The next generation of "driverless" auto-governance

FYI, he quoted me, from here:

Simple – it’ll be a global government without career bureaucrats/politicians/police etc.

Decisions > taken by internet polling (referendum style), not elected representatives – thus no politicians.
Police > each adult is a police officer of the community
All other office bureaucrats > drawn from the population on a rotating basis (3 months term for each, no scope of corruption).
Most importantly, an egalitarian money system, at the core of the new government, will level the playing field, smashing the trend of wealth accumulation in ever-smaller social pockets…

So politics decided directly by a mob of backwoods backwater idiots…

That is soo much better than a mob of backwoods backwater idiots voting for one moron to control them all… :rolleyes:

This is a horribly thought out plan. Too much to pick apart on my lunch break though.

It is simply anarchy++