Has it started?

one possible explanation is, every modern dictatorship has
taken over the media and ALL media is under the control of
the dictatorship… this is the first step…
by simple means and complicated means, the dictatorship silences
the opposition… this is very simple…later the dictatorship
will silence the opposition by other means up to and including
imprisonment and death…if you oppose the order of things…
you will be silenced, one way or another… as I said, it is one possible
explanation and there are other explanations…but we are left to wonder…


I agree, and the weirdness of it is that, random interference may come through someone setting up a paranoiac/conspiratorial atmosphere, as the method by which voulnerables may begin to doubt their very sanity, but remember we live in an age where snooping someone through a microwave is not a huge stretch.

Conway does have security clearance, so let us take her at her word…
we might have electronic devices such as new TV’s, new microwaves, new
refrigerators that in fact, can record us in some fashion…
it is inside the realm of possibility, that at the governments
insistence, manufacturers did put those devices in to track us…
how come we haven’t heard about it? threaten those who do know
with losing their money and spending jail time and those executives
would roll over their own mother given those prospects

in regards to technology, we have to assume that anything is possible
and that this is in fact possible…indeed actually happening…

what is our response?


Thing of it is though, liberals and democrats run the media.

K: when you figure out who Rubert Murdoch is, let me know…


Don’t know if you’ve been out of the cave you’ve been in, but noone takes Fox News seriously anymore, and even Fox News and Channel Fox is becoming liberal in their views, and all the other new channels drip the liberal propoganda and Hillary Koolaid.

The gyrations of proving this or that about media bias, control , fabrication , is part and parcel of factoring in what media moguls already assume, as the quid pro quo of the public overall perceptions.

The fabrications are passed off through myopic lenses of political correctness, manners of reporting with a minimum infliction of collateral damage.

Therefore, the more exposure to fake news is circulated, the less effective such supposed hyperbola will cause the alleged damages that are slung by characters on either side.

It really amounts to the political desensitivisation of the awareness to the differences between facts and fiction in reporting.

If that is the initial ground , then the overall effect will become one of probable creduality versus exact fact.

Below that the idea of ‘developing news’ , changeable from the various points of view of reporting it.

This all capitalizes the notion of whoever controls the media has the control of the masses’ perceptions.

The problem with this is the acute need to monitor, when such manipulation reaches levels where the public will play the same game reversely by pretending to swallow the fabrication, then at a certain intolerable level throw a knock out. This is why Trump is in trouble, because the legislature is far more aware of their constituancies reserve, after all time passes, and they are up for re-election in a year and a half.

But since Trump is certainly aware of this , as well, he is really in no big urgency, and he has the technical machine at his disposal, with which to do the monitoring to his advantage, which may or may not coincide with his own more independent interpretation of his role.

The Flynn a fair may prove a very clever rise for the number of potential leaders is like raising uncertainty to the x th level of trying to identify leaks. Trump did in fact nullifying the practice of restricting the numbers after Nixon’s debacle.

So the predictions of his sustenance by reasons of international collusion on basis of security concerns cleverly developed this scenario probably in an effort to negate all predictable scenario.

He is purposefully dumb by tweeting his heart out as a cover on an additional plane.

Finally the icing is the last possible scenario just heaped by the secretary of defense ,ratcheting up the all options on the table scenario in dealing with the North Koreans.

They have all based covered, it’s so transparent.

Trumps trina get China on board to kill NK regime.
The world cant win without China killing NK.
What will the world give to China. Is the question.

It’s called clever disguise/deflection. What can a bankrupt US offer a China who holds leans on a large part of US capital?

The same from Russia. Minus a credible shadow of a remnant of ideology, the substantive content is easily dismissed because it is merely material competition out of whack.

How could do called friend destroy each other on the imploding battle field coined laissez faire, when political incorrectnedd is ruled by very clever defense attorneys?

In fact in the new market place the adage holds: the best offence is a good defense.

Um, a lot of people do take fox news seriously. Come to Alabama. You’ll meet them all.

Yeah but well you know, they have thousands of nukes, and theyre testing long range missiles, you got to kill em at one point.

hm this guy is smarter (than me )


Sure, there are guys like this who see nothing but patent events, forgetting that yes, underneath the allegations, the charges and counter charges, are mere reflections of he said said.

Sure it’s only Russia, and maybe it’s merely the sign of inexperience on Trump’s part to be sucked into an appearent cover up, but…Nixon also was charged with covering up snooping into the DNC. And he paid a very heavy price, despite all the to do with his vast experience, first as VP under Eisenhower, and then a Prezident in his own right.

The fact that both Nixon and Trump were and is Republicans, seems to garner a view that the Democrativ Principles, were being supported and defended by none other: The DNC. Who else?

Why does Democracy not a function of the economic well being of a country? Why is it that the distinction between human rights and foreign aide, or the sale of up to the date technology-as of very sophisticated jet fighters being overlooked by Trump? Why is he changing the tone toward Russia at this point in reference to the Caucasus, that now Obama’s restrictions on Russia will be upheld, as directed by the Ibama Administration? Now , when such change may lessen the enormous political pressure on him to avoid that which he clearly abhors?

The intelligent guy in the video, you suggesting leaving you behind IA vise, is clearly a naive realist, who wishes to see , or hear or speak no evil against those very same monkeys, who follow the trail of least resistance.

This is why the demand for an independent council is required, and this is why a Nunos can not be allowed to get a meeting with Trump, where no one seeks to find out, who made or approved the meeting in the first place.

If you were to satisfy yourself with the guy in the video’s minimal verbal utterances, you may as well say this: that is fruitless even to inquire, chamberlain like pretend this to be peace in our time, and go play along with whatever may.

But democracy is important to some people, even if it’s muddied in unworthy fake news. The guy is not much, other than, implying that everybody does it so he is no different.

But one thing he seems to forget, but which you did remember, is that Russia is a declawed bear, a vestige of an empire with enormous capacity to inflict harm. This makes both men, one a blundering capitalist, the other a former KGB guy, incredibly dangerous, possessing the ultimate God like power to end life,on earth.

That video is unremarkable in every way, but would perhaps hold up in a speech and communication course. But it doesent fool anybody.

So you support basically a coup. Just because Russia exists. Poetic.

I don’t support or deny the processes which historically have a bad habit of working themselves out, sometimes to the advantage, sometimes to the detriment of the players involved.

I am merely an observer, trying to be impartial. I pointed out, that if, the international collusion has a source which overall is seen by the makers and breakers of desks to be beneficial to the overall state of the world, and if Trump and Putin had a pre arranged understanding with some personal knowledge that they see as necessary to peace, then so be it. But if it is simply a political move based on economic gain of either party, then if uncovered, could present an untenable political situation. I personally have no personal like or dislike for him, and not trying to base my thinking on those types of feelings.

Like a chess game, is there is a structural flaw , then the way things develop would not be conducive to a successful societal-political outlook for him, regardless of mine or any ones feelings.

This is why fiver ups are so bad, because they undermine trust, regardless of what is covered up. Anyway, Trump has a big hurdle to overcome, to have so much baggage to deal with the first hundred days of his presidency.

If he is totally disconnected to this Russian connection, then it may be clear sailing for him from then on.

Analysts point to the latest Trump tweet on Flynn, as evidence that the buck stops with him.(Flynn). But refutation is easy. Why would any man be crazy enough to be examined without immunity? His lawyer very strongly urged him not to testify without congrssional immunity.

Knowing that Congress may appear to defy the president on this, there may never ever be testimony, not the least an open one.

The conclusion is becoming clearer, there is a political collusion between the legislative and the executive to cover the larger Trump-Russia collusion. The picture is probably vastly larger then meets the eye, and the probable truth isperhaps unpalatable to any sensible approbation of democratic process.

Therefore, the center if quickly taking form in the predictable way it is.

As a matter of fact, this process may have been designed beforehand as a way out. The whole idea is just too conspiratorial not to be labeled delusive, but that’s just it, that is exactly Trump’s style.
And why not, after all what has going on in today’s
climate could very well breed such extreme measures.

Spicer is looking more like Goebbels every day , what’s next, the burning down of Congress, or another 9-11 as a distraction? Or deflection, reporters commenting on Spicer’s avoidance techniques commented.

Facts are important.

Sure, and that is the point in denigrating the
difference between so called real and made up facts.
That is exactly how misinformation as a way of controlling both re-presentation of facts, works to mute both the media and the constituency.

It is a very shrewd power grab and that is how it’s done. (For there is little else left),(After the fall of ideology)

First the original complicity-(Trump-Russia) is leaked.
Then the media takes it up. Then congress and the
president are consulted of the need to keep it under wraps, usually for national security purposes. Then there is the next level where a pseudo victim is
selected-(our man Flynn). Then the victim seeks immunity well knowing it will not be given, so he clams up. The intelligence meanwhile is in the dark, and without a doubt, they are used for this purpose.

The buck stops there, and if any traces are still entertained by the left wing, they usually erode over
time. End of story.

Once there was a book written gaining semi popular success among the politically indigent titled "None
Dare call it a conspiracy. But that was a long time
ago. Memory fails quickly.


North Korea is a very good overture because, it is the most credible one. What ultimate position China takes on this issue remains to be seen.