the Trumpf coup d'etat continues.....

the real action this weekend was hidden by the muslim ban…
first of all, Bannon was put on the security council and the
joint chefs of staff were taken off… this means that
Bannon has more influence over the security apparatus
of the U.S then the joint chefs of staff… this is a very
troubling sign… secondly, the DHS, homeland security
has refused to obey a sign order from the judge to
prevent them from stopping and detaining the Muslims and
green card holders from coming into this country…
in other words, the rule of law that has sufficed in this country
for over 200 years is gone… Homeland security is no longer
is under judicial jurisdiction which means they can do anything,
without any judicial restraint… the rule of law no longer
is in effect… the WH has taken any mention of the judicial branch
as a third pillar of democracy off their website… it lists the executive
branch and the legislative branch but not the judicial branch as an equal
branch of government…that is a perfect way to undermine democracy
by simply ignoring the judicial branch and pretend it doesn’t exists…
this troubling signs are just the beginning…yep, those e-mails were enough
to prevent Clinton from being president and now we have a president who
is trying to overthrow the entire system of government… congrats…
in less then two weeks, we are in the middle of a constitutional crisis…


and for those who rallied against Obama’s executive orders, Herr trumpf
has signed in little over a week, 17 executive orders… and yet, not
one word of protest over his presidential overreach as the right complained
about with Obama… sad, how the GOP and the right seem to love
party over country…


I’m curious to see where this goes… … 3859267681

K: I’ve said this before but it bears repeating… the only banks in the world who
finance Herr Trumpf was Russian banks as all other banks refused due to his poor credit…
in other words, Putin himself signed off on bank loans to Herr trumpf… this alone bear
an investigation into Herr trumpf finances and his taxes are a good place to start…


Somebody doesn’t know what ‘coup d’etat’ means.

Also, calling it a Muslim ban is pure propaganda, and you should be ashamed to repeated it. You know, if you were anyone else.

Peter, don’t confuse the President with the guy who campaigned on a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.

This president isn’t focused on religion, but danger, that’s why Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia didn’t make the list. Don’t blame the Trump administration for the list either, they passed the buck on that to Obama. If you’re reusing someone else’s work, you certainly can’t be held accountable for the way in which you apply it!

Oh, and the media should keep its mouth shut. Except Breitbart.

Yeah, but it’s not a Muslim ban though. You can spin whatever shit you want, you can talk about what happened in the campaign all you want, none of it changes the fact that this isn’t a Muslim ban. Your partial list of Muslim majority countries that aren’t included is sufficient to prove that. The fact that you included that bit shows that you know, full well, that this is a ban on refugees from ISIS hotspots; nothing more, nothing less.

So now that it’s in the open what you and I both know, why is the deception so important that the left would lie their asses off to push it?

You’re right, it’s not a Muslim ban. But it’s so weird that people would see it that way, coming from Trump.

I found out (after a phone conversation and political discussion with my younger brother) that Jewish people are banned from entering certain countries… but that’s alright?

There are 65 walls and/or fences dividing countries worldwide… but that’s alright?

I’m not a fan of discriminatory selectiveness… which the left are very prone to do, and to be playing such manipulative games at a time when the threat of terror attacks are at an all time high leaves anyone with a higher than average intelligence speechless.

Affected Givernments need to ignore the protestors in the name of national security and common sense.

They didn’t see it that way coming from Trump, they saw it that way coming from CNN, NBC, CBS, and etc. I.e., people called this thing a muslim ban when it wasn’t a muslim ban, because they had a political motivation to do so. It so happens that much of the press shares that motivation.

That is how politics works, you know: each side tries to spin what the other does to make it look bad/dangerous/foolish/whatever.

Trump’s just following through on his campaign promises. There’s still time yet to add to that list.

Yeah, there’s a big list of countries that Israelies can’t enter. Don’t know about Jews. There’s some countries Americans can’t enter, as well. It makes perfect sense. Why would some country that’s constantly on the verge of going to war with Israel (or us, or whomever) let a bunch of that country’s citizens come in? That’s stupid.

Sure. Pakistan and Afghanistan should probably be on it. We’ll see what happens. But don’t let that distract you from the point: the media invented the idea that this is a Muslim Ban because it’s good for the DNC if people think that, and PK lapped it up and regurgitated it here. So far, the score is, Trump is doing what’s best for the country, and the left is either making shit up to be mad about, or hoping he does something to mad about.

Do you know how many foreign-born terrorists there have been in the U.S., their countries of origin, and how many people they have harmed?

K: once you pull your head out of Herr Trumpf ass, you will understand that this is a
a Muslim ban… Rudy 9/11 Gulini has already said it is a Muslim ban, no one in the WH
has denied it being a Muslim ban…if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and has feathers
like a duck, it is a duck…and as far as it being a coup, the signs are getting pretty clear…
if Obama had done this, you would be screaming at the top of your lungs about it…
but as usual for the right, party before country…just like the soviet union and Nazi Germany…
and as far as Herr Trumpf doing what is best for the country… he has no idea what is best for
our country as he works for Putin…


It doesn’t ban the largest population Muslim countries, and it doesn’t ban the largest Arab population countries. It bans 7 countries in which ISIS is a threat, out of 50+ countries with majority Muslim populations. It’s not a muslim ban, you just wish it was because it lets you cry racist and fearmonger.

It doesn’t do any of those things, you’re simply lying your ass off. People from the White House have been out explaining the nature of the ban and that it’s not a Muslim ban all day- not that they should have to explain it, considering how fucking obvious it is. When Obama banned refugees from Iraq in 2011, was that a Muslim ban?

He did, and I didn’t. When Obama banned refugees from Iraq, nobody screamed their heads off, because it was a good idea. Nobody called him racist over it either. And anyway, why in the hell would I or other Republican sbe upset about Obama banning refugees from places like Yemen and Syria and such? We’re all a bunch of racists, remember? Are you even thinking about this shit before you write it?

K: alternative facts are just lies… Herr Trumpf has business interest in those countries
like Saudi Arabia and the larger Muslim countries, so no ban… it has nothing to do with ISIS
and everything to do with a Muslim ban… I don’t know why you just can’t accept this
as Herr Trumpf has made this a central feature of his campaign and now he is just carrying
it out…


Hey Fuse… I do not know those figures, but there’s plenty of bombings from foreign Muslim nationals in Europe at the moment, as well as plenty of rape allegations and group physical assaults in public.

I really don’t see how anyone can argue over border controls in light of the reality of illegal acts/crimes being committed.

My brother was probably referring to Israelis… I guess I assumed that meant Jewish. Australia screens Maoris and other island natives vigorously to ensure that they are not letting criminals run riot, and other countries (like you mentioned regarding America) have screening and no entry practices in place, so it makes me wonder who is behind this propoganda?

Remember the Falklands war? all migration between Argentina and Britain was suspended until the matter was resolved, and there were a few complaints about that, but nothing more.

Okay, but if you’re talking about the reality of crimes committed in U.S., it would be good to know some of the figures.

There has been no clear explanation for why we need this moratorium on travel now nor does the administration seem to have properly coordinated with other agencies essential to its execution. It’s not unreasonable to think that Trump is doing this as a show to satisfy a base who cheered him on when he campaigned on banning Muslims from entering the U.S. It’s not unreasonable to think that Trump would like to get as close as possible to such a ban. Something to keep in mind - a law doesn’t have to explicitly ban a specific religion to be discriminatory.

We’re turning away refugees who see hope for a better life in the U.S., who don’t want to join the ranks of ISIS. To what fate are we leaving them? Among those hit hardest by ISIS and their own government, the Syrian people who seek refuge here, Trump has imposed an indefinite travel ban. For other refugees, a religious test of sorts has been imposed in that members of minority religions in the relevant states (effectively: “non-Muslims”) are to be given priority status. The scope, timing, and unchecked manufacture of this order is not welcome in my opinion.