Balkanization and Civil War Loom

In the US, studies have shown the public is growing more polarized.
Before, the average republican and democrat held many liberal and conservative positions respectively, but now, the average republican and democrat hold few, if any liberal and conservative positions, respectively.

Of course republicans and dems always had their disagreements (many of them manufactured and deliberately exaggerated by the deep state), in fact they couldn’t exist as independent entities without them, but now they’re going so far as to accuse each other of treason.
As far as I can remember, this is mostly unprecedented in my lifetime.

I think the internet is partly responsible, it’s exposing people to fringe ideas, ideals and ideologues on both the right, and left, especially the right, as right wing extremists have been far more marginalized by government, the MSM and political correctness than left wing extremists.

Social media helped Trump get elected, which’s of course why the deep state is now clamping down on it as millions flee social media giants facebook, google, twitter, youtube and so on in search of freer social media platforms such as Bitchute.
In a sense Trump is the first 21st century president (ironically given how old he is and how he wants to take the US back to the mid 20th century in some respects) because of his reliance on social media, populism and antipathy to the MSM.

But the internet alone can’t account for political polarization, it’s merely supplying us with alt-think, it isn’t creating the demand, but both growing income inequality on the one hand, and growing hostility to whites, men and Christians on the other, is.
Increasingly desperate times call for radical departures in trajectory.

The rise of domestic terrorism (first Islamic and then white nationalist as a reaction), a series of disastrous excursions and military blunders in west Asia culminating in the migrant crisis in the EU, and the US’s own migrant crisis are also major factors.
Globalization, the uprooting and displacement of races and cultures has never before occurred on such a vast scale as now.
We’re entering uncharted waters, so it should come as no surprise if our ship capsizes.

WASPs in the Anglosphere were ultimately able to absorb millions of Irish, Italians, Poles, Jews and so on after some tumult, but it still remains to be seen whether Europeans will be able, and willing to absorb millions of non-Europeans.
The people are divided at best and at worst, vehemently opposed to mass migration (hence populism, what the people believe is in their best interests as opposed to what the elite says), especially illegal immigration and refugees from the 3rd world.

Mass migration from the 3rd world is not a grassroots, organic, spontaneous phenomenon, it’s been orchestrated, this is what the deep state has decided is in our, or rather their best interests.
Now they’re facing an increasingly vocal and mostly grassroots, as far as I can tell, uprising.

It’s not just in the US, but in the EU and even Brazil (see Jair Bolsonaro) alt right parties headed by Nigel Farage in the UK, Marine Le Pen in France, Matteo Salvini in Italy, Viktor Orban in Hungary and PIS in Poland are winning elections, and it’s not just the alt right that’s gaining ground, but to a lesser extent environmentalist parties throughout Europe, so while polarization is growing in one sense, in another politics are diversifying.
Finally liberals and neocons are having to share some of their power with the alt right and others, and of course they resent it.

I just hope the transition to populism, the alt right and whatever else away from liberals and neocons occurs, and occurs relatively peacefully, because let’s face it politics as usual no longer works in the 21st century (it never really did), but the deep state isn’t going to die easily (well it won’t die so much as be driven underground where it’ll undoubtedly undergo cosmetic surgery before it dares rear its ugly head again), this could all very well lead to civil war and the balkanization of the US, the EU and the western world at large.

A civil war, at least in the states, would be very hard to arise. At least, that’s a first reaction. I agree that many of the patterns you are noticing are happening, but civil war? The last civil war in the states was between regions, regions with different customs, cultures, economics and laws. Of course there was a lot of interconnection even then, but nothing like what we have now. Where would the armies assemble? I would say a more likely problem is that the polarization gets worse and there is more sectarian fighting and spots of violence, which ends up justifying more police and potentially military powers, surveillance and control. IOW matching trends caused by the war on drugs and the war on terror, where more and more money and resources adn freedom is given to state control and enforcement.

I’m interested in hearing more about the deep state. Is this a global deep state? What are they trying to accomplish? Who are they? How long have they been an issue? When and how will this traverse from basement conspiracy theorists to a widely known public entity? Fox News has made lots of references to the deep state here in the USA as of late, but no details, just a shadow organization that is pulling strings that are affecting the congress, media, policies/laws, judicial and security aspects of the government from the 9th district circuit courts to the top dogs of the FBI and CIA. Are certain crony capitalists in charge of this mess, like George Soros is purported to be? Illuminati, Bilderbergs, both? I need this spelled out. :-k

Wendy, there is no knowing anything about a deep state. If there were, then it wouldn’t be a deep state any longer. That is the hook of all conspiracy theories: feed fear and paranoia with dark allegations minus peer-reviewed proofs. If there is any deep state, it’s in some bloggers basement. Look at the history of all the debunked conspiracy theories. They all follow the same tired pattern. This isn’t to say that groups and/or individuals seeking power don’t use conspiracy theories but that isn’t a conspiracy, they’re just using the same play book.


These families have slain millions and stolen trillions from us with their bullshit money, bullshit wars, bullshit medicine, bullshit taxes and bullshit compassion for women and minorities.
They have violated our constitutions and trampled on our rights.
They’re poisoning us with chemtrails in the air, fluoride in the water, GMO and not counter, so much as anticulture.

Now are Trump, Farage, Le Pen, Salvini and so forth going to put a stop to all that?
No, I’m not giving them anywhere near that much credit, but at least they seem to be trying to put a stop to some aspects of it.

It’s a long overdue, much needed step in the right direction, and if we continue down this path, if things continue to escalate, if we keep electing increasingly radical, antiestablishment candidates, these families stand to lose everything, trillions upon trillions of dollars, all or much of their power and with it, their stated plan for a new world order.
Many of them may wind up in prison, or executed.

For now, they’re striking back mostly above board, legally, but in time that will change.
eventually they’re going to throw everything at us: assassinations, draconian measures, false flags, martial law, coups…
It may split the populace, and even the military in two, or more warring factions, not so much along democrat/republican lines, but nationalist and populist/globalist and elitist lines.

especially when it comes to anything that has serious implications for politics, science and especially sociology are scams.
They’re nothing without money, and who has all of it?
The government and the billionaires.
The real sociology is being done by the people.
We decide if there are any experts, and who they are with our reason, research, experience, instinct, money and vote.
And we decide who our enemies are, and we will act against them independently of the indoctrination system.
Democracy and individualism are superior to science.
This isn’t a scientific dictatorship, the people individually and collectively are supreme.

Tentative doesn’t think the deep state exists. Gloominary does. Anybody else have an opinion or facts to toss into the pot so we can stir, stir, stir?

It probably doesn’t help that Joker and I are watching the complete X Files series right now. While I don’t think all conspiracy theories are true, one that was true that comes to mind was the stabbing of Julius Augustus Caesar in public by multiple senators on the steps of the government headquarters in Rome. That was a real premeditated conspiracy, so they do happen, but when the media is paid by the conspirators’ purse strings as they may so typically be today, we, the peer reviewing public, remain kept in the dark. Wasn’t the Clinton, DNC Wikileaks emails a peer review into some of what the democrats conspire to do? What about Edward Snowden casting some light on our governments shadowy underbelly, some black ops operations and the spying on citizens and foreign nations. So I cannot so easily dismiss current mentions of the deep state, but I also think that it is a global issue that’s in play too.

Gloominary, what is their end goal? Also, what can citizens do to combat such a far reaching agenda?

I combine most of what a Noam Chomsky says, with most of what an Alex Jones, and a David Duke say.
It’s all of the above.

The IMF, the federal reserve, big oil, big pharma, Monsanto…
The UN, EU, NATO, the G7, G8 and G20…
By and large the military industrial complex and intelligence agencies…
Bilderberg, the Trilaterals, CFR, the Club of Rome.
The MSM, increasingly the social media giants (Facebook, Google, twitter, etcetera), the music and entertainment industry…
The Royals, the Vatican, the ADL, the Israel lobby, Israel
The freemasons, Rosicrucians, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones…

Any activist, bureaucrat, politician, round table or think tank pushing elitism/globalism (altho many are useful idiots, especially ones from poorer backgrounds), they’re all pushing for essentially the same shit: the centralization of power, the political, economic, ethical, intellectual and spiritual, centralization of power.
Many of the billionaire families, especially if they’re involved in elitist/globalist politics/media.

Now some of these entities and individuals have more power than others.
Some of them may’ve started off on the right foot sort of, but got hijacked.

People try to narrow it down to just one or two, but ultimately it’s the families heading these corporations and institutions that stand to gain from the agendas being pushed.
Sometimes they have disagreements, they even go to war with one another just like the mafia, but by and large for now at least they’re on the same page.

I’m not going to get into the more esoteric or metaphysical elements of it either because it’s mostly speculative and not really that important.
The bottom line is they want more power for them and less for us, that’s what matters.

Did you ever catch any interviews by people who were once on the inside of the global conspiracy who broke trust with the bad guys and girls to come forward to tell their stories? This one leaker said that Trump has thrown the deep state’s agenda 20 years off course. Hillary was supposed to keep the USA on course for its destruction into the global chain gang. Other people think Trump is a pawn in the deep state’s game, a useful idiot, who keeps the public distracted from what’s really going on, all the while he’s acting as if he isn’t part of the conspiracy.

But what’s going on? If you poison the people and kill the people then whose left to have power over? Where are ya going to spend your money if a majority of the people are dead?

We differ about our optimism regarding these people and similar ones in other countries, but in the main i agree about what has been going on. There just aren’t enough people, I think, who will see the measures these families, as you put it, will set up, to control things in the ways people who get called conspiracy theorists do (iow not enough people like you and me). More people are catching on, I agree, but not enough to form a real faction.

A split in the military I could imagine, and this could lead to a sort of civil war. But most people would just be trying to survive on the sidelines, not even able to conceptually pick a side, or know whether it was indeed a coup attempt or a retaking over to make things a democracy say.

But, hey, I am not sure. I suppose the rebel military faction might manage to release enough information to make it clear to many what they are doing. Some sort of evidence dump right before full out war.

KT wrote

Which families?

Gloominary refers to them a number of times in his posts above. Basically he is referring to elite families. You could say the Clintons/Bushes are examples, though these are fronts.

Following… will reply later

The weaponization of science:

Me, you, we are the peer review.

We all have the capacity to critically examine, who x, y and z scientists and social theorists are, where they get their funds from, what their agenda may be, whether their experiments really support their conclusions, and share our findings online, and with our friends and neighbors.
We all have the capacity to critically experiment with scientific food, medicine and technology, and share our findings with peers.
And we also have the capacity to critically examine ideas on the fringes of, and outside mainstream academia as well, and assess their merit.

This is what I will call the democratic method.
Public opinion matters, it does play and ought to play, not a, but THE role in determining what is and isn’t true and of value for our civilization.
It shouldn’t be suppressed or molded like some herd of wild beasts, on the contrary it needs to awaken itself to its power.
The self-appointed experts have determined the course of our civilization independently of the people for far, far, FAR too long.
It is time to take our power, ethical, intellectual, spiritual, monetary and military power back from them.
It all belongs to us, this is our language, our culture, our government, our science and technology, our civilization, and we will play an active, leading role in shaping them for eons to come.
It is OURS, the political, economic and scientific elite stole it from us!

Has it ocurred to anyone that the real conspiracy isn’t some over-arching evil collection of elitists? Perhaps, maybe, WE are our own devils? Democracy is the closest form of government by and for the people when it is attended to by the people. I’ll only suggest, but is it possible that democracy worked so well that it allowed complacency to become the rule rather than the exception? When less than 50% of eligible voters actually vote for their representatives, how can democracy work?

We are the devils and we create them by ignoring our basic responsibilities as citizens. We collectively conspire to not become educated, to not spend the time necessary to make democracy work for all. Don’t ask me to go through all the work necessary to become an informed citizen. I’d rather watch reality TV or play video games or blather on social media. Just give a simple answer to complex problems and leave me alone to bitch and moan because the world won’t give me everything I want.

We don’t need conspiracy theories. The devils aren’t out there, they’re in the mirror.

An addendum: A to-the-point quote from Doug Adams Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. The Arthur Dent prayer…

“‘Protect me from knowing what I don’t need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don’t know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.’
There’s another prayer that goes with it that’s very important. … 'Lord, lord, lord. Protect me from the consequences of the above prayer. Amen’
And that’s it. Most of the trouble people get into in life comes from leaving out that last part.”

And there we have the ultimate conspiracy theory…

How can you call something a democracy when anyone running must be supported by many corporations and the finance sector. IOW right off the bat any candidate, to have even a slight chance of winning, must be beholden to one primary interest group. Then we have these large companies/organizations controlling, via revolving door, pr, huge legal fees and lobbying their own oversight. They we have more general lobbying affecting policy. The US is not a democracy, it is an oligarchy.

Rushing out to vote for one of the two approved/ not vetoed candidates industry allows us to vote for is not democracy. But further it is not mutually exclusive to have conspiracy theories that are correct and also contribute to the problems.

Appreciate any input you have.

Trump hasn’t gotten much accomplished, has he?
He’s probably controlled opposition.
I guess at least he’s getting people talking.

I see Trump as a first, small step in the right direction for the US.
Ultimately this isn’t about Trump or any personality, it’s about restoring your national sovereignty and integrity.
Your monetary integrity needs to be restored also, but we know what happens to presidents whenever they try to do that.

If Trump fails to secure the border, I would vote for fringe candidates who promise they will, until one of them does.
Perhaps a Rand Paul would, or a Gary Johnson.

I think they may be poisoning us to reduce the population by about 90-99% within several generations, not to kill every last one of us.
A smaller population is easier to manage, and they only need so many of us to run the machines.