Immigration & the Environment

As North Americans, if we’re really, truly serious about protecting our environment, our rain forests, than why’re we allowing overpopulated third world countries to dump their people here?
Instead they should be practicing birth control over there.

Many of these people have a much higher birthrate than us, and the more mouths there are to feed, the more resources must be taken from the planet to feed them.
Most of these people wouldn’t be able to have the ‘high standard of living’ we have here over there, which is why most of them come here in the first place, not because they understand and respect us, our values or way of life.

They’d be forced to live a more austere lifestyle, or cut back on kids over there, and rightfully so, they should live a more austere lifestyle, and cut back on kids, because their resources are dwindling, and very soon ours will follow suit, especially if we keep importing them.
We should all be cutting back, especially the richer among us, and places with high population density/resource shortages.

Furthermore, there aren’t enough jobs to go around, and the more people lined up to take your job, the less bargaining power you have as a worker.
Immigrants aren’t entrepreneurial, they rarely create jobs, they just take existing ones.

All that being said, really I have nothing against immigrants.
But we don’t have a duty to import more of them here, instead we have a right to protect our jobs and a responsibility to protect our environment.

I agree but to achieve that there needs to be an effort to make their countries more hospitable, so then they wont need to come to europe or america.

  • they probably still will come tho, but if the whole world was good to live in then some of us would also move there.

Jk; immigration [american settlers mostly from europe] has been worse for america for sure [the native americans could have existed with their lifestyle endlessly, whereas american/european consumerism has a limited shelf life], so yes, I agree immigration is bad for america. :mrgreen:

Yea, I’m sorry my ancestors came over here to some extent, I wish we got our shit together in Britain and Italy, instead of having to come over here and mess someone else’s shit up.
But just because we ruined things in the past with mass immigration, doesn’t mean we should ruin them now and in the future with even more mass immigration, ruin them for the white people already here, as well as the Native Americans, Blacks, Hispanics, and even Asians already here.
Let’s make the economy more sustainable, like the Native Americans had it, and egalitarian, within reason, instead of continually growing it until the ecosystem which it’s dependent on has been completely destroyed.

Each country has to get its own house in order, we can’t fight other peoples battles, look what happened in Iraq and Syria cause of western, imperialist, interventionist meddling.
If they have a problem with corruption, or whatever the case may be, they need to deal with it on their own terms.

And I don’t want to see the third world overdevelop like we are, the world needs to be rewilded.

I quite agree.
I worry quite a lot about how sustainable society is over here, and it isn’t. you guys are lucky you got vast amounts of land and resources, and yes, you don’t want to go fill it up with immigrants. - not that your own populations are growing and will end up in the same place as us of course, but at least you got time before that happens.

I hate re-wilding but that’s another topic and I don’t want to derail your thread especially after suggesting otherwise lol. I think they need the right kind of development, I noticed how nitrogen pellets are sometimes used to get some green going on in otherwise arid places.

For me the main problem is indeed in population numbers, but even the chinese have given up on their one child policy and I can’t see western nations even suggesting any limits on the amount of children we have. In fact you get extra money for having more children doh.

The west doesn’t seem to need a one child policy, it’s declining on its own naturally, or at least declining without government, if it were’t for immigration.