Occupied France

Yes… a sad day indeed.

If France is decidedly socialist, which seems accurate, that’s no reason to reject Le Pen since she is on the left and wanted to strengthen the state and protect French social systems such as the welfare state. In contrast, Macron is a deregulationist who wants to reduce the size of the state and favors corporate interests.

Now look at this, results from the first election:

And now the results of the runoff second election:

Yeah… does that second one look like the results of a real election, especially in light of the results of the first election?

No fucking way. Macron was illegally given the election by tampering and cheating. Obviously.


Oh my! That’s Lifetime movie material!


What, are they drinking water in Paris?

The Bank Of London owns the Federal Reserve------>The Federal Reserve owns the European Central Bank---->The European Union gets all its funding through the European Central Bank------->France is owned by…?

Wait, what?

Rothschild and affiliates.

Oh… the old fable.

Bravo. I loved the way you summarily dismissed the notion. Very compelling.

Let me guess… You have a dog in that hunt, and I don’t mean the banks.

oh, the even older fable. Im guilty.

Do you know who owns Rothschild and why theyre screwing with the Rockefellers over Trump?

Explain this and then link it to the Bank you credit with that power.

Do your work soldier.

^ why is this stuff in this thread? If you want to explore conspiracy theories that is fine, but please provide evidence and reasons, arguments, and then link those somehow to the French election and its consequences.

Macron doesnt relate to France?

Macron was Rothschild. Rothschild is thus directly relevant to France. This is why I am rather interested in seeing if we can see anything about the Rothschilds that isnt common “knowledge”(fable).

The existence of banking influence on top echelons of politics is not only a long known fact - its what banks have always done - but it is an inevitability per the logics of value - money will seek influence to perpetuate and strengthen itself. Money needs to relate.

Ive constantly seen the Rothschilds as preferable to the Rockefellers. Im not sure this is of interest to anyone else, but it is no theory, just taste, and no conspiracy is presented.

Well as you know, it is very difficult for us regular folk to separate fact from fiction when it comes to these Rothschild conspiracies. Any evidence you have either way would help. I’m not presupposing either for or against any position with respect to that “conspiracy” issue. But I don’t want to discuss it unless people are bringing verifiable facts to the table.

Macron is very bad for France, in my estimation, and I’ve already laid out my reasons why I think this. I’d like to see those reasons critiqued or rebuffed if you’re going to claim the opposite, that you think Macron was a good choice.

Opening the borders, deregulating the public sector, bending knee to Merkel, refusing to mention the horrors of terrorism and the problems of mass migrant immigration in France, and saying French people need to live with terrorism… all of those things I find deplorable. Thus I find Macron deplorable. But again, I’ve laid out my reasons, and I wait for someone to show me how they’re incorrect.

If you support Rothschild elitism then I’m sure you’re aware that you’ll need to make your case for that.

You know what, I give up defending Macron. I just snapped, reading his unfathomably callous words to the US over Trump pulling out of the “climate” atrocity. May Marcons perverse rule read to disaster that leads to the splintering of the EU.

I declare war on the EU. I declare war on the EU in the name of humanity.

“There is no such thing as French culture.” --Macron

You get what you deserve, people of France. This is what you voted for.

White Supremacist: ‘Indeed, France is only interesting in as far as it is “white”. A white Frenchman is culturally equal to a White German and a white Pole. There is no culture, and no nationality. There is only skin color.’

Macron, BLM/Whitesupremacy, its all the same and all leads to the same.

Anyone who uses the terms “white” or “black” to refer to human beings I already know is utterly devoid of reasoning, morality, and sanity.

Yes. There are some subentities in here.
We can conveniently remove all Whitesupremacy/Blacklivesmatter oozage from the set of Beings.
We can see how they don’t atually exist as they never manage to put up a fight, either by reason or by assembling armies; other than a great orchestra of whining, there has never been a whitesupremacy/blacklivesmatter initiative.