Companies Censoring Speech

Look, let me get this straight, I NEVER and I mean NEVER said I had any confidence in black leaders or black leadership.

What I said was, Interracials are better leaders than blacks and an interracial (such as myself) should be the ruler of africa.

I agree, especially if you promise to provide free relocation to Africa for any dissatisfied, Communist Democrats. :evilfun: They will be freed from hate speech and terrorists.

I will force them to assist the blacks with building, engineering, and other sorts of planning.

…force them with kind words, but of course. :evilfun: :laughing:

It’s not like the technology has been appropriated - these companies are vastly white and are making their own moves to secure the future of their country.

The existence of white people is not promoted by clinging to the symbols of defeated secessionist rebellions. The existence of white people does not hang on its purity or the subjugation of other peoples. It is promoted by creating something of value. Innovating. Enriching culture. Raising others up. Advancing our understanding. Cultivating strength in all good people.

If you want to honor your heritage then don’t stunt yourself with false security and the small wisdom that there is no greater unifying principle than race.

The bonds of people have always gone much deeper than race. You have to be psychologically lame or desperate to fall on race as the sole source of your pride and striving. There are much higher things in this world than reverence of this one recent simplification – a half thing, impure, uneven, that can’t possibly carry the whole weight of a person’s identity. Not only are there more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, there is more in you than can be derived from the white race.

I can think of contexts where… I understand… why this mentality exists, the purpose it serves. But it’s going nowhere, and advances no one. It’s a dead end, and not necessarily because it clings to the wrong assumptions, but because it is myopic and clinging by nature.

If we are agreed on the definitions above as being the normal definitions of racism, racist, and ideology, I’ll continue. But I must continue in my own disagreement of those definitions for I believe that an act or instance of racism is solely an action or behavior and does not occur if not enacted. In other words, my thoughts are not condemnable, my actions are.
So, I’m glad you asked

A physical harm perpetrated through an action that is a traceable cause to effect. An action to circumvent a person from needed food, water, shelter, transportation, income, all the life sustaining and basic amenities, but physical harm must be the consequence of the action and if its deemed psychological harm, it must be debilitating duress, a mental breakdown (I may have more to add or some to detract since I disagree with the definition of racism).
What is someone condemned for: their thoughts, their actions, or the combination? I think this is a very important question to clear up first for a thought, an idea, isn’t a guaranteed action or behavior. I know the liberal left wants the thought police, but we aren’t quite there yet. If an internal murderous thought does not cause an external murder, if my thought that Joe blow should die does not cause Joe Blows literal death, am I a murderous Missy? So my first problem is with the normal definition of racism and racist in that a thought does not constitute an action. Does an inner thought constitute an outward action? Notice how the definition does not address or differentiate this reality between inward and outward, it’s left ambiguous by the left to propel court cases towards a guilty verdict based on the thought police.

My explicitly laid out syllogism starts here…

So without stating that I am a white nationalist, you place a belief system on me as well as your belief system that my belief system is racist. To be a proponent of your white heritage is to be racist?
Yes, it is in your book that is why you aligned me with a white nationalist. If the belief behind your logic is reversed, Carleas is not a proponent of his race when he subscribes a wrongness to pride and equates it with racism and the wrongness. A non-racist white in Carleas’ mind should ignore the continuation of their own race for any portion of whites who are proud to be such are racist…THUS, you are ashamed of being white. You cannot be white in any way that promotes a healthy view of what it means to be white and only white (unless you are half chinese or something else), can you? Why does being a proud white equate with only negative things (such as white nationalists and racists) in your mind?

I’ll let you address my discussion so far before it gets any longer. I don’t know if you noticed, but I usually operate in the short and to the point rather than the long, rambling, complex headaches…and this book in the making is definitely a headache.

Scientifically researched differences between races identifying the majority of the race to have specific appearances and abilities is racist? That’s absurd. Of course there are specific differences in appearances and abilities held by the majority of a race, since races are not identical, neither are the individuals in them, and to deny differences is denying reality.

This aspect of racism hails from stereotyping. Since it is unrealistic to address all individuals individually at every juncture in reality, generalizations are made which can be proven wrong when individualized considerations can be accommodated, but the scientific generalization would still apply.

Sure it can be, if these symbols have in the meantime come to also symbolize white nationalism. Either way, we sure as fuck aren’t going to allow leftists to tell us what we can and cannot use.

We’re not cuckservatives you can boss around. Your morality means less than shit to me.

There is no such thing as absolute purity, but you need some standard to preserve the set of traits we call “white”. It does not rely on subjugation of other people necessarily, but it definitely rely on making those other people not a threat to whites, one way or another. And yeah, it can involve subjugating others. I don’t see why whites would be ashamed of that.

It is a shame to be subjugated. It is not a shame to subjugate your enemy.

Oh, I agree there are greater unifying principles than race.
Nationality is one.
Regional identity within a nation is even greater than nationality.
Identity with your greater tribe (city/village) is greater than regional identity.
Identity with your immediate tribe (next-door neighbors) is greater than greater tribe identity.
Identity with your blood - fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, nephews, nieces, grandparents, and so on, is the greatest.

But surely you weren’t suggesting that we should go in the other direction and consider humanity more important than race? Because if we apply that logic consistently, surely you see what kind of weird absurdities it would lead to.

Actually, that’s where you’re wrong. All other factors equal, groups which favor their own race will win out in conflict against groups which don’t favor their own race. It is that kind of mentality which will survive, by definition.

Those who don’t favor their own kind, are the ones who will be exterminated. They are the dead ends.

Is hoping that the President of the United States of America gets assassinated unacceptable speech in your opinion Wendy

Yes, it’s offensive but its free speech even if offensive.

I have some concern that the idea isn’t well enough defined for me to know what I’d be debating. What is the full proposition (e.g. are you claiming that it’s a moral or a pragmatic good? That it’s an obligation or merely acceptable? That it’s something that all people should accept, or only white Europeans? That it’s always been true, has ever been true, or is true now?)? And what do you mean by “white European separatism”? Are you saying white Europeans should individually choose to surround themselves with other white Europeans, or that they should seize the tools of the state to deprive non-white Europeans of rights and expel them from some (specific?) white European geographic or political space?

Create a thread in the Challenges section, and we’ll see if there’s anything interesting to debate.

I bet righty-on-righty violence is through the roof!

Which is to say, there’s a million criteria on which we can label people, and most of them don’t have any explanatory value to any given observation. If you control for economics, black-on-black violence is revealed to be just poor-on-poor violence: blackness doesn’t explain the observation after you factor in other variables. Human-on-human violence, english-speaker-on-english-speaker violence, urban-resident-on-urban-resident violence, etc. Why would the media report any variable that explains nothing? Far from being racist, it’s a rare statistical triumph.

If you don’t agree with the definitions you provided, it sounds a lot like we aren’t agreed on the definitions you provide…

So, it seems like you want to say that only actions can be racist. If that’s so, then by definition no belief can be racist, and on that basis is white nationalism not racist. Am I reading that right? That’s a pretty boring claim, isn’t it. Do you agree that acting on white nationalist beliefs is racist? If not, then you’re making a distinction that only muddies the water and doesn’t get at whether and why white nationalism is racist.

Can an action be racist or not racist based on the motivation for it? (I say yes) Can a belief that has a strong tendency to racist action be racist? Take a case where someone is shooting randomly towards a crowd of black people because they are black people, but happens to miss. Surely that’s racist, despite there being no “physical harm perpetrated through an action that is a traceable cause to effect.”

I suggest we table the second half of this till we get a little more clarity on what it would even mean for white nationalism to be racist.

Sounds from this like white nationalism stands on a slippery slope to incest.


You are missing my points and it seems to be on purpose. You probably need more time to address the other issues you have with being white.

I agree that its a normal or typical definition, but instead of addressing that first you wish to couch that question of mine (to avoid the issues found within it is my guess).

Also, what is the difference between racism and a hate crime based on race?

Why don’t you give me your version of a typical definition of racism? Then we’ll go from there.

I am saying that it is acceptable and inevitable that white Europeans will eventually form their own sovereign territorial lands separate from everybody else. There is a variety of ways this can take place. Some certainly more ideal than others.

What would you care to debate?

How are they going to be able to do that? Then where?

Unfortunately a White ethnostate, if it were to emerge today, would not achieve the level of inbreeding which created through many generations the kinds of people who flew to the moon and dominated the globe. It wouldn’t happen because of modern technology and the level of urbanisation.
Outbreeding destroys distinctive qualities, both adaptive and maladaptive.
The way upwards is being discriminative and selective pressure.

The liberal is such an emerging distinctive breed and it tends to be inbred, naturally, but since I don’t see that as something negative per se you will believe me when I say this is not meant as an insult.

Wendy, if I am missing your point, please chalk it up to a deficit in my ability rather than my good faith.

There was another thread discussing the meaning of ‘racism’ where I flesh out some of the nuance, but for present purposes, I’ll say it this way: racism is treating people as members of a race first and as individuals second. “Treating people” can including mere thought (though I don’t suppose there’s such a thing as a thought that does not affect action), can include adopting ideologies that require or entail “treating people”, etc.

Note also, as I say in that thread, I don’t think racism is necessarily a moral failing, though it often is.

That definition tracks the definitions you provided (but with which you disagree), since treating someone as a member of a race first means prejudging them or discriminating against them. I disagree that racism requires a belief that “ones own race is superior”; a black person who discriminates against other black people in favor of white people seems pretty clearly racist to me.

Inevitable? On what time scale? Will the whole world eventually sort by race (despite a well-established history of racially distinct populations mixing)?

IYO, there is currently pretty strong assortative mating in western cultures, i.e. exactly the kind of “discriminative and selective pressure” you’re describing, it’s just not based on race so much as wealth and educational attainment.

And all the unemployed white men and those unable to go to college with a historic low of white males attending college, how do you figure that in your extrapolations? What happens next with a large population of disenfranchised individuals? I don’t think you have thought much of any of this out clearly.

Also, what happens when an indigenous population that is hated, targeted, or vilified becomes the next ethnic minority? You will have to do better in your points being addressed to me as I am not your average ILP poster you’re already acquainted with. The United States is one economic collapse away from total social chaos.

I am unable to meet everyone individually…what now? 99.999% are not treated as anything but passerbys.

If noticing difference means treating somebody realistically based on differences, then I do treat people realistically, but not based on their race first, but on their sexual gender (not their make believe sex gender), then physical dispositions which includes all other outward appearances (height, weight, race, facial expression, voice, gestures, clothing, etc.).

If I do meet them individually that is placed against all the other data that has accumulated and their nature is finally weighed on a personal level before I render my decision about who they may be.

You make no observations about people in groups and treat those people realistically from your observations? I know you do since you pegged me erroneously as apart of the white nationalist supremacists terrorist or are your powers of judgement unable to discern a more personal side to my nature from all (and it’s a lot of sharing) that I’ve revealed on ILP.

If I do not meet them on an individual level then they are realistically categorized based on my observations from a distance. Sorry, gender first…height, weight, then race down the line.

As for how I treat people…in groups they are treated according to their behaviors, not their skin color, but there are behaviors which trigger my discrimination often exhibited by groups of alike individuals.

So if I meet you individually, you will be recognized as an individual. If I am witness to you in a group exhibiting group behaviors, then you will be judged as part of that group. I act according to the behaviors exhibited, but many negative interactions with groups and individuals who share the same categories of identity can spawn prejudices.

I don’t simply see colored skin and automatically treat them poorly based on their skin color.

How so?

Otto, you still haven’t indicated what time scale you’re talking about. If you had said at any time in the past few millennia that any geographic area would become more racially homogeneous, you would have been wrong. The trend for basically all of recorded history across all the world has been towards greater diversity. That doesn’t mean that going forward that trend will continue, but that is clearly the baseline against which we’re making our predictions.

And when we’re making those predictions, it’s a poor methodology to look at trends that have been visible for only at most the past few decades (college enrollment), and are only tangentially related to what we actually want to predict (mass movements to create a race-based political and geographic entity). The more established trend, the trend in the variable we’re actually discussing, is towards more diversity.

This isn’t about you, it’s about white nationalism and whether it’s racist. Since you’ve denied being a white nationalist, what you do is not even a data point in that discussion.

Similar to points I made in the other thread about racism, I don’t think it’s accurate to describe what is happening as “treating [people] realistically based on differences”. People don’t use double blind studies or other rigorous methods for coming to their beliefs about what differences exist or how they express themselves. Rather, they rely on media depictions, oral histories, anecdotal evidence, etc. Moreover, when people aren’t using any rigor, they are bad statisticians, and they fail to take into account non-biology differences when they stereotype around things like race and gender. They rely on race and gender in particular because of their salience, not because of any demonstrated explanatory value.

Treating someone “realistically” requires a rigorous investigation of reality, not just relying on whatever ill-supported opinion forms after watching Shaft.

The ever decreasing circles of care down to “identity with blood”, combined with the obsession with genetic ‘purity’, seems to point toward keeping it in the family.