Anger at Muslims, and non-violent resistance

Another attack, this time apparently by someone trying to kill Muslims. … e-injured/

This will keep happening until European politicians and law enforcement start taking Islamic attacks against Europeans seriously. They cover up the rapes, make excuses for the attackers and admonish European people to be “tolerant” of the carnage and violent ideology that drives radical Muslims to kill them.

Attacks like this are terrible, but will keep happening as long as European nations continue under the guise of Orwellian “tolerance” to refuse to take the assault, harassment, rape and murder of their own people seriously.

I’m tempted to say that the leaders of Europe are hoping these sort of attacks will happen. They’re trying to divide and conquer, to incite anger and fear and hatred on both sides in order to pit violence against violence as an excuse to institute more draconian police state regimes that expand their own power and control.

Clearly the European leaders have zero interest in addressing the real problems or protecting their own citizens. The “elites” are deliberately pushing European people into more radical positions. So ask yourself what they have to gain from that.

Never give into violence. But also never stop fighting for yourself, your children, your country, your culture and your future. Fight with your speech, with your arguments and with your votes. Remember MLK Jr and how he understood that resorting to violence only invalidates your own cause.

We also need to remember the power of non-violent resistance and civil disobedience. These tactics change the world, because they set you firmly on the side of moral right. I can imagine someone standing in front of a mosque with a sign asking Muslims to reject violence and hatred of the west, that would be wonderful non-violent resistance. Or stand in front of Parliment with a sign asking politicians to stop ignoring assaults and rapes of girls by migrants. Make sure someone is filming you too, so that when Muslims start attacking you or when the police haul you away for “hate speech” everyone can see exactly from where the violence comes.

Look at Jordan Peterson and his non-violent resistance and civil disobedience, he simply says “I refuse to use those words, period”. That’s it. And that simple act has spread his arguments and his message across the entire planet.

it is clear that Murkhole and her counterpart presiding over London have no aim besides causing war.
This van-attack, fuck it, this terrorist attack against a mosque, this is what they have been pushing for.

I wouldnt be surprised if they set it up, but they wouldnt have had to. All ideas that killing is something one might want to avoid have been invalidated by these goobermints. Murkhole and Londons mayors message has been: “killing one another is civil behavior”. That message has taken hold of the non-islamic population as well now, at least in England.

The biggest problem with Islam, is complacent and passive people like you, telling those who are murdered, raped, and victimized to “not retaliate”.

Which side are you on???

It is utter madness, yes. These politicians are inhuman garbage-filth, and the people of Europe need to clean house with their elections and get some real human beings in there, while they still can.

Real human beings in Euro governments… wow thats a thought.
It would be supremely nice.

I had introduced a thread ‘Do Not Bash Muslims’ for they [the Muslims] are not primarily at faults.

But what had happened in Finsbury Park was expected to happen until the proximate root cause of this issue is dealt with.

The fundamentals are this;

  1. DNA wise ALL humans has the potential to commit evil [as defined] and violence.
  2. 20% [best guess] of ALL humans are born with an active evil tendency.
  3. This 20% of evil prone are easily triggered by evil and violent elements.

The saying is ‘evil & violence will breed more evil & violence.’ This will go on indefinitely.
Thus the evil and violence committed by evil prone Muslims in principle will definitely trigger the evil prone [born] non-Muslims to commit evil and violence in retaliation against Muslims.

The solution to stop the cycle of evils and violence is to stop it at its roots.
From the above the two critical roots are;

  1. The 20% of evil prone who are born naturally
  2. The evil and violent element that trigger evil and violence.

At present we cannot tweak the DNA and other biological matters within the human brain to prevent evils and violence.
So the most effective ways is to deal with the evil and violent elements.

In this particle cycle of violence, the proximate root cause is the loads of evil and violent elements from Islam, i.e. in the Quran [& Ahadith].
The authorities must put a leash on the practices of Islam to prevent its evil elements [the proximate root cause] inspiring its vulnerable 20% of evil prone Muslims to commit evil and violence.

“non-violent resistance”

Nonsense like that only works if the other party already buys into your morality, or if there is some third, VIOLENT party (police/military) you can cry to like a victim when Muslims try to deal with your annoying presence near the mosque.

It makes about as much sense as protesting something by starving yourself. Only makes sense if the other already buys into your morality where you have value. Otherwise you’re just doing their job for them by weakening/killing yourself.



Yeah and I guess all groups of humans have the same propensity towards violence, right? A black male is just as likely to be violent as an Asian female and all possible differences are just down to culture, right?

Biology - average differences in testosterone levels, impulse control, intelligence, etc. just doesn’t matter, right?

And where does culture appear from? Either from nowhere, or in case of minorities and the “oppressed”, evil whitey intentionally designed a culture to make otherwise non-violent peoples, violent.

Evil whitey is so powerful, that even African people which aren’t in his control, are violent as hell. That is the extent of influence of evil whitey.

20% of human are naturally born with an active evil tendencies and they are influenced by all sorts of reasons, biology, social, cultural, race, parenting, gender, politics, the media, economics, Religion, etc. to commit evil and violence.

Note to topic of this OP, I mentioned,

Correction: should be ‘particular’ not ‘particle.’

  1. In the Quran, the core of Islam, Muslims are exhorted in some verses by Allah to fight [& kill] non-Muslims upon some vague reasons.
  2. So, SOME evil prone Muslims did kill non-Muslims to please Allah.
  3. In this case one evil prone non-Muslim retaliated and killed Muslims.

The killer stated he wanted to ‘kill all Muslims’. This is likely in retaliations to the many killings of innocent non-Muslilms in the recent months by SOME evil prone Muslims.

The killer obviously has some degree of mental problem, lack of impulse control, etc, but the critical solution in this case is thus to trace to the root causes, i.e. evil laden verses in the Quran. If we get rid of these verses, evil prone Muslims will not be inspired by such evil laden verses.

If the authority blame the killer as having a mental problem, lack of impulse control, cultural, race, testosterone levels, etc, then the real proximate cause [Islam and its evil] will not be highlighted for attention and focus. Unfortunately as in the past, the authority will not be able to trace to the proximate root, i.e. Islam [in part] and this cycle of violence will continue as expected.

The enemies have breached the walls of the city. They’re inside. The guards are being slaughtered systematically. Most of the royalty, nobles, and merchants have already fled the city, or are in the process of fleeing. Most of the populace, however, doesn’t have the means, the money, the power to stop whats happening. That’s when the invaders burst into the front door of your home. Father’s already dead, was a guard on the wall. Now the mother is huddled in the corner of her home, next to her daughter and son.

The son, brave as he is, grabs a stick and yells at the three invading men to get away! That is your “non-violent resistance”. He is punched and slammed against the wall. You know what happens to the mother and daughter next.

By the time the war comes to those preaching “non-violent resistance”, it’s already far, far too late to make a difference.

It’s not too late. Most Europeans are not speaking out. They are not resisting at all. That is the true problem.

A single act of non-violent resistance can change the entire trajectory of a society. Europeans need some heroes.

[edit] what is non violent resistance in practice?

Are you implying the enemies [humans beings] should be exterminated immediately?

I am not suggesting “non-violence resistance” like what Ghandi did.

My proposals is to understand the proximate root cause of the problem which is the evil elements of Islam as in the Quran and Ahadith, i.e. the ideology.
We must be very aggressive in exposing the evil part of the ideology and getting rid of them or the whole of the ideology if necessary.

Like Nazism, the solution was not to kill the majority Germans then.
The focus should be on the ideology and its founder and not the followers.
The founder in this case, Muhammad, is dead and long gone since 632 AD, therefore, the effective solution is on the ideology. The ideology of Islam is grounded on the Quran so the battle ground is an ideological one and not physical.

As present with terrorism and Islamic-based evils, the biggest problem [hindrance] is the inability of the majority and authority to understand and recognize the proximate root causes [as I had presented here] of the terrible evils and violence by SOME evil prone Muslims.

People will just disagree that it is evil.
Evil is a matter of taste.
Tastes are largely bred.

For what actual, real life reason, do you believe that the European Media, thus the politicians, strive to deceive Europeans into accepting obviously intentionally injected Muslims into their homeland?

I use the term ‘evil’ [as defined] regularly. Evil is a very loose term. It may have had a greater religious connotation in the past but ‘evil’ is basically opposite of ‘good’.
What was accepted as opposite to ‘good’ used to be ‘bad,’ worst, abominable, and the likes. However at present there are human acts that are far beyond what is bad, where ‘evil’ would be a better term.

This is a Philosophy Forum. The term ‘evil’ is now well recognized and used commonly within the philosophical [and others like psychology, neuroscience, etc.] community. For example it would be odd to label ‘genocide’ within Philosophy of Morality as bad, abominable, and the likes where the term ‘evil’ would be most appropriate.

Evil as defined is any act or state of mind [within context] that has a net negative impact to the well being of the individual[s] and therefrom the collective.
What is ‘evil’ stretches across a continuum from low [petty crimes] to high [genocides and mass rapes].
Obviously for a simple theft case, we would not term it evil. However when it is taken within a continuum of immoral acts then a theft case would be classified as evil of low degree relative to other higher degree evils.

Thus it is very appropriate to state Islam [represented by the Quran] contains a mother load of evils [of various degrees], therefore very malignant.

No need for “evil”, religions are just stupid. And Islam is the stupidest of them all. Even that weird elephant-head god thing in Hindu isn’t nearly as ridiculous.
