Toward European Liberation

Macron has just done it. His address to the USA over Trumps decision to not subject his people to a metaphysical fantasy that taxes can alter with deliberate precision the dynamics in the atmosphere, is so unbelievably callous and sick that I have promptly shed my lingering hope that the EU can, in the long run, be turned into something humanly sustainable. It can’t, I see that now. So it must die.

I call on all able people to do their utmost to bring down the EU.

European leadership (a contradiction) has no values. This is not a rhetorical argument, it’s a simple fact.
Observe how they responded to Trumps decision to pull out of their climate-altering-by-taxation-religion: the first thing all of them said, after of course insulting the president with their typically banal arrogance, is ‘Well, uhg, Ill be teudilly phine, Ill just opt for sucking Chinas cock now’.

It’s disturbingly, distastefully easy to reveal the absence of values in EU leadership.
The coming decade as the superstructure further erodes we’ll discover how many actual humans are still left in he territories that we’ll be taking back. I’m betting almost half of the population is still capable of being. All of these actual beings are going to be fighting for this cause.

Get ready.

Haha, yeah… I operate on the assumption that climate change is real and is really being impacted by greenhouse gases, simply because this makes logical sense to me. But of course the proposed solutions are barely even solution by their own standard, while would seek to impose new totalitarian statism upon the entire planet. Ask yourself why North Korea would choose to sign on to the Paris Accord, it certainly isn’t out of some benevolent concern for the environment.

Warming periods in the natural cycle of the atmosphere have been beneficial in human history for many reasons, for example they extended growing seasons for crops and opened up new habitable and agriculturable lands, and also of course are quite good for vegetation in general. CO2 is a food for plants, atmospheric O2 is a poison for them. Higher concentrations of O2 correspond to decreased rates of growth of plants and trees in the world.

But of course global warming still imposes problems on us. A weaker differential between the arctic circle and the rest of the northern hemisphere in terms of temperatures is actually a big problem because it leads to a weakened barrier for super cold arctic air, causing things like polar vortexes and more severe storm activity. So what is the answer? Deindustrialization and taxation are the neoliberal globalist idea, which makes sense only if you want to convert an environmental risk into a human tragedy and horror.

I think we need more technology and more creative thinking outside the box. Carbon capture and recycle methods, for example. Wind and solar are fine too, but we have to remember that fossil fuels are still by far the most efficient means of storing, transporting and using energy. I want more hard mechanics here, like the older cars that had no electronics at all. A solar flare or a hacker taking down a power grid isn’t going to impact an old AMC on the road, but it will certainly impact modern electric vehicles.

Why can’t the answer to the problem of global warming be to increase localism and self-independency rather than, as is proposed now, increasing globalism and self-dependency? Obviously politics has become the center of the environmental debates, which Americans are able to see and respond to accordingly. I feel quite proud that Americans still have this earthy deep instinct that resists the modern political-ideological power grab that is co-opting genuine environmental science and concern.

As for the EU, I’m not a fan.


Sad stuff.

Yes, no one is arguing that the climate isnt changing, or even that CO2 levels correspond to that, though there is so much contradicting data out there, as well as so much historical fluctuation in climatic temperatures that a direct link is certainly not proven. But the point is never about rather/not reducing CO2. It is about the idea that a few unelected bureaucrats should control the entire worlds economy so as to tax it all the way down to lower incomes to ‘protect the earth’.

It is absolutely fine if cities regulate their emissions on a local basis. Better even if grassroot technologies and industries toward ‘clean energy’ were being stimulated rather than suppressed. But to globally tax entire nations claiming that this will be sufficient to reduce temperature by x.y degrees is laughable, and it makes one cynical to see that most people think it is insane to oppose it.

Yes I can’t believe it either, the only explanation is that the power of propaganda now is so massive that it has essentially replaced the thinking capacity of around at least half of the population… replaced it with virtue signaling.

Your arguments on the issue are really good, get right to the core issue. And it is indeed tragic that London and other places in Europe have become what are essentially war zones. Utter madness that the citizens of these nations would sit by and let this happen, sitting around shrugging and defending open borders and Islamization of their cultures while their fellow citizens, men women and children, are being murdered in the street all around them. This is a primary reason I support Le Pen, the immigration and borders issue is #1 for me, as it was also a primary reason that Trump won and Brexit took place.

And no, as you know I’m not racist. Pointing out problems with cultural clashes and with accepting tens of millions of essentially poor, uneducated people from medieval autocratic religious societies isn’t “racism”. This stuff used to be common sense. I don’t hate Muslim people, but I do hate the sort of societies and ideologies they’re usually coming here from.

If Christians were suicide bombing kids because their religion taught them jihad and virgins in heaven for murder… if 25% of Christians wanted a Sharia equivalent politics… then yes I would also be criticizing that too. I’m no fan of any religions.

Well I thank you, it always takes me an emotional effort to address the whole thing because it contradicts what I wish to feel, that it’s a simple matter of idiots not understanding simple truths. It’s slightly more complex as it is made of several factors and none of these factors by themselves is quite enough to spark the outrage that the package in total warrants.

But if we keep things as simple as possible, the general rule must be that low incomes should simply not be taxed for global projects. It’s downright slavery since there is no reciprocity in the decision making, across such a distance.

Much like why the arrow in that paradox you refuted does not pertain to the infinite regress as the scales are too far apart to operate under the same identifier, to function in the same universe.
It is just so sad to think of private family businesses in America, to my heart the most reliable source of human decency in the world, bending under the weight of Brussels-born tax plans. It’s not even tragic, just unnecessarily bleak.

Yes I agree. Imposing such steep taxes upon low and modest incomes is tantamount to slavery, no matter what ends those taxes serve.

Right. I don’t see why this is so hard for that Don guy to grasp. It’s like he isn’t even willing to try at the most minimal level of logical thinking… well he does seem to be connected to academia somehow, so I guess that’s to be expected.

I also agree to the last thing you said in that post… it is both bleak and tragic. What did we fight for in Europe and America if not to never again live under such nonsense? Yet here it is again, being defended by idiot pseudo-intellectuals and quasi-religious irrational virtue signalers alike. How tiring.

To think that generations of Europeans and Americans fought and died only so their progeny can capitulate for fear of being called racist. Maybe if the founding fathers had a crystal ball to see into 2017 they would have just gotten drunk and killed themselves instead. But then again, at least America is slightly less irrational than Europe.

Just had some guy from the U.K. tell me that letting in millions of uneducated third world migrants actually makes your country safer. Yeah… I’m out.

Dear fuck. Dont these “people” just deserve to be “safe” (dead)?
Any cunt that allows religious violence into where children grow up would normally be killed off. Every politician that ever voted for unchecked religious immigration might in a real world be put to death simply to avenge the deaths and rapes they carry direct responsibility for.

It is imperatove that we put the deaths they have caused on their names. We may want to compile lists of mass murderers in government and put pictures of all the corpses they made with their names.

There is a distinct number of mass murdering officials in Europe belonging to parties known for having high profile meetings in sm darkrooms. The Dutch PvdA for example, which no doubt had a hand in Pim Fortuyn getting murdered, made deals with the EU in sm darkrooms. Ad Melkert was the frontman then. Of course all of them are homosexual (repulsed by their biology, fear of procreation) but doubtlessly many of them are childrapists.

Islam is a natural improvement over the Eurocuck and the Europedo, but a reduction from the living European.

It has been war since the politicians began talking down the murder and rape of our children and called the mourning ones racists. They forfeited their right to live then.

But yes, thankfully the US has little of Europes deathliness. Its insanities are far less complacent, far less alike death.

Oh dear lord. I just opened the Washington Post website.

The insanity nearly had me faint. I blacked out for a few moments after seeing six murderously insane headlines in 3 seconds.

It actually prints an article stating that Trump violates the Constitution because he blocked the author on Twitter.

The “human species” definitely stands negated. It is time to secede.

I define myself hereby as “masculine agent of Earth”, “Son of the North Sea” and “Philosopher”.

Ill come up with more terms. I definitely am not of the same species as childrapists and WP journalists.

Dear Fuck.

Read this and try not to die of its ugliness. I am positive that the ‘reasonings’ disayed and represented in this article are every bit as insane and perversely stupid as the worst minds in the Middle Ages or in the darkest holes of the ME.


“Mr Clegg added, in an interview with the BBC’s Today programme, that there was “absolutely no shred of evidence that human rights laws are the reasons why these murderous acts happened in Manchester and London”.”

and its unquestioned printing, warrants the end of the UK.
if shrewdness of stupidity is the final word, there is no path forward.