Liars, Leakers, and Liberals

Liars, Leakers, and Liberals

Judge Jeanine Pirro wrote a book titled Liars, Leakers, and Liberals in which she discusses the extreme degree of corruption that has recently defined the liberal party in the US. I am wondering about something even more fundamental than the common trend toward corruption.

Why do people want to be lied to? Do you want to be lied to? Do you want political corruption throughout?

I am thinking that you probably do, but perhaps do not realize it.

I think the word “liberal” has always meant freedom from constraint. The US liberal political party, the “Left”, represents freedom from whatever rules are currently being imposed on society - morality, civility, customs, laws, religion, even reality itself. To be liberal means to resist constraints. And there seems to be degrees of liberal in that some liberals are willing to confined themselves to chosen sets of rules while others resist any kind of obeyance to any restriction. And yet it is the liberal party that demands greater restrictions and government control over what anyone ELSE can freely do - an interesting conflict.

One of the freedoms promoted by liberal politics is the freedom to lie. And of course the very first lie to be promoted is that only the other people are lying. This begins what James Saint called the “obfuscation” hand of social control, the “left hand”. And I imagine that this is what has been given many different names throughout history - “the destroyer”, “the devil”, “Satan”, “Yang”, and probably a hundred others because it is such a fundamental element of social control.

The question as to why people would follow and even worship such a principle is easy to see. It allows freedom for the liar to manipulate others into doing his bidding through misdirection, scapegoating, and false narratives. It is a control thing. But another question arises that seems not so easy to see - why do people want others to lie to them?

By favoring the right to lie, as is very evident in US politics, it is guaranteed that everyone will be lied to. My theory is that people don’t realize that. They don’t think about the fact that allowing their team, their political party, to lie to the public will shortly demand that they each get lied to also and to a blinding degree. They get lied to about different things perhaps, but the door remains open for everyone to lie, so eventually everyone does and no one knows how far away from any real truth it all has drifted.

Why do they want their own party to freely lie? Again my theory is that it merely makes them feel better with the thought they their party is winning more security and ground. People are willing to cheat a little, and sometimes a whole lot, as long as they think that it is helping their cause, especially if they feel strongly about their cause as the US Left clearly does.

So what I’m thinking is that the Left, the liberal (and now openly socialist) party both approves of the general idea of themselves not being constrained to rules of engagement, such as not lying, and also feels comfort with the thought that their team is gaining ground by such willing deceptions. The accepted justification is the willingness to believe that the other team is probably lying too and besides, once their side wins, none of this will matter anyway - “the end justifies the means”.

What they seem to not be thinking about is that such a willingness to participate and condone their own party’s lying leads to a war of lies that leads the entire society into a blinded state of slavery from higher minded players. That is why socialists ,wanting to rule from on high, promote such corruption and lawlessness, “Satanism” - power yielded to them due to all of the lying and corruption going on - the very corruption they promoted.

How often do you sincerely checkout the deceptive efforts of your own party (whether Left or Right)? I see a great deal of obvious, bold face, open and shameless lying from political promoters throughout the US government. They can only get away with it because the people within their own party accept it. They seem to never say, “even though I am on your side, you lied so much that I have to vote for someone else”. That is why Muslims still have a great number of violent terrorists - no one within their religion objects to it.

It seems to me that if you are a liberal, you favor being lied to because you, by the very principles of liberalism, favor and promote the freedom to lie and thus by consequence demand that you get lied to.

Have you ever really, honestly considered any of this? Or do you believe in lying to yourself as well? I’m sure that most people do.

I’m surprised. i guess I am guilty of leaping before I looked. I should have surveyed this board before posting. From the tone and little bit of discussion, I assumed that this board is as it was a decade ago - a flurry of political outrage. Where is the Left wing moral outrage? I feel like I was attempting cardiac defib on a dead horse.

No doubt much of the left is full of shit in its own way, so a better way to understand what leftism is at least attempting to stand for, albeit rather clumsily, is to approach a real Marxist and not some amateur leftist politician.

Sounded like a fair judgments of the liberals
and the conservatives
who get anywhere near the news.

I can’t be outraged by criticism of either of the two sides we are presented as the set of sides.

This retarded bitch just got fired from Fox lol.

Are you referring to her suspension back in April for 2 weeks? I don’t see where she has been fired.

This seems to be a good example.

Because Mr Reasonable doesn’t like Pirro, he feels free to lie about her. Mr Reasonable might not think of himself as a liberal and in general he might not be. Liberals lie by policy, not merely carelessness.

He probably doesn’t care if what he says is true or not. He might justify it to himself by saying “I don’t know that the rumor is a lie, so it might be true, so why not say it and if it isn’t true, who cares.” He liberates himself from any social obligation to be truthful or honest. And if she ended up being actually harmed by his lie, he would probably feel quite proud.

Has he ever thought about the fact that he promotes being lied to merely by him freely lying himself? Probably not. “It’s okay to lie about bad people” - the typical liberal social justice mantra, along with “it’s okay to be viciously, hatefully violent against bad people (antifa). If they die, that’s great”.

The question is whether any of them really think about how their actions end up creating a miserable place for themselves to live along with everyone else. I suspect that they stop thinking just short of that in order to maintain their self-righteous indignation and self image of being one of the better people.

Is it just that they are too simple minded to see themselves? I suspect so.