Gender Everything

“Don’t hit a woman.” Women are already the protected, privileged gender. Therefore any “Rights” are redundant. Women, you, enjoy “unspoken rites”. Women have the right to any and everything. Women have unlimited rights. It’s men that are limited.

It describes you.

You control what you believe.

So rape is your best example of when women are “not in control”? I agree. But rape is illegal. So your argument fails. You’re right on this point though. The rare times that males are “in control”, it is illegal, and males take a very high risk to get away with it. The entire system, society, culture, regular males, all protect women’s sexuality, access, and mating-rite, though.

Society revolves around women.

If you had paid attention to my posts, actually read them (which you obviously haven’t, fully), then it is not my obsession with sex that is a ‘problem’ for anybody. Rather it is my obsession for Puritanism, for purity, for piousness, for sexually discrete areas of discourse. If you had bothered to concern yourself with me, actually took interest in my thinking, my rationale, then you should have caught this by now. But you haven’t. So I know you’re ego-centric, typical woman. My interest, focus, “obsession”, is when men and women have mutual goals in mind. Cooperation, to create life, for example. Not merely “by accident”, but with purpose.

You haven’t caught on. So I know you’re bullshitting me, now.

Again, it takes very rare individuals to call women on their bullshit. As you see with Zero_Sum, he goes as far as saying “it’s not all men’s fault”. Most people will easily blame “evil-white-male-patriarchy”. Few will say that women have “some” culpability. But me? I go the furthest. Women have all culpability. Women dominate and control society. Your blamelessness. Your playing the role of victim. Your scape-goating, are all defense mechanism, to protect your (female) privilege.

The privileged gender. Which one is it really?

When innocence bleeds into ignorance of self, obliviousness and oblivion, then those who are protected, privileged, the essential and inner-most members of society, will always be blameless. They (the female gender) can never take responsibility for themselves. Because their sense of self is too protected, too isolated, too enclosed within its own (subjective) “reality”. The idea that they could have ever been responsible for this or that, which they are shown to do time and time again, does not cross their minds, nor does the accusation stick even when most obvious.

Even when you show a woman what she does, and she watches the recording, she still cannot fathom how she could cause this or that.

Her mind is immune to “responsibility”. And so, men must become responsible for her, on her behalf, which only serves to further her privileges and protections, her Rights.

No matter how Reasoned you are to a woman, no matter how simple and reasonable your explanation, the mind of every woman has a flip-switch, a breaker. So even when you show to her, a recording, of how she uses her sex for her own gain, then she will not recognize it nor understand its implication. Her mind is made to ignore her own causes, and her own effects, upon others and the world.

Evolution has set an entirely different course for men and males. Males, the scape-goat gender, the unprivileged gender, must always be accountable in some way. Responsible in some form.

After all, why is the Christian and Islamic “God” male? Why is Jesus Christ male? Why is Atlas male? Why is the weight of the world, of the whole universe, of existence, imposed upon the shoulders of Man?

The answers should be more obvious to you, now…

And you’re projecting. Which one of us does not want to accept responsibility here? All you are doing is blaming everything on women, from the beginning of time, and by your own methods, you’re just like those you accuse.

I am pointing to historical facts and the reasons why women were fighting for legal rights. You simply deny that historically women had unequal status. To you, a woman without legal rights or the ability to be economically independent from a man is equal to a man with all of his legal rights and privileges. This is your equality, and this view is very binary and narrow minded. Men, in general, have a very biased idea of what it’s like to be a woman. Given a choice to be a woman, men would act stereotypically (would be sluts) because they think all women are on a power trip by using their sexual charms. That is a very stereotypical (and wrong) idea of women. This is why when men turn gay, they don’t act like real women, but as a man’s idealized image of one, they just become a one-sided caricature of a woman or a feminine stereotype. Even when men have an opportunity to “be” a woman, like trans women, they get it wrong, because no woman is completely prissy, or fragile, or bitchy, or angelic, as they project it.

This is not a true reality of a woman, and because of that I think that most men cannot really understand what it’s like to be a woman, because they are always projecting something of themselves into that understanding of the female.

The bypassing reasoning for men is to assume that woman, being an emotional and hormonal creature, simply does not, or has no capacity to understand her true nature (men, of course, being the objective experts on it) and proceed to justify installation of patriarchy. But what of the men who “become” women? To me, it just shows how really clueless men are about women. But of course, the men will say that these trans women are really projecting “the true nature” of the female.

If you want to see how men see women, just look at how men project “a woman” through themselves and you’ll get an idea.

Not if the males have their way. In those cases, it is the males that get away with it, as they point to “tradition” or “written word” and come out of it clean: … 22336.html

Nope. I think you’re the one who’s bullshitting, but I think in your case you’re speaking out of your own personal needs and insecurities (and we know where they are).
Also, you compare yourself to everything and call it objectivity, but when another does it and does not agree with you, you call it selfish motive and denial. Admit it, urwrong, you are no righteous saint, and you’re not being objective here.

Big pharma needs to get onboard with this. :wink:

Wow, there are some really mixed up men here spouting off their insecurities and putting the blame on women. These people have never attempted to have a relationship with a woman in which they mutually respect the needs of each other.

The fact is that (you must get away from the celebrities) the average woman is far more adaptive, flexible and will probably cope in situations that men fail in. I have always admired women who have lived in and coped in situations that would have driven men to drink. The birth process has already been mentioned and is something a man can’t even imagine, let alone a miscarriage.

Maybe it is because I have been working in a traditionally woman’s vocation for the last 30 years that I have come to respect and value the differences between me and my colleagues, just as they expect me to bring the male influence into what we do, so too is the feminine touch so very important.

There are always those who cross the line and I know women who are even more masculine than I am, and I know men who behave effeminately. They are, however, not the rule.


Women, when they are allowed to roam free of discussion, do something almost every mammal on earth does. They basically only fuck 2% of the biggest douchbags in the population, and then settle down with some dude. It is actually the biggest crime against humanity that exists. To top it off, women don’t even do this for offspring or evolution, just for the fun of it.

Don’t you just hate it when female wolves choose the douchbag male wolves to fuck before settling down with an alright male and having pups? And of course it even worse with ocelots and those real bitches of the animal kingdom, the prairie dog sluts. They go for the male prairie dog who doesn’t warn the others about raptors.

How do they call it, “locker-room talk”?

Insecure boys, because the natural selection of women tends to instinctively reject about half of men, tend to hit out rather than do something about it. Probably the most contra-productive thing they could do …


(Evil) White Males are responsible for everything, don’t you know this already? Example: Jesus H. Christ. And his dad, God. Responsible for everything. Responsible for the creation of existence. Responsible for you and the clothes you wear. Responsible for Civilization and Humanity. Of course, this is merely hyperbole. Christ and God are echoes of the ‘Atlas’ myth, the Atlas-god. Again, (European) male, responsible for everything.

So yeah, you’re a little whiny cry-baby, woman. Nobody holds you to any high standard. Your expectations, even on this forum, are exceptionally low.

Credit where credit is due. What I am doing is demonstrating the contradictions. Women are responsible for almost nothing, meanwhile, doing and causing so much, including a lot of problems. It’s a “double-standard”. Women claim that males live by double-standards. But yours is worst of them all. The ability to do just about anything you want, and never be responsible for anything.

You missed the part about unspoken rights. Women don’t need “more rights” than the unspoken rights (not hitting women, for example). The very fact that you claim to want or need “more rights” demonstrates your egotism and lust for power, same as any other feminist. You have the world, already, but you want more. You demand more, from men, from me.

My points here are about Limitations. Power and life is finite. There is only so much energy in existence. And women have 99.9% of it. But you want 100%. You want everything +1. The world already revolves around women, yet you want more.

Get up in the morning.
Choose a slut outfit.
Turn down the flirtations of 100 guys.
Eventually pick one of the guys with money & power, safety & security.
Be pampered for the rest of your life.

Wow, the plight of women, very dramatic stuff, privileged gender.

Lol, what are you talking about? Males become gay and faggish because they are emasculated, dominated by males more powerful than them, and so must act feminine as a sublimation, a concession. It’s not an optimal choice in life by any stretch. Emasculation is a form of losing in life. A loser’s position. Somebody who has failed, or given up.

Why do you think transexuals castrate themselves? They’re hoping for a little bit of the female-privilege. Of course, they won’t get it, because they’re just freaks. But that’s the allure of female-privilege. Even (castrated) males want it, a taste of it anyway. Queers and homos act feminine, because they want a piece of that female-privilege. The strategy is to gain the sexual-attraction of an alpha male, and use it to his(her) advantage. The goal of a homo is not to be masculine, not to become masculine, not to compete directly against other men, but to give up on the (male-male inter) competition.

It’s like males who cannot make it into the NFL or any other male-dominated field. They are forced to live as women, among women, as lesser-men. Female privilege.

Point out where I’m wrong so far. Or we’ll all admit to ourselves that I’m right.

Then prove what you’re talking about. Tell everybody here what it means to “become a woman”, as if there were any difficulty involved, or something other than choosing a male to be fucked by.

Where am I wrong so far? Nowhere.

I am being objective.

You are entitled to “your own opinion” insofar as you can actually present “your own” position, and defend it. You haven’t really done so. And the small instances you have, it’s been unconvincing. You haven’t really proved my points wrong. You haven’t demonstrated how women do not have female-privilege.

What’s worse is that you haven’t even touched the part where women are responsible, and causal-agents, in the world. That’s the worst part. It’s damning to your entire “position”. You ought to have mentioned something, by now, as to how women “are responsible” for society in general.

But I know where you would go.

Women are responsible for birthing, for babying, for breeding, for upbringing, children. A woman’s real “responsibility” in life, is through sex. Is through children.

Again, am I wrong???

My arguments may seem harsh, or even cruel. But they’re not. I do admit to, and partially believe in, female-gender. Thus I pull my punches against women. You don’t ever ‘hit’ a woman, as man. But if we are fake boxing, pretending that we’re equal, then you can “love-tap” women. Pretend fight.

Pretend argue.

Pretend that a woman can be philosophical, or a philosopher.

I agree… how dare we (men) ever put the blame on women… for anything?

It’s immoral. It’s just… wrong.


Female-privilege is similar to Judaism and Jewish ideology, Zionism. Basically you’re “free” to do whatever you want, but you’re never blamed for any of it. You can go around and fuck up countries, ruin economies, destroy a nation from the inside-out, and even after all that. You’re innocent. You’re blameless.

It’s a magical quality. It’s a (social) immunity. It’s a very powerful topic and subject. Why aren’t more people discussing this? Why am only I discussing it? Am I one of the only ones who can see it? One of the few who can recognize it?

There are mystical, spiritual, religious components of this. It’s like being an angel, absolute innocence. You can do what you want, fuck around with anybody and anything, and if you are ever seen for what you are, then you’re immediately forgiven. It’s like the God-Hand, descending from Heaven, doing whatever it wants with impunity. Untouchable. All-Powerful. Immaculate.

There’s something simple about it. Simplicity, low intelligence, animal-nature. Oblivious to its own causes and effects on existence. No self-recognition. No accountability.

“Tis a gift to be simple, Tis a gift to be free”

No, to this degree it becomes… sick

If there really are people in this thread saying woman cannot and should not be blamed for anything, well that’s nuts. But is it the case?

A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. John Burroughs

All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him (/her), it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for… reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. Casey Stengel

= ?

(and my parody post about evil female mammals would be in the same category as the second post above. Though with more Implicit than Explicit blame.)

… and I could have reacted better to your post, like :laughing: =D>

In a causal universe, everything is literally everybody else’s fault.

Right from the start, you didn’t choose to whom you were born, where you were born, and what you were given to work with.
Your very first decision will be based on all these factors that were outside of your control and not of your making, meaning the only things you have to base your decision on, including your ability to decide and all your proclivities are not your fault. Your very first decision is thereby not your fault either, and just added to the pile of things that are out of your control and decided for you. Your second decision is in turn based on all these things in exactly the same way, therefore not being up to you, and so on all the way up until today and beyond.

Although, this is necessarily the same for everyone, so it’s not exactly their fault either. So whilst everything is caused by everybody else, nothing is ever really anyone’s fault.

All this tough talk about taking responsibility and this new buzz-phrase of having an “internal locus of control” is all just feel-good wishy-washy nonsense. It’s just marketed to appeal to feelings rather than logic, it’s nice to feel like you’re in control when you physically cannot be. If you dominate someone or some situation, if you think things through, make a good decision - none of this was up to you, it was just determined to be so by things outside of your control, so lucky you. Likewise those who’re reprimanded for not doing this were going to end up doing that whether they wanted to or not - it’s not their fault.