Neoliberalism explained

[quote=“Peter Kropotkin”]
after several very ugly days of working before Thanksgiving,
during which I was also sick, I finally have a couple of days off…
I shall be writing until the cough medicine kicks in and then
off for a nap…

I was just randomly thinking, throwing out idea’s in my head,
when I thought of Neoliberalism…and it got me to thinking,
what exactly is “Neoliberalism”?

Once again, one has to be careful to avoid mixing up
the economic and the political…we see the word “Neoliberal”
and we think because of the word “liberal” it has a political
connotation… but the very word is a economic word, not
a political word… and you have to understand that right from the start…

Neoliberalism is a right wing economic theory…embraced by right wing
thinkers and economist…for examples are Friedrich Hayek and Milton
Friedman and Ronald Raygun and Margret Thatcher and Alan Greenspan…

The Neoliberals favored less regulation, less government intervention,
eliminating price controls, lowering trade barriers and deregulating capital
markets… any of this sounds familiar? this is the basic Republican
message since the 1980’s…and its overarching value is freedom,
although it is a fake freedom and I get into that in a bit…

the basic idea is that the market can best work out its solutions
and the government will only make things worse… basic Raygunomics….

the political aspect was that by making the market free, you will enjoy
greater political freedom… but once again that makes the vital and false
assumption that suggest that freedom is connected to the economic and
not to the political… whereas as I have suggested, we are facing an economic
tyranny, not a political tyranny…and by giving such freedom to the economic
forces without any oversight, we allow those economic forces to control
and dominate our lives…

Now Neoliberalism does want an overall one world because it
will allow them to dominate the world economically and it
doesn’t really matter what the political status is because the
the economic can control the political as shown by the example
of the United States where we have the economic forces in
control of the government, not government of the people, for
the people by the people, but government of business, for business
and by business…and that is where we are at now…

and this is due to the complete capture of all the world’s government
by Neoliberalism…… and the basic failure of the concept of
Neoliberalism is that the Market forces that is supposed to be
open and free to act as it will, doesn’t… it is directed by those
economic forces to do the will of the dominating forces of Neoliberalism…

the enemy is not a political term, but the enemy is the economic
domination of Neoliberalism…let is take for example the massive
and overwhelming concentration of wealth, income inequality that
exists today… that is due to the Neoliberals economic policy…
8 people hold more wealth then half the world put together…

and if that isn’t complete and total dictatorship, then I don’t know what
is…if we allow this complete privatization of the public sphere, then
then how is the people, us, suppose to have control in our lives?
if the big corporations have complete control, then they have
no reason, no incentive to listen or engage with those who must
have their services… we have a dozen monopolies that dominate
the economic world… for example, exactly how many car companies are they?
not that many… we have 14 major global corporation that control more
then 60 auto brands in the world… we have 6 corporations that control
over 90% of American media… we have 5 companies that make the
breakfast cereal you eat… at every level, the corporations dominate
the economics life you lead…the solution it is said, is to vote with
your feet… but you can’t… where do we go to if every aspect of our lives
is dominated by only a few corporations?

we cannot quit our job because every single corporation is controlling
our fate by belonging to this Neoliberalism that has taken over
the earth…the economic domination and by controlling the
economic, they dominate the political…for example, the Koch
brothers simply buying up entire state legislatures, Wisconsin
and Nebraska for example…this buying and selling of our political
“leaders” and I use the word “leaders” loosely, has meant we have forfeited
any possible means to recover our lost political and economic freedom…

the corporations can dominate us by a simple demands that is followed
by the threat of leaving the city, state or country… and us losing those jobs…
for example, if you don’t give us complete autonomy over our taxes, we will simply pack
our bags and leave… and you will lose all your jobs…

we are completely at the mercy of big corporations if, if we accept the
notion that human beings are “Homo Economicus” but if we reject that notion
and discover that human beings are not economic beings, not even political
beings, but being who find their meaning outside of the economic
and outside of the political… we find our meaning in what makes us
more complete human beings…

at this point, I suspect that we must completely tear down
the system and rebuild it to better represent us as human beings…

Neoliberalism makes the economic the most important aspect
of our lives… and that is the beginning of the failure of Neoliberalism…
it begins at the very wrong start and end in the wrong place…

Neoliberalism doesn’t make the individual the center of
its theory, no, Neoliberalism makes the Market the center
and thus like communism and Catholicism and Christianity
makes the individual a secondary part of the overall
plan in which we are simply pawns to be used in some
overall scheme… we are sacrificial lambs in the eyes
of the market, of god, of dialectical materialism…

the individual has no other function then to serve its
master, regardless of the name of that master,
be it Neoliberalism or communism or Catholicism…

and we must reject that notion… but what is the solution?

how do we find “salvation”?

and by “salvation”, I would suggest is freedom from the various
ism’s and ideologies that seek to dominate and control our individual
lives…how are we suppose to “become who we are” if we are subject
to the domination of our corporate masters?

the first step is as always, become aware… understand what is happening…

what is the real value in your life? is it love or understanding or
finding justice or finding truth? the answer lies in how do we achieve
that value given the domination of the Neoliberal domination of our world…

the search for profits has devalued, dehumanized our values, be it love
or justice or truth and that is where we are today…we need to recover
that search for what it means to be human and that search isn’t about
profits or our being able to buy a new car or a new TV… no, “becoming who
you are” isn’t an economic or a political solution but an individual solution
and once you have discovered what it means to be human individually,
then and only then can you venture out into the world and try to create
the change that is necessary to recover our planet from the damaging
and destructive ism that is Neoliberalism…

K: Urwrong has entirely missed my point about Neoliberalism… it is a right wing
agenda toward end of government, no regulations, less taxes, the basic
GOP agenda since Raygun… it has nothing to do with being liberal…
being liberal is a political stance, not an economic one… and Neoliberalism
is the economic domination of America by the right wing corporations…

now some aspects of Neoliberalism economics was done during both
Clinton and Obama administrations but that doesn’t make them part of the neoliberalism
ideology…you have to separate the economic from the political
and Neoliberalism is an economic agenda, not a political agenda…
and to mix and match the economic and political is doing the same
thing that allowed communism to fail… communism is an economic
theory, not a political theory…and to push an economic theory into
political practice is to court failure…economic theory is devoid of
values…love or hope or charity or any other value, plays no role in an economic theory…
but those values do play a role in political theory…


The socialist movement was founded by whites in the 19th century as an alternative to capitalism, just as capitalism was an alternative to feudalism.
It was diverse, economically there were social decentralists (cooperatives, syndicates) and centralists, politically there were social anarchists, democrats and autocrats, reformers and revolutionaries, socially there were social conservatives and libertarians, nationalists and internationalists.
There were atheists, pagans and Christians.
There were hardliners, and those who advocated/called for a synthesis of capital, labor and consumption.
Many early socialists were anti-Semites who fully understood the relationship between Jews and crony capitalism.

Unfortunately the revolutionary wing was largely consolidated by bourgeois Marxist Jews beginning in 1917 with the death of Tsar Nicholas II and ending with the death of Adolph Hitler in 1945, and the reformist wing was largely consolidated by bourgeois cultural Marxist Jews in the mid-late 20th century, like they consolidate everything.
The Jews own and control most of what passes for the left and right these days, it’s all Zio-libs and Zio-cons now.


Trump doesn’t sound “Neo-Con” to me at all… pro-environmental, wants to solve homelessness, other traditionally “liberal” concerns.

Agreed, national socialism with fascism is the only political ideology strong enough ideologically to challenge them.

It’s either national socialism or white Europeans and white western civilization dies.

One small alteration to what you said however, political socialism has actually existed since the late 17th century.

He’s a neoconservative zionist, sorry to burst your bubble.

He’s a crony capitalist and unfortunately political republicans have fallen for this charlatan, it’s all going to end horribly for the republican party along with its supporters. This much I am certain of.

Search for the titles online, and you will find a summary of each via Wikipedia and other sites. Also, some of them are available at Youtube and other streaming services.

Ok,will do. :sunglasses:

Its called Scapegoating, an ancient Christian practice.
“The Jews killed Jesus!” whereas it was evidently the Romans who killed the rebellious Jew at the request of their own proxy regime. Ever since this trick worked, people have been playing it on the Jews.

Most people are easy to fool, as they are grateful when their troubles can be blamed on other people. No amount of facts will ever persuade them to question their premises.
Their being literally depends on their faith in their own saintly victimhood; if they would attempt to bear a portion of responsibility for their fate, they would be confronted with the terrible sorrow of having let life and soul slip away.

On the one hand one kind of wishes for them that they can go out with a show of courage at least, so you can sympathize with their will to fight. But obviously they never pick someone who is actually harming them, as this, again, would require self-confrontation.

Hatred, Spite, Resentment, and Pride lead many to the contradictory position, that your opponent is pushing your agenda, achieving victories on your behalf, but will receive no credit, no praise, and no goodness owed to him. It’s an ideological and rational blindspot. Those who hate Trump, TDS, will never allow him to have a win or even a minor victory, because it would lead to exposing the basis of the resentment. Ironically, this is a large vein within Judaism based on historical antagonism between Rome/Catholics/Christians. It doesn’t need to be religious or political. I’ve experienced this firsthand, on this forum, for years. If somebody despises one-another, holds a grudge, or “doesn’t like your tone”, then no amount of appeasement or achievement, on the other’s behalf, will suffice.

Revenge runs deeper than Pride. Some people will kill themselves before giving their nemesis any slack/forgiveness. That forgiveness is a projection, of what people are unwilling to forgive or overcome within themselves.

Some people hold grudges better than others. Fewer still are driven by the grudge, and their life’s purpose revolves around hating others.

But muh holocaust, muh 6 million, muh gas, steam and electro-chambers, muh shrunken heads, human skin lampshades and soap!

Talk is cheap, policy is what matters.

The easy way out for you again? No surprise.

Naturally, youve never taken the trouble to verify whether the holocaust did or didn’t happen with sources from all persuasions, never done any research. You only believe the persons trying to excuse themselves from it.

Your ignorance is so complete and profound that it is somehow comical.

And this doesn’t even address the fact that you ignored my point.

If you and your so called patriots weren’t busy overthrowing your own nation with perverse German initiatives, Trump might be able to put up more of a fight against the fascists trying to impeach him.
But you’re effectively on the same side as the Democratic Party, which consists largely of the kind of people you claim to dislike.

Ive got some hope for the US only because Trump supporters are almost all very loyal. They’ve got balls and heart.

I’ve read articles from both sides.

Do you also urge those who believe in the homicidal gas chamber conspiracy theory to investigate it thoroughly before concluding anything?

Did you watch the documentary?
David Cole is a Jew, a very bright and courageous one at that, he had to go into hiding shortly after the making of this film because of how many death threats he received.
He knowingly put his life on the line for what he firmly believed to be the truth, he wasn’t trying to excuse himself from anything.

I addressed your point, if any people are guilty of playing the victim card to advance their agenda, it’s yours, they’re masters at it.

Perverse German initiatives?

Trump is just another Bush, Obama or Clinton.
If you’re still falling for the left-right paradigm, then we’ve got nothing to talk about.

The Rothschilds are the most wealthiest family in all of modern western civilization and a handful of Jews own a majority of banks, corporations, places of finance, Hollywood, or media news platforms. This isn’t scapegoating, it’s a matter of fact and public record. :sunglasses:

I could give two shits less about the crucified Hebrew or Judean known as Jesus. I applaud the ancient Romans for crucifying him.

For Promethean. :sunglasses:

And here you are hoping the current Roman Empire will fall. They killed Jesus because he stood outside parasitic intrumentalism - the heart of the Roman enterprise, which set it apart from, for example, Greece. I’m not a fan of many of Jesus ideas, but they killed him because he potentially would undermine the insect-like thinking that right now is putting all of us in jeopardy. Jesus made errors that you might have made, look at your own evolution through ideas in the last 10 years. This was 2000 years ago. He reacted to the then current abuses, through the filter of his religion, and tried to destroy what was killing us. In doing this he made serious errors and caused new problems. But the force you just applauded is still around and if you ever got any power at all, they would turn their insect tricks on you. Yet, you sit here applauding…

and spending pages hating Jews, who are just another set of people used and abused by the insects.

You are playing into Rome’s hands.

zero: marx doesn’t mean there is something intrinsically ‘evil’ about the jew, but that the very worst of capitalism has materialized within the culture of the jew. hence, the mistake is made; capitalism is a jewish construct. while in realty, jewishness is a capitalist construct. or rather, you must first have a culture bound and committed to a belief in their own exclusiveness before capitalism can be utilized to empower them. that process of empowerment then becomes an appropriation of capitalism’s power to enrich an exclusive group… which they happen to be. see the difference? if prior to industrialization, judaism were abolished, we’d not have this problem. but that abolishment must come much later if at all (i have faith that it will within the next few centuries. islam and christianty included. polytheisms and paganisms perhaps not, but they are harmless forces). … -question/