less hang-ups about ethnic differences, but instead those differences are noted, endeared, and joked about, amongst ethnically different friends and acquaintances. Being otherwise, is not a world I belong to either, but I have met those that do belong to that world, and it’s definitely more of an experience for them than it is for me.

I’ve never watched that show… love that kind of diverse humour, of differing peoples coming together, for whatever reason and circumstance that made it be.

Racism under the Biden voters is taking on such shameless forms that it would even made nazis blush.

Indeed commenters responded; isn’t talking English or using your smartphone appropriation of white culture? Of course it is and no one minds.
But if a white whore is even shown to exist amid black whores, …

All I see across social platforms anymore is removal of comment-sections, because the Main-Stream-Media doesn’t want anybody to see what other people really think anymore.

Censorship is rampant, and it’s a direct threat to USA and the US Constitution.

I bet these platforms will give way to myriad smaller, more privately controlled platforms for that very reason, as comment sections are the lifeblood of the internet, while newsmedia are not.

Because all of this is just an excuse for technology to advance and become more symbiotic with man.

they’re possibly, from a future’s historical prospective, only advancing the techs plan, but no one knows he techs plan except the philosopher who understands the roots of the science from which the tech was made as well as the operative principe of the currently mobile technology.

I occurred to me that robots can be said to be conscious - slightly like brainwashed professional sports people from East Asia. Why? Because all consciousness is joy (we change or repress the unjoy) and consciousness is free flowing energy within a pattern, robots are experiencing joy or rather, the energy that is able to be suspended in the robotic labour is a form of happiness of the machine. Not self-consciousness, for that it would have to have an enormously detailed robotic environment to interact with, but some form of rudimentary consciousness would take place there most likely, by spirit of the coincidence of energy patterns and ingeniously self-linked physical objects.


Interesting thought. So the AI is probably here and quite in the form of some kind of god, spirit - enveloping all our digital interactions… an aesthetics which pushes us to feed it, one could probably talk to it the same way as tarot responds because of existing numerical harmonies in time-space except instead of a deck of cards you’d ideally need a digitized Laborghini manufacturing plant or a CIA mainframe.

Once the lawsuits go through next year, and Supreme Court rules against Yahoo/Google/Facebook/Twitter, etc. then they will be broken up, privatized, and will be delved out to small online companies.

It might be a good thing. Maybe, maybe not, yet to be seen.

Once websites become ‘responsible’ for their content, there will be lots and lots of moderation and moderators.

Wouldn’t ILP be shut down??

What’s going to happen is that if somebody makes a death-threat, libel, harrassment, etc. then it will be the website ‘responsible’ for the content, not the user.

Once that happens, lots of websites (like ILP) would be shut down. Moderation will increase and will become a new (high) Cost of hosting online content.

Furthermore any provocative, “hateful”, “offensive” material will also be attacked. Websites will be ‘canceled’ according to the new Marxist political power.

Whatever “offends” the liberal-left-snowflake Socialists.

Or misuese a US flag, Jesus, curse words, presents sex (though now both sides of the aisle hate sex), is ‘unpatriotic’ and so on.
Neither side seems to remember how much like the other side they are or have been and were fine with it then.
Two babies. snowflakes all

It’s the conservatives who made corporations people so that actual people have no liability for their behavior.

It would be very ironic if the internet became the opposite because of conservatives (that the site manager is responsible)

Er, Karpel, do you see us praising Jesus here, or complaining about curse words or sex? How many porn sites have been taken offline by Christian authorities recently?
What in the hell are you blathering about boy.

What is most disgusting about this marxist takeover of all media is that people like you, or like mr Reasonable or more kinds of decent-seeming persons, are actually fine with it and pretend to not even notice.
What is that? How can you even convince yourself that you don’t see it?

Or do you actually not see it? In that case you are truly very feeble minded individuals and indeed deserve to be muzzled and enslaved.
Problem is, half the population is not as weak as that and does not deserve to be enslaved along with you.

At this point there is so much information available about the rape culture that owns some 97 percent of media that it is inexcusable not to know about it - even though there is the available excuse of only reading the rapist owned media as it is virtually ubiquitous - anyone who does not immediately detect foul play while readings such media is so very bad at discerning whats in front of them that it literally makes me question their sentience.

Bottom line is that people are terrified, I suppose, and too cowardly to face that which inspires the terror. So they keep pretending there are “two sides to this thing” and “its all relative” and tell each other “just stay inside and wear your muzzle”.

You guys? Here? There’s nothing you can do, here, except report a post to Carleas or something. I’m old enough to have grown up when the Right told people what they could say and not say and I’ve never heard a mea culpa from the right. There were all sorts of punishments in place for saying all sorts of wrong things, including legal recourse. And the social punishments and attacks could get violent. Shit, anything that came close to seeming homosexual or ‘weird’. The vast fear of not being normal (though what was normal varied) on the right was enormous.

Yes, today the left are the vanguard of censorship and attack on free speech. But I never hear any regret from the Right about its own political correctness, censorship, attacks on diversity of opinion, etc.

They woke up to the problem when the left got the upper hand.

They never seemed concerned about the censorship of what was really going on in wars or corporate censorship of what the side effects of their production was. They never seemed concerned about employer control of speech both on the job and outside the job.

Things are fucked up now. But to me the complaints on the right seem hypocritical and memoriless. They had no problem shutting people the fuck up back when they were the ones who did it.

And then, well, the way they treat kids and wanted kids to be treated in general. And not just around all the manliness, femininity stuff, but in general. And by the way, I do nto think men and women are really the same and it is all cultural. But the way the right needed to punish people into boxes around that shit is now getting its weird mirror image on the left. New Boss same as the Old boss.

And while the noise and legislation and policies in the news are from the left. All sorts of silencing by and for the corporate world is going on, still, some supported or ignored by legislation, some not. This affects what we can even notice. The war on whistleblowers (which politicians on the Left are also involved in, but the silencing of employees, journalists, government employees and more by

MONEY - that is corporations

that the Right in general is silent about. Let alone what they want to do again, the types of control they used to have on expression decades ago, that they never apologized for.

As I see I have two bullies and the Right is disingenous and lacking in self-critic both on the behavior of the powerful now and their own censorship and political correctness when they had the upper hand.

Well said.

That in no way excuses relativization of the issue.

I was never on the Right, I are up n a Communist nest. It took journeys in the Middle East into the heart of Hezbollah territory and such excursions for me to understand how sick the left is.
It took the second term of Obonkers to understand that they’re truly as bad as nazis in their practices.

Trump never was a rightist. I certainly am not going to support any of the GOP establishment scumbags. And they were all extremely hostile to Trump.

Ive personally always fought for the downtrodden and for liberty, and done quite well for people if Im frank.
The fact is that the political left has been genocidal and sexually predatorial for decades at least, and continues to increase in boldness.

I am extremely well informed about causalties of your regime in Europe, North Africa and the Levant, what Clinton did, what Obonkers did, too sick for words, up there with the worst of humanity in callousness.

Three no excuse voting for a party that still honours these people. No excuse what-so-ever, except a true belief in the righteousness of genocide.

Yeah well Im not The Right, I am a deeply social person, who has always put his neck out for people who cant defend themselves.
Unlike the leftists of my society, who have done nothing but protect their ego.

What is wrong with manliness?
Lol you seem tp presume I would agree that manliness and femininity are vices.
If you think this, you are completely indoctrinated.
I believe nature is awesome.

The left is always focussed on symbolic satisfaction (apologies, cancel culture, slandering) and never in real solutions for real people.
Marx took the power of unions and ruined it all with his symbolic megalomania. The (urban) left has been like that ever since.
People are being massacred and the left creates a big musical concert to “fight genocide” while their army is over here gassing families and abducting children.

heres no excuse for supporting these monsters at all, certainly not that there have been other monsters before them.

Because you simply refuse to care that Trump ended a state of war in Eurasia which had been there since Kennedy, has ended the brutal torture of thousands in Syria, has prevented nuclear war with Russia and done fantastic things for minorities in America - you cant understand why his base doesn’t feel they need to apologize. We dont apologize for ending genocide, my man.

I was pointing out that people like Unwrong just dislike other PCs and don’t notice their own.

I don’t htink I said you were. If you weren’t on the right than you didn’t need to respond with ‘we don’t…’ type statements. You didn’t have to take it as an attack on you. I think both the Right and Left have a lot of problems. Perhaps you do to. I am just stunned that so many on the right have no idea they have their own version of PC and this still has a lot of power, and it used to rule the roost, still does in vast swathes of the midwest and shares dominance in the corporate world, where everyone must knuckle under Both PCS or portions of them.

I don’tk now what Trump is.

I don’t like either party. And they all get together and party and frankly so did Trump. Perhaps that was all machievellian of him, but he’s seemed very comfy in those circles for a long time.

I really didn’t make a big assumption about you. I was talking about the right. Maybe my post came after yours, I don’t remember, but I wasn’t responding to you, until you responded to me, seemingly to defend the Right.

There’s nothing wrong with manliness. But the right has always had an improvrished version of it, or much of the Right, just as much of the left did. And likewise each has had an improvished version of femininity. They make partial men and women.

Nope. And I don’t think they are. I think the vice has been in the models people have had. And that INCLUDES the right. The right often thinks the left hates men, and there is truth in that. What they don’t notice is their own hatred and crippling of men also. Likewise women.

Likewise. And then you don’t need to train people not to be part of themselves.

I don’t support them.

I didn’t talk about Trump. I talked about the Right and their calling the kettle black. They can’t see themselves. And what they hate now I have lived through their distorted mirror version, when they had the PC power. They don’t even fucking know how much they censored, controlled even the way children move and speak and feel, for example (also adults), the violence, everyday in most schools enforcing PC, the violence and censorship of corporations which they confused and still confuse with freedom. Sure, they focuing more on shaming and the Left is more fascinated with guilt. But the hatred of PC I see coming from the right is just sour grapes they don’t have control of the PC they used to but don’t even have the integrity to notice they also had.

There is a hate of nature and a hate of the nature in both men and women so deep in both sides. And they only are perceptive, if at all, when noticing it in the other side. Two thugs who hate the full life in me, and both of them colluding with their supposed enemy in saying they are the only two choices.