Bernie supporter programmed with propaganda goes postal

More good times from the left. Bernie supporter and raving anti-Trumper decides to kill as many Republicans as possible because as everyone knows the Republicans are Satan Incarnate and Trump is obviously Hitler 2.0. That’s the message broadcast 24/7 on MSNBC, CNN, WaPo, NYT, Salon, HuffPost and any number of other state propaganda machines.

So not really surprising that some of the crazies on the loonie left actually take it all seriously and start firing. How many of these shooters have been leftists now? Quite a lot. How many acts of violence by Antifa and other leftist terrorist organizations? Too many to count. I thought we were past the age of radical left-wing terrorism, supposedly we got over that in the 70s-80s but I guess it’s back now. The DFL has literally no message and no agenda and has gone totally bonkers by losing and refusing to admit they lost… so I guess they’re eager to bring back the good old days of the Red Army Faction and the SLA.

Here’s a particularly good analysis of the present situation for those of you who still don’t know what’s up, and quite entertaining anyway for those of you who already stopped taking the blue pills.


So where’s Peter Kommunist, what does he have to say about his fellow Bernie loser and crazy Trump hater? Can’t wait to hear these loonies start on gun control now. One of THEIR OWN used a gun and the only reason it wasn’t a massacre is because the police had their own guns and took him out.

I’d say it’s a perfect example of why you want the good guys to be armed.

I’ve seen it a hundred times on a hundred forums. They ignore it as if nobody else will pick up on the issue. They will use this time to come up with a new mental gymnastics routine and do a back-flip with their psyches to avoid breaking their coloured glasses. Then once another poster calls them out (your previous post) they will trot into the thread and give some tired lame-o excuse like " I wasn’t avoiding the thread; unlike X I have a life outside of these forums" often followed by a wall of poorly formatted, almost unintelligible nonsense (something Peter is already known for) that they have been writing for the past X days but want you to think that they just got to the thread and wrote the reply; you know, even though they normally post 50x a day they conveniently find that “life outside the forums”.

The wall of text will proceed to first lecture the previous poster’s audacity for noticing reality and challenging their sacred cows. It will describe how either a)the issue is a non-issue, b)you are mean/racist/sexist/*ist for bringing up the issue, c)You are “oversimplifying” the issue or d)they will deflect, ad hom, strawman, scapegoat or any number of other tactics to try and twist the situation or knock the conversation off-track and of course all of this is usually followed by a disqualifying statement like “they weren’t the ‘tru’ XYZ anyways” and just for icing on top will often leave it off with a complete reversal of all of the previous by making some weak justification for the violent act like “if Trump keeps X then Y will happen”. And just for zazz some of them will then obliterate any semblance of credibility they may have had by signing off with something like “BLACK LIVES MATTER!” or “TURTLE ISLAND!” (though Peter usually at least avoids this one).

Of course, on the off chance a post like this one appears in the thread they will usually reply with some smart-arsed one-liner designed to ridicule the poster for noticing the peurile and facile trend or pick out a buzzword from the post to use as a weapon and take the attention away from them.


On topic, the usual reason to call the police is to bring armed and potentially violent people to your aid. The whole reason you call them to “make you safe” is because they have guns and other weapons and are allowed to use force. It is mind blowing that people would want to strip themselves and others of this ability out of some uninformed or deluded desire to make themselves safe against evil or untrustworthy individuals and objects, yet understand this basic reality and would be the first to try to use the jackboots against you. Projection 101.

^ good analysis.

As my computer is in shop for some repairs, I
Only have my iPhone to work with and that never goes well. As soon as my computers comes back
I shall respond. Perhaps later today if it gets fixed in time.



This crazed Democratic gunman seemed to have the American dream (Nice large house on acres of property, retirement age having owned a business, vehicles/recreational vehicles, a wife? family? friends?) so I’m having trouble making any sense of it. It should be illegal for dangerous Democrats to own firearms.

More leftist violence… I mean tolerance.

And the perp? He dindu nuffin’.

Could it have been anything else?

I’ll lay out the real problem: neither the right nor the left has taken responsibility, and by that I mean that Trump and his fans needs to take some responsibility for how Trump campaigned and debated in such a way that, while highly entertaining to us on the “right”, was designed to be deliberately offensive and provocative of the DFL/left side, and the DFL/left/media needs to take responsibility for how it both created the climate of politically correct censorship and shaming of conservatives as well as for how the DFL/left/media have been reacting to Trump’s deliberate offense and provocations.

This is natural process, the left has been over-reaching for 30 years now and has used its power in the social status quo to mock and ridicule average American people most of whom have a natural libertarian or conservative bent, but then this leftist pressure has produced someone like Trump, who actually fights back. If Trump had not been such an “ass” then he would never have gotten elected, and the GOP establishment shares the blame for this fact also. But now we are stuck in a spiral where more offensiveness, insult, personal attacks and dehumanizing of the other side only leads to more of the same from that other side. Back and forth, we are spiraling toward some kind of civil war. It can be averted if even one side takes responsibility and calls things as they are, on the whole, rather than continuing to be stuck in the partisan paradigms.



In general the left has murdered as the only way they know to do politics.

I dont know whoever it was that came up with the idea that the left is compassionate. Its the side of politics that tends to take up arms against civilians before it learns to read.

Left wing armies most often consist of illiterates and children or people barely out of puberty. Isis is a typical left wing type army.

The left has never been peaceful, or made attempts to peace. All the left is, is rage and violence without thought or a sense of human consequence.

Yes this is very true. I think the notion of the compassionate peaceful left arose because the left simply identified “the right” and “capitalism” (under Marx and his insanity of various class warfare schemes) as violent, therefore by simply equation of bad logic that Nietzsche explains quite well, if the right is bad then the left must be good; if the right is violent then the left must be peaceful; if capitalism is bad and violent then socialism/communism must be good and peaceful.

How embarrassing that a human being could actually think in that way.

Back to my point about Trump and his methods and about the current climate of leftist insanity and violence, what did we think would happen when Trump spent a year and a half calling the democrats and their supporters “weak”, “babies”, “cowards”, “liars”, “crooks”, “corrupt”, and making directly offensive comments (or merely implications) about reporters, women, or Mexicans? The thing is that what Trump said is usually true, so it needed to be said, but my problem with it was that he employed a very hyperbolic and personalized tactic that indeed worked well to get him elected but could only deeply insult and offend those on the other side.

Trump’s tactics were indeed close to bullying, and although he was usually careful not to cross that line too much and also what he said was often true (yes Shill is indeed a crook), we can’t ignore the role this tactic played in inciting the left/liberals and the media to push as far as possible toward instability and pure propaganda. This is simply how it is… for every person on the left/media/progressive who will admit Trump was right and do some soul-searching, a thousand others will simply harden even further against him. Emotional attacks in politics have this effect, and Trump’s tactics were highly emotional.

But the other thing is that we do need some bullying, some emotional and “strong man” attitude, and this is what really pisses me off about the SJWs and their crusade to make everything “polite”. America wasn’t made by people who were afraid of a couple mean comments, or afraid of leveling a highly personal and emotional attack now and then. For a human being to be strong enough to manage reality, and we need such people to maintain a free society of responsible individuals, he/she cannot be as thin-skinned as all these highly triggered leftists/liberals of today. So I’m not exactly blaming Trump, but I do wish to point out the various causalities that have brought us to this point.

…Ha, yeah this is precisely it: Trump forced these mild “progressives” and status quo sycophants to encounter the limit of their own triggered-ness. They are indeed responsible now for how they react to being taken to that limit.

To be clear: a “triggered” person is still absolutely responsible for how they react to being “triggered”. Yes it is true that Trump deliberately triggered half of the country, this was part of his tactics and we can see that it worked, he won. But this whole process reveals deeper truths here, and forces a new scope of responsibility upon the triggered folks. Maybe for the first time in their lives they must grapple with what it means to be a human being living in reality.

This same goes for people like Milo and Ben Shapiro, who also deliberately trigger the left/liberals. I am not condoning their sort of tactics of deliberate triggering (I tend to simply be concerned with whether or not what people like Milo, Shapiro, or Trump are saying happens to be true or false), but it certainly has an effect and serves a purpose… the consequences of these tactics can be seen as both good and bad, useful and counter-productive. Perhaps this indicates that a deeper philosophical process is at work.

Its rare to have so much ignorance on display…

as I don’t watch the news, I rarely know what is going on in terms
of this type of violence…I have no idea if this person is a Bernie supporter
or not and to be honest for my purposes it doesn’t matter…

all of this is part of the ongoing demonization of the left that
has been going on for decades…driven by the wealthy types like
the Koch brothers and others of that ilk…

the claim that violence is driven by the left is easily disproven
because of the difference between the left and the right…

the left fights for freedoms and the right fights for security…

security which is why the right needs greater security…
the right is always calling for more police and more military
and putting guns into the hands of the mentally ill and children…

this need, I would say even a mania, shows how the right is driven
by fear and hate and anger… the right feels threaten and being driven
by their fear, demand greater and greater security for themselves…

fear is a great motivator and the right feeling afraid, would arm every person
in the U.S thinking that somehow it would make them feel safer…
and that is the thing… because fear is such a great motivator, no matter what
you do, you will always feel afraid because that is your motivation…
not love, not hope, not kindness, but fear…

the left doesn’t feel that fear… we are driven by different motivations…
we fight for justice and freedom…we fight for something, not just against
something like the right… we say yes, the right says no… look at the
GOP for the last decade and all it has said is no… we even call the GOP,
the party of no, and everyone understands what you mean…

I have pointed out before that even if the right succeeds in killing all the
left in America in some really stupid attempt to create right wing utopia,
it won’t solve a thing because the problem isn’t the left…
we aren’t the ones driven by fear or violence, the right is…

a few years ago, the FBI stated that the greatest threat to America
was not Islamic Terrorist but right wing terrorist like Timothy Mcvay
who tried to blow up an entire building in OKC many years ago, 1995 or 96,
and the FBI is right, the greatest threat to American peace is right wing

the left doesn’t advocate violence, the right does with its gun culture
and threats like 45 when he tried to suggest that someone who is a
second admendment advocate, to you know…to Hilary…
and of course the right jumped on that saying that Clinton deserved it…
thus showing the rights commitment to hate, violence, anger and fear…

I would suggest if you want to make the world a better place, you would
be best served by looking in the mirror… and asking yourself…
is fear and hate and violence really the answer for America?

the thing about fear and hate and violence is that it leaves nothing behind
but more fear and hate and violence… fear and hate and violence only begats
more fear and hate and violence which continues the cycle…

as I must work shortly, I shall continue this later, perhaps tomorrow afternoon…


Peter, the shooter was a Democrat who sought out only Republicans to shoot. Stop with your denial and trying to make the Republicans the guilty party in this case. One of your brethren Democrats used his freedom to try to assassinate people he opposed. Such dishonesty from Democrats on a public forum makes my stomach churn.

LOL. Peter hit a, b, c, d AND most of the toppings. Bonus points.

It wasn’t supposed to be a user’s guide.


The Democrat’s mindset is not funny, it’s a blind hatred for reason and self-responsibility. It’s more perverse, vulgar, and dangerous than Trump has been or will be.

“Trump made me do it! He made me stupid! He made me a liar!” cry the Trump protesters who destroy property, beat people down, and shoot guns to murder.

Oh yeah, so that’s what Antifa does? Because I thought they were roaming gangs of violent criminal thugs, anarchists and… fascists.




Oh the irony. “Peaceful leftists” lol.


Haha. The state of modern leftism.

I’m very tired of hearing about how evil America is for being “racist”, “sexist”, “homophobic”… want to know something, radical leftists? Slavery still exists in the world, only it isn’t in the western nations that you hate so much. Why don’t you direct your animosity and “social justice” toward the real problem places?

"JOHANNESBURG, South Africa – African countries dominate a new global index on slavery, with 38 of the 50 nations where the scourge is at its worst found on the continent. The Global Slavery Index, released Thursday, estimated that nearly 30 million people remain enslaved globally, millions of whom are in Africa.

Mauritania has the poorest record, with some 150,000 people in a population of 3.8 million held captive, many of whom inherited their status from their parents.

Other African countries with particularly high prevalence of slavery are located in West Africa: Benin, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Gabon and Senegal.

West Africa has a somber place in the history of transatlantic slavery as the departure gateway for slaves seized in raiding expeditions before they were shipped to the New World. Today children are trafficked around the region and forced into domestic service, farm labor or sexual exploitation." … a-20131017

Hm, black people in America trained to hate America while in Africa there are literally millions of black people in slavery RIGHT NOW. Hm.

Let’s talk about sexism and homophobia too. What sexism/homophobia do you think exists in the west, really? Ever wonder how life is like for women or gays in other parts of the world? Again, why don’t you direct some “social justice” that way rather than tacitly support places like the Muslim world, where sexism and homophobia are rampant? What does Sharia say about the rights of women and gays? What is actually practiced in Muslim countries (in which, by the way, there is no separation of church and state, i.e. these are theocracies we are taking about)? When is the last time you heard LGBT people standing up for human rights against Sharia? Oh yeah that’s right, they just did in London and were shouted down and called “racist” by a bunch of other LGBT “feminist Muslims” and such waking contradictions.